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IHM Meeting Summary Feb 14 2018

brindakv edited this page Feb 14, 2018 · 1 revision

IHM Meeting Summary Feb 14, 2018

Attended by Ben Webb and Brinda Vallat

  1. Reviews on the manuscript

    • BV will modify the readme page on GitHub
  2. Andrej's suggestion: For each entry in PDB-Dev, it would help if we provide a link from the PDB-Dev page to the zenodo / GitHub page that has the associated scripts and other data.

  3. Representation of the nuclear envelope (used as a restraint in the modeling) in the NPC structure: BW will create an issue on GitHub for the representation of the envelope as well as capturing the different kinds of generic spatial restraints (distances from components of the assembly to axis, plane, surface etc.).

  4. Issue 57: In the NPC modeling, Gle1, Mlp1, Mlp2 and Nup42 were included in the modeling. But these regions were not reliably modeled due to lack of appropriate spatial restraints. It is important to indicate that these regions were modeled (and are part of the structural assembly) but are not included in the output.

  5. There was an extensive email discussion regarding ChimeraX enabling ribbon representations of regions of the model with single-residue beads that have starting structural models used as rigid bodies. In such cases, the same secondary structure information as the starting models can be used for the output models.

  6. Further discussion with HADDOCK team is required to address the requirements for building an API/editor/library of routines that generate data files compliant with the IHM dictionary.

  7. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 1st 2018, at 12:00 PM Eastern time.

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