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Characters Configuration

Ren edited this page Feb 9, 2025 · 10 revisions

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  • characters:
    • min-age: The minimum age characters may be set to. This may be used to, for example, restrict child characters.
    • max-age: The maximum age characters may be set to. Keep in mind if you have any races that may live to extremely old ages in lore, that they should be included in this cap.
    • defaults:
      • name: The default name of a character upon creation.
      • gender: The default gender of a character upon creation. Will be left unset if set to !!null, or a gender that has not been created.
      • age: The default age of a character upon creation.
      • race: The default race of a character upon creation. Will be left unset if set to !!null, or a race that has not been created.
      • description: The default description of a character upon creation. May be a maximum of 1024 characters.
      • dead: The default dead state of a character upon creation. Characters that are dead may not engage in many activities. This may be useful if you want a player to be unable to do anything until a moderator has set their character to be alive, for example.
      • inventory-contents: A list of serialised ItemStacks that are present in the inventory of a player upon creation of a new character.
      • helmet: Which helmet a character should be wearing upon creation, as a serialised ItemStack.
      • chestplate: Which chestplate a character should be wearing upon creation, as a serialised ItemStack.
      • leggings: Which leggings a character should be wearing upon creation, as a serialised ItemStack.
      • boots: Which boots a character should be wearing upon creation as a serialised ItemStack.
      • health: The amount of health characters should start with.
      • max-health: The amount of maximum health characters should start with.
      • mana: The amount of mana characters should start with.
      • max-mana: The amount of maximum mana characters should start with.
      • food-level: The amount of food characters should start with.
      • thirst-level: The amount of thirst characters should start with.
      • player-hidden: Whether the player playing a character should be hidden by default. The player field is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 - instead use the profile field.
      • profile-hidden: Whether the profile playing a character should be hidden by default.
      • name-hidden: Whether the name of the character should be hidden by default.
      • gender-hidden: Whether the gender of the character should be hidden by default.
      • age-hidden: Whether the age of the character should be hidden by default.
      • race-hidden: Whether the race of the character should be hidden by default.
      • description-hidden: Whether the description of the character should be hidden by default.
    • view-card-requires-sneak: If set to true, players must be sneaking/crouching in order to view other players' character cards with right click. If set to false, right clicking another player will view their character card regardless of whether they are sneaking.
    • kill-character-on-death: If set to true, dying in Minecraft will set the "dead" field on the character card to true.
    • delete-character-on-death: If set to true, setting a character to dead will delete them from the list of characters immediately, removing any information and preventing any later revival.
    • set-player-display-name: If set to true, changing character name also changes the display name of the player. Useful if you are using a chat plugin without built-in support for RPKit characters.
    • new-character-cooldown: How many milliseconds to wait between the creation of new characters. Can be bypassed with the permission
  • species: Species configuration settings. Each configuration section represents a species, and you may add or remove as many as you wish.
    • Species name: The configuration section name is taken as the species name.
      • min-age: The minimum age a race can set.
      • max-age: The maximum age a race can set.
  • books: Configuration settings to modify book signing
    • change-author-on-sign: Whether to enable the functionality to alter the author
    • author-format: a format string. This can include ${character} for the character name and ${player} for the player name, along with any other characters.

Recommended cache sizes

  • rpkit_character id: Should be roughly the maximum amount of players multiplied by the expected average number of characters per player.
  • rpkit_gender id: Should be roughly the size of the maximum amount of players, though may be lower.
  • rpkit_gender name: Should be roughly the size of the maximum amount of players, though may be lower.
  • rpkit_new_character_cooldown id: Should be roughly the size of the maximum amount of players.
  • rpkit_new_character_cooldown profile_id: Should be roughly the size of the maximum amount of players.
  • rpkit_race id: Should be roughly the size of the amount of races.
  • rpkit_race name: Should be roughly the size of the amount of races.


    description: Allows viewing your own character card
    default: true
    description: Allows viewing other character cards
    default: true
    description: Allows viewing your own character list
    default: true
    description: Allows creating a new character
    default: true
    description: Removes the cooldown from creating characters
    default: op
    description: Allows setting your character''s age
    default: true
    description: Allows setting your character''s dead state
    default: true
    description: Allows setting your character to be dead
    default: true
    description: Allows setting your character to be not dead
    default: op
    description: Allows setting your character''s description
    default: true
    description: Allows setting your character''s gender
    default: true
    description: Allows setting your character''s name
    default: true
    description: Allows assigning your characters to a different player
    default: op
    description: Allows assigning your characters to a different profile
    default: op
    description: Allows setting your character''s race
    default: true
    description: Allows hiding your character''s age
    default: true
    description: Allows hiding your character''s description
    default: true
    description: Allows hiding your character''s gender
    default: true
    description: Allows hiding your character''s name
    default: true
    description: Allows hiding your character''s player
    default: true
    description: Allows hiding your character''s profile
    default: true
    description: Allows hiding your character''s race
    default: true
    description: Allows unhiding your character''s age
    default: true
    description: Allows unhiding your character''s description
    default: true
    description: Allows unhiding your character''s gender
    default: true
    description: Allows unhiding your character''s name
    default: true
    description: Allows unhiding your character''s player
    default: true
    description: Allows unhiding your character''s profile
    default: true
    description: Allows unhiding your character''s race
    default: true
    description: Allows switching to other characters
    default: true
    description: Allows deleting characters
    default: op
    description: Allows creation of races
    default: op
    description: Allows removal of races
    default: op
    description: Allows listing of races
    default: true


If you are using PlaceholderAPI, you may use the following placeholders:

Placeholder Description
%rpkcharacters_charactername% The name of the player's current character
%rpkcharacters_charactergender% The gender of the player's current character
%rpkcharacters_characterage% The age of the player's current character
%rpkcharacters_characterrace% The race of the player's current character
%rpkcharacters_characterdescription% The description of the player's current character
%rpkcharacters_charactermana% The mana of the player's current character
%rpkcharacters_charactermaxmana% The maximum mana of the player's current character
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