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Installing TAU
- Dependencies
- Installing TAU with Spack
- Installing TAU on Summit (ORNL)
- Installing TAU on Cori (LBL)
- Installing TAU on Theta (ANL)
- Installing TAU on x86_64 Linux systems
All TAU "dependencies" are optional - TAU can be configured and compiled with just ./configure && make -j install
. However, that configuration will not be very useful - there will be no support for threads, MPI, etc. CUDA, PAPI and PDT support is described below, but all three are optional. If your code doesn't use CUDA, then you don't have to configure TAU with -cuda
or load the module (where applicable). TAU is quite capable with the recommended set of configuration options: -bfd=download -dwarf=download -elf=download -unwind=download -otf=download -pthread -mpi -iowrapper
The only build dependency that TAU requires to be built before TAU is PDT, if you want to auto-instrument code. TAU can instrument code without PDT, but it will use compiler-based instrumentation which has historically added large amounts of measurement overhead. PDT is a source-to-source code instrumentation utility that will add TAU instrumentation to source code. For more information on PDT, see https://tau.uoregon.edu/pdt. TAU can also use Dyninst, PEBIL or MAQAO for binary instrumentation (not described here). For more information on binary instrumentation, please contact [email protected]. Spack will automatically build PDT before building TAU. The following instructions are for manual installation.
To build PDT for code instrumentation, do the following (assumes GCC compilers, for other compilers see the output from ./configure -help
wget http://tau.uoregon.edu/pdt.tgz
tar -xvzf pdt.tgz
cd pdtoolkit-3.25
./configure -GNU -prefix=/path/to/installation
make -j
make install
After installation, PDT can be added to the TAU configuration line with -pdt=/path/to/installation -pdt_c++=g++
. Because the instrumentation tools are front-end tools, they can be compiled with GCC and do not have to be compiled with the same complier used to compile the measurement library. However, the compiler used to build PDT should be specified to the TAU configuration, unless the full stack is built with the same compilers.
TAU configuration should auto-detect the architecture that it is building on, and with systems that require cross-compilation (Cray) it will build the measurement library for the compute nodes and the front-end tools for the login nodes. To configure/install TAU, do one of the following:
With a recent Spack (http://github.com:spack/spack) installation, do:
spack install tau@develop
By default, that will build TAU with binutils, libdwarf, libelf, libunwind (all used for sampling, call site resolution and compiler-based instrumentation for address resolution), otf2 (for tracing support), papi (hardware counter support), PDT (auto-instrumentation support), pthread (for threading support). That is, the TAU configuration in Spack will look something like: tau@develop%[email protected]~bgq+binutils~comm~craycnl~cuda~gasnet+libdwarf+libelf+libunwind~likwid~mpi~ompt~opari~openmp+otf2+papi+pdt~phase~ppc64le+pthreads~python~scorep~shmem~x86_64
. If your only interest is in using TAU to measure ADIOS2, you can save time/space by installing TAU without PDT:
spack install tau@develop~pdt
Note: As of September 5, 2019, the TAU spack package was missing support for the POSIX I/O wrapper. That's been requested as a pull request, but if not yet merged and you want POSIX I/O wrapper support, use this installation package: https://github.com/khuck/spack/blob/develop/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/tau/package.py
Here is a summary of the TAU info message in Spack:
$ spack info tau
Package: tau
A portable profiling and tracing toolkit for performance analysis of
parallel programs written in Fortran, C, C++, UPC, Java, Python.
Homepage: http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau
Preferred version:
2.28.2 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.28.2.tar.gz
Safe versions:
develop [git] https://github.com/UO-OACISS/tau2 on branch master
2.28.2 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.28.2.tar.gz
2.28.1 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.28.1.tar.gz
2.28 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.28.tar.gz
2.27.2p1 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.27.2p1.tar.gz
2.27.2 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.27.2.tar.gz
2.27.1 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.27.1.tar.gz
2.27 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.27.tar.gz
2.26.3 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.26.3.tar.gz
2.26.2 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.26.2.tar.gz
2.26.1 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.26.1.tar.gz
2.26 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.26.tar.gz
2.25 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.25.tar.gz
2.24.1 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.24.1.tar.gz
2.24 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.24.tar.gz
2.23.1 https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/tau_releases/tau-2.23.1.tar.gz
Name [Default] Allowed values Description
bgq [off] True, False Build for IBM BlueGene/Q
compute nodes
binutils [on] True, False Activates support of BFD GNU
comm [off] True, False Generate profiles with MPI
communicator info
craycnl [off] True, False Build for Cray compute nodes
cuda [off] True, False Activates CUDA support
fortran [on] True, False Activates Fortran support
gasnet [off] True, False Activates GASNET support
io [on] True, False Activates POSIX I/O support
libdwarf [on] True, False Activates support of libdwarf
libelf [on] True, False Activates support of libelf
libunwind [on] True, False Activates support of libunwind
likwid [off] True, False Activates LIKWID support
mpi [off] True, False Specify use of TAU MPI wrapper
ompt [off] True, False Activates OMPT instrumentation
opari [off] True, False Activates Opari2
openmp [off] True, False Use OpenMP threads
otf2 [on] True, False Activates support of Open
Trace Format (OTF)
papi [on] True, False Activates Performance API
pdt [on] True, False Use PDT for source code
phase [off] True, False Generate phase based profiles
ppc64le [off] True, False Build for IBM Power LE nodes
pthreads [on] True, False Use POSIX threads
python [off] True, False Activates Python support
scorep [off] True, False Activates SCOREP support
shmem [off] True, False Activates SHMEM support
x86_64 [off] True, False Force build for x86 Linux
instead of auto-detect
Installation Phases:
Build Dependencies:
binutils cuda gasnet libdwarf libelf libunwind likwid mpi otf2 papi pdt python scorep
Link Dependencies:
binutils cuda gasnet libdwarf libelf libunwind likwid mpi otf2 papi pdt python scorep
Run Dependencies:
Virtual Packages:
TAU will download and build most dependencies, with the exception of libraries such as PAPI and CUDA - usually pre-installed on systems. TAU assumes the GCC compilers by default. For ABI compatibility, TAU requires you build with the same compiler and MPI configuration used with ADIOS2 and the application(s). By default TAU will install in-place, in tau2/$arch
An important note: TAU is (currently) incompatible with Darshan. So before building TAU or using it on the compute nodes, the Darshan runtime module must be unloaded.
module unload darshan-runtime
module load gcc/6.4.0 papi/5.6.0 cuda/9.2
git clone https://github.com/UO-OACISS/tau2.git
cd tau2
./configure -bfd=download -dwarf=download -elf=download -unwind=download -otf=download -papi=${OLCF_PAPI_ROOT} -pthread -mpi -iowrapper -cuda=${OLCF_CUDA_ROOT} -prefix=/path/to/installation
make -j install
When using different compilers (i.e. PGI), you specify them on the configuration line like so (for historical reasons, the fortran compiler is specified by vendor, not name...in most cases):
module unload darshan-runtime
module load papi/5.6.0 cuda/9.2
./configure -cc=pgcc -c++=pgc++ -fortran=pgi -bfd=download -dwarf=download -elf=download -unwind=download -otf=download -papi=${OLCF_PAPI_ROOT} -pthread -mpi -iowrapper -cuda=${OLCF_CUDA_ROOT} -prefix=/path/to/installation
make -j install
TAU will automatically detect OpenACC support with the compiler/platform. See the tau2/examples/openacc directory for details and an example.
TAU has two options for support with OpenMP - OPARI instrumentation or OMPT. For olderIntel, LLVM and GCC compilers, TAU can download and build the modern LLVM OpenMP runtime and use that for OMPT measurement. Newer compilers (LLVM 8.0+, Intel 19+) have OMPT support built-in to the runtime. TAU will detect whether the Compiler has OMPT support, and use it if available. If not, it will build and use the LLVM library. When using other compilers (i.e. PGI, XL, etc.) the only other option is OPARI. For OPARI support, see tau2/examples/opari for more information.
To configure TAU with OpenMP and OMPT support, replace -pthread
with -openmp -ompt
module unload darshan-runtime
module load gcc/6.4.0 papi/5.6.0 cuda/9.2
./configure -bfd=download -dwarf=download -elf=download -unwind=download -otf=download -papi=${OLCF_PAPI_ROOT} -openmp -ompt -mpi -iowrapper -cuda=${OLCF_CUDA_ROOT} -prefix=/path/to/installation
make -j install
The default compilers on Cori are Intel 19 (as of Sept. 13, 2019). However, we'll build PDT with the default GNU compilers in /usr/bin, which happen to be GCC 7.4 (again, as of Sept. 13, 2019).
cd $HOME/src
wget http://tau.uoregon.edu/pdt.tgz
tar -xzf pdt.tgz
cd pdtoolkit-3.25.1
./configure -GNU -prefix=/path/to/install/pdt
make install
TAU will be compiled with the default Intel compilers, using the Cray compiler wrappers. However, the login-node tools will be compiled with GCC (because we built PDT with GCC).
module unload darshan
module load papi/
cd $HOME/src
git clone https://github.com/UO-OACISS/tau2.git
cd tau2
./configure -bfd=download -dwarf=download -elf=download -unwind=download -otf=download -papi=/opt/cray/pe/papi/ -pthread -mpi -iowrapper -cc=icc -c++=icpc -fortran=intel -prefix=/path/to/install/tau -pdt=/path/to/install/pdt/GNU -pdt_c++=g++
make -j install
Still have questions? Check out the official documentation or contact [email protected] for help.
- Home
- Installing TAU
- Using TAU
- Measuring XGC with TAU on Summit and Spock
- Configuring TAU to measure IO libraries
- Instrumenting CXX Applications
- Measuring the Papyrus Key Value Store
- Using TAU to Profile and or Trace ADIOS
- Using the Monitoring Plugin
- Quick Start for p2z with TAU
- Quick Start for LULESH with TAU
- Paraprof with X11 Forwarding
- Using the TAU Skel Plugin
- Using TAU with Python
- Streaming TAU data to ADIOS2 Profiles
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)