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Releases: Rughalt/D35E
Releases · Rughalt/D35E
Version 0.87.16
Version 0.87.15
Bug Fixes
- Missing UIDs
- Missing images
Version 0.87.14
Version 0.87.13
- Fixed Bugbear, Lacedon, Ghoul, Dire Rat, Thoqqua, Water Mephit, Ghast, Ogre, Ogre Mage
- Fixed Monk entry
- Moved inventory from tabs to separated list, improved in-place add overlay
Bug Fixes
- #206 - Armor Check penalty on Swim Skill should be doubled Bug
- #115 - Monk's and regular unarmed strike
- #130 - SRD Monk issues
- #209 - Arcane Trickster Prestige Class issues
- #208 - Class Features do not display properly
- #200 - Ability damage modifications apply correct carry weight ranges, but it does not apply related maluses until you modify the inventory
- #191 - Set buff "x" field data.level to random Value
- #170 - Fast Clicking breaks how Full attack should work
- #90 - Make all bonuses showed for attack bonuses fields on mouse over.
- #184 - Ranger doesn't have armor and weapon proficiencies
- #201 - HP reg and Buff lost while rest
- #199 - Apply half Damage and the Chatcard
Version 0.87.12
- Implemented Improved Critical, Epic Weapon Focus, Multiweapon Fighting, Multiattack
- Implemented automatic ability modifier change for creatures with one natural attack
- Reimported monsters from SRD
- Saving Throws system rework
- Saving Throw Combat Modifiers (working like attacks and AC combat modifiers)
- Saving Throw common types (Will/Reflex/Fortitude Negates or Half) with possibility of assigning different Ability modifier to roll
- Added
combat change that raises spell DC - Attacks created from unidentified weapons now create attacks with base weapon stats
- New interface for adding items on character sheets
Bug Fixes
- Magic Items abilities not resetting on rest
- Item Type and Action Type in Combat Changes have more meaningful names now.
- Bag of Holding (and similar items) now correctly do not count content weights to Character carrying weight
- #177 - Skill points now correctly calculate for cross and non-class skills
- #179 - Skill points now correctly reset after reducing them to 0 in level up data.
- #176 - Ability damage correctly changes carry weight
- #185 - Disabled abilities disappear from Class Progression table
- #194 - Input for sub-skill name now takes all available space
- #169 - Wrong special action order in spell fixed
- #62 - Swarms have correct token size
Version 0.87.11
Bug Fixes
- Wrong compendium links in sidebar
- Fixed bug with opening Level Up Data window when no Bonus Skill Points counter existed
Version 0.87.10
- Automated AC checking when applying damage
- Added support for Optional AC modifiers, added Optional AC modifiers to feats in compendium
- Fortification - keeping information about fortification critical hit immunity
- Automatically resolved on Apply Dialog critical hit check
- Possibility to add via changes
- Implemented in all Racial HD and Templates in Compendium, added to Fortification enhancement
- Accessible color scheme (enabled by default by mistake - you can turn it off in system settings)
- Added new Sneak Attack class feature that uses Combat Changes mechanism. It will replace old one on chars on update.
- Added new Turn/Rebuke undead feature (to allow non-standard Turn/Rebuke creatures in future). It will be added to chars on update.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed rolling skills from summary tab on Character sheet
- Fixed some icons having ".PNG" file extension instead of ".png"
- Fixed classes/races with EL set to empty breaking Exp calculation
- Fixed domain spell slot assignments
- Fixed class skills/non-class when using level progression
- #162 - Token light radius fixes
- #168 - Added Change target for Touch AC
- #166 - +1 Armor Enhancement correctly adds +1 by default
- Other minor fixes
Version 0.87.9
- Add Healing damage type that always applies healing
Bug Fixes
- Make spell use slot after casting them
- Fix Ray measure template
Version 0.87.8
- Added most basic Templates (except Lycanthrope)
- Added basic support for Domains and Spell Schools (spell list, description)
- Added short spell descriptions to all Spells and Powers
- Added spell list for Psychic Warrior
- Damage Types implementation with Resistances and Damage Reduction
- You can now set complex Damage Reduction schemes and Energy Resistances
- Weapons can be set to use correct Damage types on Attacks (with simple mapping provided for existing attacks).
- Ability to create custom Energy types for damage
- Automatic DR/ER resolving when using Apply Damage functionality
- Basic Material support for Weapons (you can find basic materials in Materials Compendium)
- Warning! Old Damage Reduction and Energy Resistances will not be migrated automatically to new version! You have to do it manually.
- Spell School and Domain Support
- Added support for Spell School and Domain slot for classes that support it
- Spells from Spell School or Domain have their own spell slot that does not use slots for normal spells.
- Warning! Classes that were added to characters before this udate will net to have the option "Has special spell slot (Domain/School)" enabled manually
- Template support
- Added special class type "Template", that has its level automatically set to actor HD
- Most of the templates are drag-and-drop, with only very complex ones needing manual character alteration
Quality of Life Improvements
- Spells now display short description in the spell list (this can be turned off in options)
- More links to the compendium on character sheet to ease access to pre-generated data
- Skill screen has been reworked to better show which skills have ranks, which require training and more
Bug Fixes
- Fixed enhancements to be in line with new Damage Types system
- Changed how Undead 0 Constitution is handled by the system.
Version 0.87.7
Bug Fixes
- 0 Level spell no longer do not consume any uses
- More fixes for time tracking in buffs
- Wildshape and Dazzled condition modifiers removed from changes, ignored on all items