This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 18, 2022. It is now read-only.
Version 0.90
- Support for Legacies of the Dragon - Player's Companion
- Special Action extensions
- Automatic applying of "on self" actions where applicable
- Buff data is passed to buff special actions, and can be used as
- Ability to change Traits
Ability to add and subtract values using Special Actions
- Combat Changes
- Ability to add special action as part of a Combat Change
- Ability to have sliders/ranges in Combat Change, to allow use implementing effects such as Combat Expertise
- Ammunition changes
- Forcing all ranged weapons to use/select ammo instead of using "generic umlimited" ammunition
- Inventory cleanup functionality
- Basic Feat requirements function
Quality of Life Changes
- Encounter Generator fix
- Fix for saving things in Attack Dialog
- Saving values in Defense Dialog and Saving Throw dialog
All changes
- 398 - Allow ammo recovery to be turned off closed
- 396 - Critical Damage Doesn't have the Bracket showing the damage types closed
- 394 - Math for Even Number Ability Score Penalties closed
- 388 - Backpack Description Copy Paste Error closed
- 387 - Full attack wield modes not translating into the attack dialog closed
- 384 - Healing items say damage in the chat card closed
- 382 - Monk, Wholeness of body little bug closed
- 380 - Request self use action which doesnt use the chat card closed
- 379 - Rounding error in inventory for total inventory value closed
- 378 - Max charges not updating for items closed
- 377 - Blackguard sneak attack formula error: @classes.blackguard.level not provided in roll data. closed
- 374 - Missing localization: D35E.LockEditingByPlayers closed
- 373 - Missing localization: D35E.Value closed
- 372 - Missing localization: D35E.RaceSubtypePlural closed
- 371 - Missing localization: D35E.Image closed
- 370 - Missing localization: D35E.ChargesToDecuct closed
- 369 - Missing localization: Spell/Ability Attack Count field closed
- 368 - Missing localization: D35E.VsTouchAc closed
- 366 - Encounter Generator not loading closed
- 365 - Request Automatic ammunition recovery closed
- 364 - Ammunition Detail closed
- 362 - Request Combat Changes can add special actions closed
- 360 - [Request] Special actions to modify / toggle arrays closed
- 359 - Buff "Activate Special actions" doesn't have buff item's data when passing to actor entity for applyActionOnSelf closed
- 358 - [Request] Spells/Abilities that have an attack but no damage. closed
- 357 - [Request] Power Attack Scale used for other items. closed
- 356 - Buffs are expiring one round too short closed
- 355 - Power attack is not remembering its value when save attack form toggled on closed
- 354 - Trolls are not taking lethal damage from anything closed
- 352 - GM's cant access the Character HUD movement icon closed
- 351 - Prayer spell broken closed
- 350 - Wildcard Tokens closed
- 349 - Request: Feats to make changes to Arcane Spell Failure closed
- 327 - Request: Lock Character Sheet Components closed
- 325 - Shapechange and Natural Armor closed
- 320 - Toggle use of ammunition during ranged attacks closed
- 318 - Price updates from enhancements overriding base price not adding to them closed
- 223 - Shapechange/Wildshape/Polymorph changes closed
- 149 - Inventory Grouping closed