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Using TAU with Python

Kevin Huck edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 1 revision

TAU can be used to profile and/or trace Python programs. A simple set of Python configuration/installation instructions for Summit are below (unfortunately, the TAU module on Summit doesn't have a Python configuration).

Get latest TAU source code from GitHub

(or you can download the latest release from

git clone
cd tau2

Configure and build TAU

First, load the Python module of choice, for example:

module load python/3.7.0

Then configure TAU to use the default base GCC compilers:

module unload xl darshan-runtime
./configure -python
make -j install
# Add TAU to your path

Test the build:

# Go to the TAU python example directory
cd examples/python
# Run the example.  the -T arguments specify the TAU configuration.  'serial' means without MPI.
tau_python -T serial,python ./
# dump the profile summary (in profile.0.0.0)