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Streaming TAU data to ADIOS2 Profiles

Kevin Huck edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 1 revision

This page describes how to configure TAU to stream performance data out to ADIOS2, either as a BP file or as an in-memory stream. These instructions assume you have a working ADIOS2 installation, and you are running with MPI. These instructions also assume GCC compilers.

First, get and configure TAU to have ADIOS2, MPI and pthread support:

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd tau2
# Configure and build
./configure -mpi -pthread -bfd=download -adios=/path/to/adios2
make -j8 install
# Add TAU to your path
export PATH=`pwd`/${TAUARCH}/bin:${PATH}

Then, to use the ADIOS2 output, you'd use the -adios2 flag with tau_exec:

mpirun -np 4 tau_exec -T mpi,pthread,adios2 -adios2 ./myApplication

TAU will only write the data when Tau_dump() is called. To use asynchronous output, control when the data is written, and how frequently, you would use these environment variables:

export TAU_ADIOS2_PERIOD=5000000