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Releases: Rughalt/D35E
Releases · Rughalt/D35E
Version 0.92
- Metamagic Feats Support - support for metamagic feat is in! You can mak spell as being maximized, enhanced or widened with ease!
- Metamagic feats allow for easy creation of spells in most instances
- Epic level spell support
- Most of Metamagic spell changes - Maximized, Widened, Enhanced, Enlarged etc... work out of the box with implemented spells
- Custom Item Tags: Custom tags are used when generating resource names, class names for roll data.
- Skill "Combat Changes"
- Skills are the latest art of the system to get Combat Change support
- All standard Combat Chances features are available
- You can limit skills using condition
'@skillId' === '<skillShortId>'
is used to set value added to skill roll.
- Approximate damage, range and attack display on character sheet near the weapons
- Improved Feat requirements system
- Feats can now require other feats (using Custom Item Tags as reference)
- Ability to add rolling from Roll Table as a part of action. Drag and drop Roll Table from compendium to item and it will be rolled according to formula or randomly. Added
field to Roll Table formula data to reference possible attack roll. - Thrown weapons do not require ammunition - they require having enough quantity to be used
- Special Action
that evaluates one line javascript code. Use with care, we are not responsible for breaking things
- 447 - Etherealness enchantment bug
- 446 - natural armor bug
- 441 - Tumble and Total Defense
- 439 - Jump and High Speed
- 432 - Allow taking half damage from particular energy types
- 431 - unidentified magic item reveals spell-like properties in player's sheet
- 429 - Damage Ability choice not remembered in Attack dialog
- 428 - Apply half damage with no check is applying Full Damage
- 426 - Unarmed strike not usable from Unarmed strike 'item'
- 424 - Bard feature 'Bardic Knowledge'
- 421 - Add "Emission Angle" to item light sources
- 418 - Darts are ranged weapons without ammunitions
- 417 - Fast Healing, Regeneration for Changes Mechanic
- 408 - Allow embedded expressions in object references in special actions
- 406 - Critical Confirmation Bonus
- 405 - Request Extend the slider mechanic to have multiple
- 404 - Add optional "combat" changes for skill checks
- 403 - Allow for special actions on attacks to be applied only once during a full attack
- 402 - Limited Uses always subtracts by 1 regardless of other values.
- 399 - Familiar Hit Points
- 392 - Request Have the ability to set a cap in multi use abilities
- 389 - Clothing and Weight
Version 0.91
#Compendium changes
- 413 - Bard (possibly others) Spells known is offset by +1 level closed
- 412 - Chimera breath weapon closed
- 410 - Griffon - wrong dmg formula closed
- 390 - Rock Gnome & Forest Gnome Issues closed
- 347 - Improved Natural Weapon closed
- 323 - Some monster abilities are missing closed
- 311 - Missing Sorcerer class in various Spells closed
- 265 - Spell points are missing closed
- 230 - Missing Spells closed
- 226 - Undead Fixes closed
Version 0.90.7
All changes
- Demo related features
Version 0.90.6
Version 0.90.5
All changes
- Demo related features
Version 0.90.4
All changes
- Demo related features
Version 0.90.3
All changes
- UI Fix
- Demo mode edits
Version 0.90.2
All changes
- Fixed Spell Focus feats not working
- Minor changes regarding Companion configuration
- Demo mode
Version 0.90.1
All changes
- Fix saving fields on Saving Throw and Defense Dialogs
- Fix (@range) in Saving Throw and Defense Dialogs
- Minor UI and Translation fixes
Version 0.90
- Support for Legacies of the Dragon - Player's Companion
- Special Action extensions
- Automatic applying of "on self" actions where applicable
- Buff data is passed to buff special actions, and can be used as
- Ability to change Traits
Ability to add and subtract values using Special Actions
- Combat Changes
- Ability to add special action as part of a Combat Change
- Ability to have sliders/ranges in Combat Change, to allow use implementing effects such as Combat Expertise
- Ammunition changes
- Forcing all ranged weapons to use/select ammo instead of using "generic umlimited" ammunition
- Inventory cleanup functionality
- Basic Feat requirements function
Quality of Life Changes
- Encounter Generator fix
- Fix for saving things in Attack Dialog
- Saving values in Defense Dialog and Saving Throw dialog
All changes
- 398 - Allow ammo recovery to be turned off closed
- 396 - Critical Damage Doesn't have the Bracket showing the damage types closed
- 394 - Math for Even Number Ability Score Penalties closed
- 388 - Backpack Description Copy Paste Error closed
- 387 - Full attack wield modes not translating into the attack dialog closed
- 384 - Healing items say damage in the chat card closed
- 382 - Monk, Wholeness of body little bug closed
- 380 - Request self use action which doesnt use the chat card closed
- 379 - Rounding error in inventory for total inventory value closed
- 378 - Max charges not updating for items closed
- 377 - Blackguard sneak attack formula error: @classes.blackguard.level not provided in roll data. closed
- 374 - Missing localization: D35E.LockEditingByPlayers closed
- 373 - Missing localization: D35E.Value closed
- 372 - Missing localization: D35E.RaceSubtypePlural closed
- 371 - Missing localization: D35E.Image closed
- 370 - Missing localization: D35E.ChargesToDecuct closed
- 369 - Missing localization: Spell/Ability Attack Count field closed
- 368 - Missing localization: D35E.VsTouchAc closed
- 366 - Encounter Generator not loading closed
- 365 - Request Automatic ammunition recovery closed
- 364 - Ammunition Detail closed
- 362 - Request Combat Changes can add special actions closed
- 360 - [Request] Special actions to modify / toggle arrays closed
- 359 - Buff "Activate Special actions" doesn't have buff item's data when passing to actor entity for applyActionOnSelf closed
- 358 - [Request] Spells/Abilities that have an attack but no damage. closed
- 357 - [Request] Power Attack Scale used for other items. closed
- 356 - Buffs are expiring one round too short closed
- 355 - Power attack is not remembering its value when save attack form toggled on closed
- 354 - Trolls are not taking lethal damage from anything closed
- 352 - GM's cant access the Character HUD movement icon closed
- 351 - Prayer spell broken closed
- 350 - Wildcard Tokens closed
- 349 - Request: Feats to make changes to Arcane Spell Failure closed
- 327 - Request: Lock Character Sheet Components closed
- 325 - Shapechange and Natural Armor closed
- 320 - Toggle use of ammunition during ranged attacks closed
- 318 - Price updates from enhancements overriding base price not adding to them closed
- 223 - Shapechange/Wildshape/Polymorph changes closed
- 149 - Inventory Grouping closed