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Data Node

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Mar 26, 2015 · 19 revisions


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The DATA node

The DATA node is used to temporarily store the result of expressions for use in the rest of the contract definition. The syntax of the data node is as follows:


        type = Vessel
        targetVessel = AllVessels().Where(v => v.IsOrbiting()).Random()


        type = VesselParameterGroup
        vessel = @/targetVessel

Within the DATA node, there are two fields that need to be specified:

Field Description
type The data type for elements within the DATA node. Supports any data type listed on the [[Data Types
<identifier> An identifier that contains the expression. Can be any valid identifier (characters, numbers and underscores), except for names already used by the CONTRACT_TYPE node.

Identifiers created in a DATA node are accessed as if they were a part of the CONTRACT_TYPE node (by referencing them in as @/<identifier>.

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