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Releases: Rughalt/D35E
Releases · Rughalt/D35E
Version 0.86.6
Version 0.86.5
Bug Fixes
- #86 - Rolling grapple displays null in roll data
- #85 - Add size modifiers to rolls for base Melee and Ranged attack
- #84 - Cannot set Ability scores from Attribute tab
- #83 - Add ability to toggle Class Features list under classes
- #82 - Using ECL for XP count if Level Progression is disabled
- #80 - Subskills do not work in Level Up Details
- #78 - Gracefully fail if cannot migrate a pack
- #79 - No scrollbars in default skin
Version 0.86.4
- Added Prestige Classes: Archmage, Assassin, Blackguard, Dwarven Defender, Eldricht Knight
- Added compatibility with 0.7.X series
- Full Level Progression system rework:
- Ability to set which Class Level was gained at which Character Level
- Ability to set Hit Points per Level
- Ability to set Skill Points per level
- Compatibility with NPCs and old Characters (that will use simple progression system)
- Theme redesign, theme now enabled by default for new clients
- New change type: BAB
- Support for new 0.7.X series lighting effects
- New lighting options for items
- Ported Vision Permission dialog from PF1
- Added ability to add custom class features when using special World Compendium
Bug Fixes
- Fixes loading characters that had no Prestige Caster Level
- #61 - Fixed Ranger class Favorite Enemy
- #57 - Add possibility to give bab in the changes tab
- #63 - Monsters didn't get feats every 3 levels
- #60 - Spellslots tables are wrong
- #64 - Class details break when selecting None as saving throw progression.
- #58 - Damage value doesn't overriding
- #59 - Power attack not working properly
- #75 - Fighter didn't get bonus feat at lvl 1
- #77 - Fixed Ranger class Favorite Enemy
Version 0.85.4
- #55 - Updated French translation by @red5h4d0w
- Updated Class Abilities/Features rendering style
Bug Fixes
- Fixed regression caused by displaying damage type for typeless damage
Version 0.85.3
- Finished Base classes implementation
- Added Base classes descriptions and art
- Onboarding/Tutorial for new players
- Automatic Class Features adding and removing
- Automatic Spell slot calculation
- Ability to set up spellbook from Class
- Point-Buy system based on Pathfinder 1 rules - ported from PF1
Version 0.84.1
- Additional Spells have full implementation, thanks to BixSexy#9434
- Base Weapon and Armor Enhancements
- Specific Magic Weapons and Armor updates
- Specific Shields - added abilities and enhancements
- Specific Weapons - added abilities and enhancements
- Enhancement support
- Base feats for attack rolls
- Power Attack (this also fixed #39)
- Manyshot and Greater Manyshot
- Rapid Shot
- Two-Weapon Fighting support for attack rolls
- Automatic penalty application
- Automatic additional attacks for Greater and Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Feats
- Ability to set damage type on Ammunition
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Ammunition Bonus Damage being incorrectly added to damage roll.
- #52 Randomize HP rolls up to HD sides instead of levels
Version 0.83.5
- Fixed imported spells/powers with added fixes by BixSexy#9434
- Fixed some monster import rules and added monster images/tokens
- Reduced module size by reducing icons size to 128x128
- Moved Create Attack button on Weapon details screen to front
- Spells automatically set correct level when dropping on spellbook with class set up
Bug Fixes
- Multiple rolls with Dice So Nice! do not longer occur.
Version 0.83
- Monster compendium
- Fixes for Racial HD compendium
- Conditions compendium
- Shapechange feature - access it on Buff - Shapechange tab. Create shapechange buffs by dragging NPC Actors into character sheet.
- Wildshape - melds used items and attacks, copies natural attack of monster and sets abilities
- Polymorph - melds natural attacks, copies natural attack of monster and sets abilities
- Alter self - changes appearance
- #15 - Rolling NPC Hit Die
Bug Fixes
- Golem bonus HP now depends on size
- Undead HP and Fortitude are no longer calculated using their Charisma modifier anymore
- Sped up container updates
- #33 - Conditions Compendium using Pathfinder conditions not 3.5
- #34 - Racial HD compendium bugs
- #32 - Bonus PowerPoints doesn't acount for item/custom racial Ability Score modifiers
- #35 - Rogue class calculates sneak attack damage based on char level instead of rogue level
- #36 - Turn Undead Uses doesn't calculate correctly
- #38 - Revealing details for unidentified items
Version 0.82
Link to release system.json:
- Fixes for Base Classes implementation (Paladin, Barbarian, NPC classes)
- Added Soulknife special abilities
- Converted Backpacks etc. to Containers
- Added Magic Items from SRD - currently description and typing, no special properties
- Container item type and ability to assign items to containers (with support for Bags of Holding)
- Toggleable custom skin for Foundry VTT
- Application of Attack damage/Special buffs for targeted tokens
- Ported spell- and power-based consumable creation from PF1
Bug Fixes
- #19 - Armor doesn't have option for Masterwork bug
- #21 - sizeRoll() given static value instead variable when creating an attack
- #13 - Missing input for Ammo Bonus Damage formula
- #23 - Applying a race from the compendium places a large color box on the NPC sheet in place of name or avatar
- #20 - Attacks created from weapons are created as Ranged Weapon Attacks.
- #22 - sizeRoll() increases the d4 and d6 by 2 steps instead of 1
- #16 - Missing Grapple box on Player character sheet
- #17 - Changes tab still references CMB/CMD no way to add to Grapple
- #14 - Grapple size modifier uses PF vales not 3.5
- #8 - Class Compendium bugs
- #25 - Damage bonus applied twice if more than one type of damage is present
- #24 - Skill roll-up on character sheet doesn't show specialized skills