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Using the Monitoring Plugin

Kevin Huck edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 4 revisions


TAU includes a plugin for performing asynchronous, periodic measurement of hardware and Operating System metrics in order to measure the utilization of the machine. This page gives an overview of how to install and use this functionality on Summit, a POWER9 system at ORNL.

This plugin will use whatever components have been configured with PAPI (see for details and examples). On Summit, the interesting components are lmsensors, nvml and net. Regardless of whether PAPI is even configured with TAU, the plugin will also read from various /proc virtual files, including (but not limited to) /proc/stat, /proc/net/dev, /proc/self/io, /proc/meminfo, /proc/self/statm. Support for these might be migrated into PAPI in the near future.


It would appear that the CUPTI interface and the NVML periodic counter event sets are incompatible. For that reason, tau_exec can be run with either -cupti or -monitoring, but not both.


Installing PAPI 5.7 with component support

To use the components supported by PAPI, one needs to configure PAPI with the component support. In this example, we'll use lmsensors, nvml and net. This example uses the GCC compilers.

cd $HOME/src
tar -xzf papi-5.7.0.tar.gz
cd papi-5.7.0/src
module load cuda/9.2.148 gcc/8.1.1
./configure --prefix=/path/to/papi/installation --with-components="nvml lmsensors net"
cd components/lmsensors
./configure --with-sensors-incdir=/usr/include/sensors
cd ../nvml
./configure --with-nvml-libdir=${OLCF_CUDA_ROOT}/lib64 --with-nvml-incdir=${OLCF_CUDA_ROOT}/include --with-cuda-dir=${OLCF_CUDA_ROOT}
cd ../..
make install
# Remove static libraries - TAU won't work otherwise.
rm -f /path/to/papi/installation/lib/*.a

Installing TAU

Full instructions for installing TAU are at Briefly, to configure and build TAU with the specified PAPI build, do:

module unload darshan-runtime
git clone
cd tau2
./configure -bfd=download -dwarf=download -elf=download -unwind=download -otf=download -papi=/path/to/papi/installation -pthread -mpi -iowrapper -cuda=${OLCF_CUDA_ROOT} -prefix=/path/to/installation
make -j install


Full instructions for running tau_exec are at In order to use the monitoring plugin, add the -monitoring plugin flag.


By default, hundreds or thousands of counters are collected, depending on availability. To filter this set of events, a JSON configuration file can be used. TAU will look for tau_monitoring.json in the working directory. An example configuration file would look like:

  "periodic": false,
  "periodicity seconds": 10.0,
  "PAPI metrics": [
  "/proc/stat": {
    "comment": "This will exclude all core-specific readings.",
    "exclude": ["^cpu[0-9]+.*"]
  "/proc/meminfo": {
    "comment": "This will include three readings.",
    "include": [".*MemAvailable.*", ".*MemFree.*", ".*MemTotal.*"]
  "/proc/net/dev": {
    "comment": "This will include only the first ethernet device.",
    "include": [".*eno1.*"]
  "lmsensors": {
    "comment": "This will include all power readings.",
    "include": [".*power.*"]
  "net": {
    "comment": "This will include only the first ethernet device.",
    "include": [".*eno1.*"]
  "nvml": {
    "disable": true,
    "comment": "This will include only the utilization metrics.  The 'disable' flag is used to disable this component entirely.",
    "include": [".*utilization.*"]

Example output

NumSamples   MaxValue   MinValue  MeanValue  Std. Dev.  Event Name
         4  2.418E+04  1.086E+04  2.084E+04       5760  Heap Memory Used (KB)
         4  4.382E+04  2.364E+04  3.868E+04       8687  Memory Footprint (VmRSS) (KB)
         4  4.382E+04  2.364E+04  3.868E+04       8687  Peak Memory Usage Resident Set Size (VmHWM) (KB)
         4       1.96       1.96       1.96  2.107E-08  System load
         4          0          0          0          0  cpu: Guest %
         4          0          0          0          0  cpu: I/O Wait %
         4          0          0          0          0  cpu: IRQ %
         4      98.58      98.31      98.46      0.113  cpu: Idle %
         4          0          0          0          0  cpu: Nice %
         4          0          0          0          0  cpu: Steal %
         4     0.4923    0.01364     0.2492      0.186  cpu: System %
         4      1.554     0.9299      1.286     0.2336  cpu: User %
         4          0          0          0          0  cpu: soft IRQ %
         4  3.286E+05       6000   1.42E+05  1.407E+05  eno1:rx:bytes
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:rx:compressed
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:rx:drops
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:rx:errors
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:rx:fifo
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:rx:frames
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:rx:multicast
         4       1300        100        700        600  eno1:rx:packets
         4  3.983E+05          0  1.799E+05   1.82E+05  eno1:tx:bytes
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:carrier
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:collisions
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:compressed
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:drops
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:errors
         4          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:fifo
         4       1900          0        850      861.7  eno1:tx:packets
         4          0          0          0          0  io:cancelled_write_bytes
         4  3.307E+08  1.482E+06  9.894E+07  1.361E+08  io:rchar
         4          0          0          0          0  io:read_bytes
         4   2.52E+04       2600       9375       9319  io:syscr
         4   1.34E+04          0       5250       4955  io:syscw
         4  4.603E+05          0  1.398E+05  1.862E+05  io:wchar
         4          0          0          0          0  io:write_bytes
         4  8.539E+04  8.536E+04  8.537E+04      10.61  meminfo:MemAvailable (MB)
         4  1.932E+04  1.929E+04   1.93E+04      14.11  meminfo:MemFree (MB)
         4  1.316E+05  1.316E+05  1.316E+05          0  meminfo:MemTotal (MB)
         4          7          0       1.75      3.031  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:gpu_utilization
         4          0          0          0          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:memory_utilization
         4  1.258E+06  1.207E+06  1.245E+06  2.209E+04  program size (kB)
         3      26.23      22.03      23.79       1.78  rapl::RAPL_ENERGY_PKG (CPU Socket Power in Watts)
         4  1.096E+04       6023       9706       2127  resident set size (kB)
         4       4030       1956       3512      898.1  resident shared pages

Example output collecting all available PAPI metrics from a POWER9 server (using multiplexing, so measurements are approximate)

[khuck@eagle mm]$ pprof
Reading Profile files in profile.*

%Time    Exclusive    Inclusive       #Call      #Subrs  Inclusive Name
              msec   total msec                          usec/call
100.0        2,057        4,140           1           1    4140989 .TAU application
 50.3        0.028        2,083           1           1    2083169 main
 50.3        0.049        2,083           1          11    2083141 do_work
 27.6        1,143        1,143           1           0    1143577 compute
 22.5          933          933           1           0     933707 compute_interchange
  0.1            5            5           3           0       1716 initialize
  0.0        0.573        0.573           3           0        191 allocateMatrix
  0.0        0.088        0.088           3           0         29 freeMatrix

NumSamples   MaxValue   MinValue  MeanValue  Std. Dev.  Event Name
         6       7814       1474       5716       2938  Heap Memory Used (KB)
         6  3.085E+04  2.336E+04  2.845E+04       2674  Memory Footprint (VmRSS) (KB)
         6  1.001E+08          0  4.482E+07  3.546E+07  PAPI_BR_CN
         6  8.273E+07          0   4.36E+07  3.195E+07  PAPI_BR_INS
         6         77          0      24.17       28.1  PAPI_BR_MSP
         6   3.05E+05          0  7.351E+04  1.148E+05  PAPI_BR_NTK
         6   8.24E+07          0    5.2E+07  2.525E+07  PAPI_BR_PRC
         6  1.001E+08          0  4.605E+07  3.575E+07  PAPI_BR_TKN
         6  1.962E+05          0  8.465E+04  6.928E+04  PAPI_BR_UCN
         6  1.986E+08          0  9.377E+07  7.174E+07  PAPI_DP_OPS
         6        122          0      20.33      45.47  PAPI_FMA_INS
         6  1.633E+08          0   8.39E+07  6.212E+07  PAPI_FP_INS
         6  1.633E+08          0   8.39E+07  6.212E+07  PAPI_FP_OPS
         6  2.292E+08          0  9.179E+07  8.152E+07  PAPI_FXU_IDL
         6          0          0          0          0  PAPI_HW_INT
         6  2.136E+09          0   1.13E+09  8.272E+08  PAPI_INT_INS
         6  1.552E+09          0   8.22E+08  6.009E+08  PAPI_L1_DCA
         6  5.197E+07          0  2.506E+07  2.394E+07  PAPI_L1_DCM
         6  1.348E+09          0   7.07E+08  5.187E+08  PAPI_L1_DCR
         6  1.639E+08          0  8.509E+07  6.258E+07  PAPI_L1_DCW
         6  7.354E+08          0  3.459E+08  2.653E+08  PAPI_L1_ICH
         6  1.238E+05          0  3.129E+04  4.653E+04  PAPI_L1_ICM
         6  5.193E+07          0  2.428E+07  2.338E+07  PAPI_L1_LDM
         6  4.246E+06          0  7.857E+05  1.554E+06  PAPI_L1_STM
         6  3.909E+06          0   1.09E+06  1.574E+06  PAPI_L2_DCM
         6  7.295E+07          0  2.898E+07  3.129E+07  PAPI_L2_DCR
         6  1.029E+08          0  5.828E+07  4.435E+07  PAPI_L2_DCW
         6        155          0         79      58.48  PAPI_L2_ICH
         6       1188          0      438.3      422.9  PAPI_L2_ICM
         6  1.262E+07          0  5.459E+06  4.461E+06  PAPI_L2_LDM
         6          0          0          0          0  PAPI_L2_STM
         6          0          0          0          0  PAPI_L3_DCM
         6  3.909E+06          0   1.09E+06  1.574E+06  PAPI_L3_DCR
         6        290          0      151.8      132.9  PAPI_L3_ICA
         6        295          0      152.8        132  PAPI_L3_ICH
         6         38          0      6.333      14.16  PAPI_L3_ICM
         6          0          0          0          0  PAPI_L3_LDM
         6    1.4E+09          0  7.313E+08  5.373E+08  PAPI_LD_INS
         6  1.655E+09          0  8.455E+08  6.274E+08  PAPI_LST_INS
         6          0          0          0          0  PAPI_SP_OPS
         6  1.639E+08          0   8.58E+07  6.299E+07  PAPI_SR_INS
         6  5.391E+08          0  2.656E+08  2.075E+08  PAPI_STL_ICY
         6  2.758E+09          0  1.301E+09  1.019E+09  PAPI_TOT_CYC
         6  3.755E+09          0  2.193E+09  1.216E+09  PAPI_TOT_IIS
         6  3.678E+09          0  2.075E+09  1.282E+09  PAPI_TOT_INS
         6  3.085E+04  2.336E+04  2.845E+04       2674  Peak Memory Usage Resident Set Size (VmHWM) (KB)
         6       0.08          0    0.02667    0.03771  System load
         6          0          0          0          0  cpu: Guest %
         6          0          0          0          0  cpu: I/O Wait %
         6          0          0          0          0  cpu: IRQ %
         6      99.43      98.19      99.07     0.3994  cpu: Idle %
         6          0          0          0          0  cpu: Nice %
         6          0          0          0          0  cpu: Steal %
         6      0.361          0    0.06017     0.1345  cpu: System %
         6      1.444     0.5747     0.8719     0.2694  cpu: User %
         6          0          0          0          0  cpu: soft IRQ %
         6          0          0          0          0  io:cancelled_write_bytes
         6   7.28E+06  1.283E+06   3.24E+06  2.768E+06  io:rchar
         6          0          0          0          0  io:read_bytes
         6       6800       5900       6050      335.4  io:syscr
         6        100          0      16.67      37.27  io:syscw
         6        600          0        100      223.6  io:wchar
         6          0          0          0          0  io:write_bytes
         6  2.508E+05  2.508E+05  2.508E+05   0.001913  meminfo:MemAvailable (MB)
         6  2.136E+05  2.136E+05  2.136E+05   0.001108  meminfo:MemFree (MB)
         6  2.637E+05  2.637E+05  2.637E+05    0.00273  meminfo:MemTotal (MB)
         6  2.043E+05  2.042E+05  2.043E+05      36.23  program size (kB)
         6        483        366      444.8      41.61  resident set size (kB)
         6        220        206      215.7       4.46  resident shared pages
         7          3          2      2.714     0.4518  status:Threads

Here's the same data in a Vampir trace:

Vampir image with monitoring example, 1 simulation process.

Without the filter, you can see that the counters collected is quite extensive:

NumSamples   MaxValue   MinValue  MeanValue  Std. Dev.  Event Name
         5  3.231E+04   1.37E+04   2.76E+04       7209  Heap Memory Used (KB)
         5  5.205E+04  2.707E+04  4.593E+04       9655  Memory Footprint (VmRSS) (KB)
         5  5.208E+04  2.707E+04  4.702E+04       9975  Peak Memory Usage Resident Set Size (VmHWM) (KB)
         5       9.19       5.55      6.278      1.456  System load
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu0: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu0: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu0: IRQ %
         5        100         88      95.49      5.179  cpu0: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu0: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu0: Steal %
         5          9          0      2.385      3.383  cpu0: System %
         5          3          0     0.7905      1.165  cpu0: User %
         5      6.667          0      1.333      2.667  cpu0: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu10: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu10: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu10: IRQ %
         5        100       90.2      95.28      4.195  cpu10: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu10: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu10: Steal %
         5      6.931          0      2.955      2.723  cpu10: System %
         5      6.863          0      1.769       2.66  cpu10: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu10: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu11: Guest %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu11: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu11: IRQ %
         5      99.03      85.71      95.18      5.254  cpu11: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu11: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu11: Steal %
         5      5.882          0      1.373      2.287  cpu11: System %
         5      14.29          0      3.249      5.536  cpu11: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu11: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu12: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu12: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu12: IRQ %
         5        100       93.2      97.85      2.565  cpu12: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu12: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu12: Steal %
         5      5.825          0      1.363      2.264  cpu12: System %
         5       1.98          0     0.7844     0.7389  cpu12: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu12: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu13: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu13: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu13: IRQ %
         5        100      84.31      93.92      5.631  cpu13: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu13: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu13: Steal %
         5      10.78          0      4.318      3.855  cpu13: System %
         5      4.902          0      1.761      1.903  cpu13: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu13: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu14: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu14: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu14: IRQ %
         5      83.33          0      30.44      30.71  cpu14: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu14: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu14: Steal %
         5      16.67          0      3.718      6.517  cpu14: System %
         5        100          0      65.84      36.67  cpu14: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu14: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu15: Guest %
         5       40.4          0      8.281      16.07  cpu15: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu15: IRQ %
         5      99.02      45.45      83.88       19.7  cpu15: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu15: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu15: Steal %
         5      11.11          0      3.388       4.07  cpu15: System %
         5      14.29          0      3.849      5.421  cpu15: User %
         5       3.03          0     0.6061      1.212  cpu15: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu16: Guest %
         5      4.902          0     0.9804      1.961  cpu16: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu16: IRQ %
         5      99.02      85.71      93.62      5.198  cpu16: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu16: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu16: Steal %
         5      5.882          0      1.761      2.095  cpu16: System %
         5      14.29          0      3.634      5.396  cpu16: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu16: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu17: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu17: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu17: IRQ %
         5      99.02      71.43      91.93      10.34  cpu17: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu17: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu17: Steal %
         5      14.29     0.9709      3.838      5.238  cpu17: System %
         5      14.29          0      4.234      5.155  cpu17: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu17: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu18: Guest %
         5       1.01          0      0.202      0.404  cpu18: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu18: IRQ %
         5        100      85.86      93.44      4.758  cpu18: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu18: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu18: Steal %
         5      8.824          0      3.551       2.95  cpu18: System %
         5      9.091          0      2.804      3.463  cpu18: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu18: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu19: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu19: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu19: IRQ %
         5        100      42.86      79.01      20.48  cpu19: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu19: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu19: Steal %
         5      42.86          0      12.66      16.01  cpu19: System %
         5      19.61          0      8.332      7.396  cpu19: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu19: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu1: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu1: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu1: IRQ %
         5        100      94.06      96.88      2.423  cpu1: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu1: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu1: Steal %
         5      5.941          0      1.577      2.225  cpu1: System %
         5      3.846          0      1.356      1.442  cpu1: User %
         5     0.9615          0     0.1923     0.3846  cpu1: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu20: Guest %
         5     0.9709          0     0.1942     0.3883  cpu20: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu20: IRQ %
         5      98.04      79.41      91.08      7.367  cpu20: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu20: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu20: Steal %
         5      3.922          0      1.173      1.567  cpu20: System %
         5      16.67      1.961      7.557      6.519  cpu20: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu20: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu21: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu21: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu21: IRQ %
         5      99.03       62.5      90.52      14.08  cpu21: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu21: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu21: Steal %
         5       12.5          0      3.094       4.76  cpu21: System %
         5         25     0.9709      6.382      9.338  cpu21: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu21: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu22: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu22: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu22: IRQ %
         5        100      97.09      98.83      1.132  cpu22: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu22: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu22: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.3903      0.478  cpu22: System %
         5      1.942          0     0.7767     0.9513  cpu22: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu22: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu23: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu23: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu23: IRQ %
         5        100      97.06      98.63     0.9983  cpu23: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu23: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu23: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.3922     0.4803  cpu23: System %
         5      1.961          0     0.9747     0.8727  cpu23: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu23: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu24: Guest %
         5     0.9709          0     0.1942     0.3883  cpu24: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu24: IRQ %
         5        100      78.57      91.85      7.981  cpu24: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu24: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu24: Steal %
         5      5.102          0      1.411      1.897  cpu24: System %
         5      16.33          0      6.542      6.692  cpu24: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu24: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu25: Guest %
         5     0.9615          0     0.1923     0.3846  cpu25: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu25: IRQ %
         5        100      81.44       92.2      6.812  cpu25: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu25: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu25: Steal %
         5      16.49          0      5.452      5.907  cpu25: System %
         5      5.769          0       2.16      2.146  cpu25: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu25: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu26: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu26: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu26: IRQ %
         5        100      85.71      96.36      5.357  cpu26: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu26: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu26: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.3903      0.478  cpu26: System %
         5      14.29          0      3.251      5.535  cpu26: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu26: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu27: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu27: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu27: IRQ %
         5        100      64.71      91.17      13.38  cpu27: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu27: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu27: Steal %
         5      7.843          0      2.549      3.257  cpu27: System %
         5      27.45          0      6.278       10.6  cpu27: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu27: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu28: Guest %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu28: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu28: IRQ %
         5        100      88.24      96.87      4.403  cpu28: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu28: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu28: Steal %
         5      2.941          0     0.7805      1.143  cpu28: System %
         5      7.843          0      2.157      2.936  cpu28: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu28: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu29: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu29: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu29: IRQ %
         5        100       87.5      96.91      4.762  cpu29: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu29: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu29: Steal %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu29: System %
         5       12.5          0      3.088      4.762  cpu29: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu29: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu2: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu2: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu2: IRQ %
         5        100      89.11      95.87      4.214  cpu2: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu2: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu2: Steal %
         5      9.901          0       2.37       3.79  cpu2: System %
         5      5.882          0      1.763      2.182  cpu2: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu2: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu30: Guest %
         5     0.9709          0     0.1942     0.3883  cpu30: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu30: IRQ %
         5        100       90.1      95.88      4.657  cpu30: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu30: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu30: Steal %
         5       2.97          0      1.178       1.15  cpu30: System %
         5      6.931          0      2.745      3.363  cpu30: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu30: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu31: Guest %
         5      17.82          0      3.564      7.129  cpu31: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu31: IRQ %
         5        100      78.22      93.08      8.219  cpu31: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu31: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu31: Steal %
         5      5.941          0      1.578      2.224  cpu31: System %
         5       3.96          0      1.776      1.458  cpu31: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu31: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu32: Guest %
         5       3.96          0     0.7921      1.584  cpu32: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu32: IRQ %
         5        100      78.43      90.58      8.052  cpu32: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu32: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu32: Steal %
         5      12.75          0      4.314      4.497  cpu32: System %
         5      10.78          0      4.314       4.54  cpu32: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu32: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu33: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu33: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu33: IRQ %
         5        100      85.71      95.39      5.228  cpu33: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu33: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu33: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.5844     0.4772  cpu33: System %
         5      14.29          0      4.022      5.435  cpu33: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu33: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu34: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu34: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu34: IRQ %
         5      99.02      83.33       95.1      5.981  cpu34: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu34: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu34: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.5863     0.4788  cpu34: System %
         5      16.67          0      4.312      6.251  cpu34: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu34: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu35: Guest %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu35: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu35: IRQ %
         5        100      90.29      96.49      3.719  cpu35: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu35: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu35: Steal %
         5      5.825          0      1.559      2.178  cpu35: System %
         5      3.922          0      1.755      1.789  cpu35: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu35: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu36: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu36: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu36: IRQ %
         5        100      93.07      98.23      2.685  cpu36: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu36: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu36: Steal %
         5       1.98          0     0.5883     0.7893  cpu36: System %
         5       4.95          0      1.182       1.92  cpu36: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu36: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu37: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu37: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu37: IRQ %
         5      99.02      42.86      86.41       21.8  cpu37: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu37: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu37: Steal %
         5      42.86     0.9804      10.54      16.19  cpu37: System %
         5      14.29          0      3.051       5.63  cpu37: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu37: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu38: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu38: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu38: IRQ %
         5      98.04      85.71       94.4      4.544  cpu38: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu38: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu38: Steal %
         5      14.29     0.9804      5.018      4.939  cpu38: System %
         5     0.9804          0     0.5844     0.4772  cpu38: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu38: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu39: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu39: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu39: IRQ %
         5        100      94.17      97.85      2.335  cpu39: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu39: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu39: Steal %
         5      4.854          0      1.167      1.882  cpu39: System %
         5      2.941          0     0.9785      1.074  cpu39: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu39: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu3: Guest %
         5       3.03          0     0.6061      1.212  cpu3: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu3: IRQ %
         5      99.03      57.14      85.43      16.11  cpu3: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu3: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu3: Steal %
         5      19.19          0      7.472       7.78  cpu3: System %
         5      28.57          0      6.495      11.07  cpu3: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu3: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu40: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu40: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu40: IRQ %
         5        100      91.26      98.06      3.419  cpu40: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu40: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu40: Steal %
         5      1.942          0     0.3883     0.7767  cpu40: System %
         5      6.796          0      1.553      2.648  cpu40: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu40: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu41: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu41: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu41: IRQ %
         5        100      93.14      98.24      2.588  cpu41: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu41: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu41: Steal %
         5      5.882          0      1.371      2.287  cpu41: System %
         5     0.9804          0     0.3903      0.478  cpu41: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu41: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu42: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu42: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu42: IRQ %
         5        100      99.04      99.81     0.3846  cpu42: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu42: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu42: Steal %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu42: System %
         5     0.9615          0     0.1923     0.3846  cpu42: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu42: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu43: Guest %
         5      1.042          0     0.2083     0.4167  cpu43: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu43: IRQ %
         5      98.06      79.17      89.78      6.551  cpu43: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu43: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu43: Steal %
         5       4.95          0      2.414      1.876  cpu43: System %
         5      15.62          0      7.601      6.194  cpu43: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu43: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu44: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu44: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu44: IRQ %
         5        100       87.5      95.74      4.404  cpu44: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu44: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu44: Steal %
         5      3.883          0     0.7767      1.553  cpu44: System %
         5       12.5          0      3.478      4.569  cpu44: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu44: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu45: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu45: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu45: IRQ %
         5        100      98.06      99.42     0.7767  cpu45: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu45: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu45: Steal %
         5     0.9709          0     0.1942     0.3883  cpu45: System %
         5      1.942          0     0.3883     0.7767  cpu45: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu45: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu46: Guest %
         5     0.9901          0      0.396      0.485  cpu46: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu46: IRQ %
         5      99.02       87.5      94.74       4.64  cpu46: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu46: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu46: Steal %
         5       1.98          0     0.5921     0.7911  cpu46: System %
         5       12.5          0      4.276      4.581  cpu46: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu46: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu47: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu47: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu47: IRQ %
         5        100      98.06      99.22     0.9513  cpu47: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu47: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu47: Steal %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu47: System %
         5      1.942          0     0.7767     0.9513  cpu47: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu47: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu48: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu48: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu48: IRQ %
         5        100      87.25      93.39      5.258  cpu48: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu48: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu48: Steal %
         5      4.854          0      1.559      2.003  cpu48: System %
         5       12.5          0      5.047      5.095  cpu48: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu48: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu49: Guest %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu49: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu49: IRQ %
         5      99.03      85.29      92.39      5.303  cpu49: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu49: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu49: Steal %
         5      6.931          0      2.365      2.475  cpu49: System %
         5       12.5          0      5.049      5.458  cpu49: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu49: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu4: Guest %
         5     0.9709          0     0.1942     0.3883  cpu4: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu4: IRQ %
         5      97.06      81.55      90.32      5.759  cpu4: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu4: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu4: Steal %
         5      15.53          0      4.087      5.836  cpu4: System %
         5      14.29      1.942      5.402      4.502  cpu4: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu4: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu50: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu50: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu50: IRQ %
         5        100      98.04      99.22     0.7332  cpu50: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu50: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu50: Steal %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu50: System %
         5      1.961          0     0.7824     0.7332  cpu50: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu50: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu51: Guest %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu51: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu51: IRQ %
         5        100       12.5      79.18      33.55  cpu51: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu51: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu51: Steal %
         5         25          0      7.142       9.37  cpu51: System %
         5       62.5          0      13.48      24.55  cpu51: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu51: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu52: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu52: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu52: IRQ %
         5        100      92.23      96.67      3.368  cpu52: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu52: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu52: Steal %
         5      6.796          0      1.755      2.635  cpu52: System %
         5       4.95          0      1.576      1.837  cpu52: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu52: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu53: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu53: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu53: IRQ %
         5        100         75      93.63      9.466  cpu53: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu53: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu53: Steal %
         5       12.5          0       3.48      4.893  cpu53: System %
         5       12.5          0       2.89      4.825  cpu53: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu53: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu54: Guest %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu54: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu54: IRQ %
         5       95.1      71.43      88.81      8.844  cpu54: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu54: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu54: Steal %
         5      14.29          0      5.598      5.497  cpu54: System %
         5      14.29          0      5.399      4.751  cpu54: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu54: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu55: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu55: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu55: IRQ %
         5        100      65.69      92.55      13.48  cpu55: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu55: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu55: Steal %
         5      6.863          0      1.373      2.745  cpu55: System %
         5      27.45          0      6.078      10.75  cpu55: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu55: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu56: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu56: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu56: IRQ %
         5        100      82.83      92.83      6.973  cpu56: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu56: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu56: Steal %
         5      12.12          0      4.001      4.426  cpu56: System %
         5      9.804          0      3.165      3.807  cpu56: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu56: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu57: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu57: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu57: IRQ %
         5        100      77.67      94.56      8.497  cpu57: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu57: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu57: Steal %
         5      6.796          0      1.751       2.56  cpu57: System %
         5      15.53          0      3.693      5.965  cpu57: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu57: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu58: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu58: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu58: IRQ %
         5        100      98.04      99.41     0.7834  cpu58: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu58: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu58: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu58: System %
         5     0.9804          0     0.3903      0.478  cpu58: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu58: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu59: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu59: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu59: IRQ %
         5        100      97.06      99.02      1.074  cpu59: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu59: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu59: Steal %
         5      1.961          0     0.5882     0.7843  cpu59: System %
         5     0.9804          0     0.3903      0.478  cpu59: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu59: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu5: Guest %
         5     0.9709          0     0.1942     0.3883  cpu5: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu5: IRQ %
         5        100         84      94.27       6.18  cpu5: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu5: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu5: Steal %
         5          9          0      2.581      3.326  cpu5: System %
         5          7          0      2.953      3.241  cpu5: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu5: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu60: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu60: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu60: IRQ %
         5        100      96.04      98.24      1.571  cpu60: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu60: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu60: Steal %
         5       3.96          0     0.9844      1.534  cpu60: System %
         5      1.942          0      0.773     0.9467  cpu60: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu60: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu61: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu61: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu61: IRQ %
         5        100      95.15      98.25      1.669  cpu61: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu61: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu61: Steal %
         5      4.854          0     0.9709      1.942  cpu61: System %
         5      1.942          0     0.7786     0.7271  cpu61: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu61: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu62: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu62: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu62: IRQ %
         5        100       87.5      96.72      4.732  cpu62: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu62: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu62: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu62: System %
         5       12.5          0      3.083      4.842  cpu62: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu62: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu63: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu63: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu63: IRQ %
         5        100      91.18      97.25      3.362  cpu63: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu63: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu63: Steal %
         5      3.922          0      1.373      1.709  cpu63: System %
         5      5.882          0      1.373      2.287  cpu63: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu63: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu64: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu64: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu64: IRQ %
         5        100      83.33      93.95      6.532  cpu64: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu64: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu64: Steal %
         5      2.913          0     0.7786      1.133  cpu64: System %
         5      16.67          0      5.275      6.368  cpu64: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu64: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu65: Guest %
         5          1          0        0.2        0.4  cpu65: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu65: IRQ %
         5        100         86      96.81      5.423  cpu65: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu65: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu65: Steal %
         5          3          0     0.7961      1.166  cpu65: System %
         5         10          0      2.192      3.922  cpu65: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu65: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu66: Guest %
         5      27.45          0       5.49      10.98  cpu66: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu66: IRQ %
         5        100      67.65      92.54      12.53  cpu66: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu66: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu66: Steal %
         5       1.98          0     0.5921     0.7911  cpu66: System %
         5      3.922          0      1.375      1.469  cpu66: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu66: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu67: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu67: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu67: IRQ %
         5        100      98.04      99.22     0.7332  cpu67: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu67: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu67: Steal %
         5     0.9804          0     0.1961     0.3922  cpu67: System %
         5      1.961          0     0.5863     0.7834  cpu67: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu67: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu68: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu68: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu68: IRQ %
         5        100       95.1      98.83      1.901  cpu68: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu68: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu68: Steal %
         5      4.902          0     0.9804      1.961  cpu68: System %
         5     0.9615          0     0.1923     0.3846  cpu68: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu68: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu69: Guest %
         5     0.9615          0     0.1923     0.3846  cpu69: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu69: IRQ %
         5        100      71.43      92.74      10.84  cpu69: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu69: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu69: Steal %
         5     0.9615          0     0.1923     0.3846  cpu69: System %
         5      28.57          0      6.876      10.92  cpu69: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu69: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu6: Guest %
         5     0.9709          0     0.1942     0.3883  cpu6: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu6: IRQ %
         5      98.06       87.5      93.11      3.937  cpu6: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu6: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu6: Steal %
         5      3.061          0      1.591      1.035  cpu6: System %
         5       12.5          0      5.101      4.498  cpu6: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu6: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu70: Guest %
         5     0.9615          0     0.1923     0.3846  cpu70: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu70: IRQ %
         5        100      92.31      97.88      2.877  cpu70: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu70: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu70: Steal %
         5      1.923          0     0.3846     0.7692  cpu70: System %
         5      4.808          0      1.548      1.784  cpu70: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu70: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu71: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu71: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu71: IRQ %
         5        100      91.26      97.86      3.386  cpu71: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu71: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu71: Steal %
         5      6.796          0      1.359      2.718  cpu71: System %
         5      1.942          0     0.7767     0.9513  cpu71: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu71: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu7: Guest %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu7: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu7: IRQ %
         5        100         75      93.24      9.252  cpu7: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu7: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu7: Steal %
         5       12.5          0      3.484      4.736  cpu7: System %
         5       12.5          0      3.275      4.731  cpu7: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu7: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu8: Guest %
         5      15.69          0      3.137      6.275  cpu8: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu8: IRQ %
         5      99.02      77.45      90.79       8.72  cpu8: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu8: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu8: Steal %
         5      5.882          0      1.567      2.201  cpu8: System %
         5      16.67          0      4.506      6.159  cpu8: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu8: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu9: Guest %
         5      1.961          0     0.3922     0.7843  cpu9: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu9: IRQ %
         5        100      88.35      94.13       3.74  cpu9: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu9: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu9: Steal %
         5      2.913          0      1.371     0.9932  cpu9: System %
         5      8.738          0       4.11      2.843  cpu9: User %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu9: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu: Guest %
         5      1.609          0     0.3735     0.6193  cpu: I/O Wait %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu: IRQ %
         5      95.67      89.45      93.34      2.118  cpu: Idle %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu: Nice %
         5          0          0          0          0  cpu: Steal %
         5      3.516      1.089      2.228     0.9735  cpu: System %
         5      7.031      1.759       4.03       1.77  cpu: User %
         5     0.1227          0    0.02997    0.04756  cpu: soft IRQ %
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:frames
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:multicast
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:rx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:tx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:tx:carrier
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  docker0:tx:fifo
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         5   1.46E+04        100       3260       5680  eno1:rx:packets
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         5          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  eno1:tx:fifo
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         5        300          0        120        147  eno2:rx:multicast
         5       6400        400       4500       2116  eno2:rx:packets
         5  7.538E+05          0  4.682E+05   2.61E+05  eno2:tx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  eno2:tx:carrier
         5          0          0          0          0  eno2:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  eno2:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  eno2:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  eno2:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  eno2:tx:fifo
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         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:rx:frames
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:rx:multicast
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:rx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:carrier
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  ib0:tx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  io:cancelled_write_bytes
         5  3.393E+08  1.683E+06  7.963E+07  1.314E+08  io:rchar
         5          0          0          0          0  io:read_bytes
         5   3.23E+04   1.57E+04  2.072E+04       5899  io:syscr
         5   1.36E+04          0       4760       4621  io:syscw
         5  4.629E+05          0  1.289E+05    1.7E+05  io:wchar
         5          0          0          0          0  io:write_bytes
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 0.temp2_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 0.temp2_crit_alarm
         5    5.7E+04    5.6E+04   5.66E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 0.temp2_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 0.temp2_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 1.temp3_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 1.temp3_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.7E+04   5.78E+04      748.3  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 1.temp3_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 1.temp3_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 10.temp12_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 10.temp12_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04    5.8E+04   5.96E+04       1020  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 10.temp12_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 10.temp12_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 11.temp13_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 11.temp13_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.7E+04   5.84E+04        800  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 11.temp13_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 11.temp13_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 16.temp18_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 16.temp18_crit_alarm
         5      6E+04    5.7E+04   5.86E+04       1020  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 16.temp18_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 16.temp18_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 17.temp19_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 17.temp19_crit_alarm
         5      6E+04    5.8E+04   5.88E+04      748.3  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 17.temp19_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 17.temp19_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 18.temp20_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 18.temp20_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.7E+04   5.78E+04      748.3  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 18.temp20_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 18.temp20_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 19.temp21_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 19.temp21_crit_alarm
         5    5.8E+04    5.6E+04   5.74E+04        800  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 19.temp21_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 19.temp21_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 2.temp4_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 2.temp4_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.8E+04   5.86E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 2.temp4_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 2.temp4_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 20.temp22_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 20.temp22_crit_alarm
         5    5.7E+04    5.6E+04   5.62E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 20.temp22_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 20.temp22_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 24.temp26_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 24.temp26_crit_alarm
         5    6.4E+04    5.8E+04    6.1E+04       2280  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 24.temp26_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 24.temp26_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 25.temp27_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 25.temp27_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.8E+04   5.86E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 25.temp27_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 25.temp27_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 26.temp28_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 26.temp28_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.7E+04   5.78E+04      748.3  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 26.temp28_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 26.temp28_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 27.temp29_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 27.temp29_crit_alarm
         5    5.7E+04    5.7E+04    5.7E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 27.temp29_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 27.temp29_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 3.temp5_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 3.temp5_crit_alarm
         5      6E+04    5.7E+04   5.86E+04       1020  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 3.temp5_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 3.temp5_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 4.temp6_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 4.temp6_crit_alarm
         5    5.8E+04    5.7E+04   5.74E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 4.temp6_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 4.temp6_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 8.temp10_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 8.temp10_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.7E+04   5.76E+04        800  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 8.temp10_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 8.temp10_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 9.temp11_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 9.temp11_crit_alarm
         5    5.9E+04    5.8E+04   5.82E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 9.temp11_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Core 9.temp11_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Physical id 0.temp1_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Physical id 0.temp1_crit_alarm
         5    6.5E+04    6.4E+04   6.42E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Physical id 0.temp1_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0000.Physical id 0.temp1_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 0.temp2_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 0.temp2_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04    5.9E+04      6E+04      632.5  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 0.temp2_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 0.temp2_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 1.temp3_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 1.temp3_crit_alarm
         5    6.4E+04      6E+04   6.16E+04       1356  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 1.temp3_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 1.temp3_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 10.temp12_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 10.temp12_crit_alarm
         5    6.3E+04    6.1E+04    6.2E+04      632.5  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 10.temp12_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 10.temp12_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 11.temp13_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 11.temp13_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.06E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 11.temp13_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 11.temp13_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 16.temp18_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 16.temp18_crit_alarm
         5    6.2E+04    5.9E+04   6.06E+04       1020  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 16.temp18_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 16.temp18_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 17.temp19_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 17.temp19_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.02E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 17.temp19_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 17.temp19_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 18.temp20_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 18.temp20_crit_alarm
         5      6E+04    5.9E+04   5.96E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 18.temp20_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 18.temp20_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 19.temp21_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 19.temp21_crit_alarm
         5      6E+04    5.9E+04   5.94E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 19.temp21_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 19.temp21_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 2.temp4_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 2.temp4_crit_alarm
         5    6.3E+04      6E+04    6.1E+04       1265  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 2.temp4_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 2.temp4_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 20.temp22_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 20.temp22_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.02E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 20.temp22_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 20.temp22_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 24.temp26_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 24.temp26_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.06E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 24.temp26_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 24.temp26_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 25.temp27_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 25.temp27_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.02E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 25.temp27_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 25.temp27_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 26.temp28_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 26.temp28_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.02E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 26.temp28_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 26.temp28_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 27.temp29_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 27.temp29_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.04E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 27.temp29_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 27.temp29_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 3.temp5_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 3.temp5_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.06E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 3.temp5_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 3.temp5_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 4.temp6_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 4.temp6_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.02E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 4.temp6_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 4.temp6_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 8.temp10_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 8.temp10_crit_alarm
         5    6.1E+04      6E+04   6.04E+04      489.9  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 8.temp10_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 8.temp10_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 9.temp11_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 9.temp11_crit_alarm
         5    6.2E+04    6.1E+04   6.18E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 9.temp11_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Core 9.temp11_max
         5    9.8E+04    9.8E+04    9.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Physical id 1.temp1_crit
         5          0          0          0          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Physical id 1.temp1_crit_alarm
         5    6.7E+04    6.6E+04   6.62E+04        400  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Physical id 1.temp1_input
         5    8.8E+04    8.8E+04    8.8E+04          0  lm_sensors:::coretemp-isa-0001.Physical id 1.temp1_max
         5   2.56E+05   2.07E+05   2.31E+05  1.552E+04  lm_sensors:::power_meter-acpi-0.power1.power1_average
         5       1000       1000       1000          0  lm_sensors:::power_meter-acpi-0.power1.power1_average_interval
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         5          0          0          0          0  lo:rx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:rx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:rx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:rx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:rx:frames
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:rx:multicast
         5        200          0         80      97.98  lo:rx:packets
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         5          0          0          0          0  lo:tx:carrier
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  lo:tx:fifo
         5        200          0         80      97.98  lo:tx:packets
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         5  3.086E+04  3.081E+04  3.083E+04      16.73  meminfo:Active(anon) (MB)
         5  1.252E+04  1.216E+04  1.223E+04      143.6  meminfo:Active(file) (MB)
         5      112.6      112.6      112.6  1.907E-06  meminfo:AnonHugePages (MB)
         5      697.1      654.2      672.6       16.4  meminfo:AnonPages (MB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:Bounce (kB)
         5       1344       1344       1344          0  meminfo:Buffers (kB)
         5  1.148E+05  1.144E+05  1.146E+05      170.6  meminfo:Cached (MB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:CmaFree (kB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:CmaTotal (kB)
         5      7E+04      7E+04      7E+04  0.0009766  meminfo:CommitLimit (MB)
         5  5.102E+04  5.081E+04   5.09E+04      86.29  meminfo:Committed_AS (MB)
         5       3146       3146       3146          0  meminfo:DirectMap1G (MB)
         5  1.004E+05  1.004E+05  1.004E+05          0  meminfo:DirectMap2M (MB)
         5  3.255E+04  3.255E+04  3.255E+04  0.0003453  meminfo:DirectMap4k (MB)
         5       1105      649.4      915.9      150.5  meminfo:Dirty (MB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:HardwareCorrupted (kB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:HugePages_Free
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:HugePages_Rsvd
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:HugePages_Surp
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:HugePages_Total
         5       2048       2048       2048          0  meminfo:Hugepagesize (kB)
         5  7.245E+04  7.205E+04   7.22E+04      136.3  meminfo:Inactive (MB)
         5  1.194E+04  1.194E+04  1.194E+04      1.819  meminfo:Inactive(anon) (MB)
         5   6.05E+04  6.011E+04  6.026E+04      134.9  meminfo:Inactive(file) (MB)
         5      24.91      24.24      24.44     0.2467  meminfo:KernelStack (MB)
         5      139.6      120.4      135.5      7.555  meminfo:Mapped (MB)
         5  8.526E+04  8.519E+04  8.523E+04       26.9  meminfo:MemAvailable (MB)
         5  1.146E+04  1.093E+04   1.12E+04        195  meminfo:MemFree (MB)
         5  1.316E+05  1.316E+05  1.316E+05          0  meminfo:MemTotal (MB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:Mlocked (kB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:NFS_Unstable (kB)
         5       31.7       30.7      31.25     0.4508  meminfo:PageTables (MB)
         5       2174       2159       2167      6.021  meminfo:SReclaimable (MB)
         5      942.3      911.3      919.6      11.48  meminfo:SUnreclaim (MB)
         5  4.209E+04  4.208E+04  4.209E+04      1.895  meminfo:Shmem (MB)
         5       3116       3070       3087      16.19  meminfo:Slab (MB)
         5      16.35      16.35      16.35          0  meminfo:SwapCached (MB)
         5         20         20         20          0  meminfo:SwapFree (kB)
         5       4194       4194       4194          0  meminfo:SwapTotal (MB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:Unevictable (kB)
         5  3.429E+07  3.429E+07  3.429E+07          0  meminfo:VmallocChunk (MB)
         5  3.436E+07  3.436E+07  3.436E+07          0  meminfo:VmallocTotal (MB)
         5      735.4      730.7      734.5      1.872  meminfo:VmallocUsed (MB)
         1      232.5      232.5      232.5          0  meminfo:Writeback (MB)
         4        192          0         48      83.14  meminfo:Writeback (kB)
         5          0          0          0          0  meminfo:WritebackTmp (kB)
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         5          0          0          0          0  net:::vethee1a8f2:rx:packets
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         5          0          0          0          0  net:::virbr0-nic:rx:packets
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         5          0          0          0          0  net:::virbr0-nic:tx:compressed
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         5          0          0          0          0  net:::virbr0:tx:packets
         5  1.108E+07  1.108E+07  1.108E+07          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:allocated_memory
         5         46         44         45     0.8944  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:fan_speed
         5          6          0        1.2        2.4  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:gpu_utilization
         5       1132       1132       1132          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:graphics_clock
         5       1132       1132       1132          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:graphics_max_clock
         5        850        850        850          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:memory_clock
         5        850        850        850          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:memory_max_clock
         5          0          0          0          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:memory_utilization
         5      40.92      40.44      40.66      0.196  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:power (W)
         5        250        250        250          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:power_management_limit (W)
         5        250        250        250          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:power_management_limit_constraint_max (W)
         5        100        100        100          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:power_management_limit_constraint_min (W)
         5          0          0          0          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:pstate
         5       1132       1132       1132          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:sm_clock
         5       1132       1132       1132          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:sm_max_clock
         5         55         54       54.8        0.4  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:temperature
         5  3.406E+10  3.406E+10  3.406E+10          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:total_memory
         5  3.404E+10  3.404E+10  3.404E+10          0  nvml:::Quadro_GV100:device_0:unallocated_memory
         5  1.258E+06  1.207E+06  1.248E+06  2.023E+04  program size (kB)
         4      51.59      37.44      47.11      5.778  rapl::RAPL_ENERGY_PKG (CPU Socket Power in Watts)
         5  1.301E+04       6803  1.149E+04       2400  resident set size (kB)
         5       4042       2081       3437      793.5  resident shared pages
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:frames
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:multicast
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:rx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:carrier
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  vethee1a8f2:tx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:frames
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:multicast
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:rx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:carrier
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0-nic:tx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:frames
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:multicast
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:rx:packets
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:bytes
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:carrier
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:collisions
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:compressed
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:drops
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:errors
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:fifo
         5          0          0          0          0  virbr0:tx:packets