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MangoLion edited this page May 27, 2015 · 1 revision

hp - your health
mp - mana
sp - stamina
bal - balance determines some skills's damage, it also prevent your skills from being interrupted. When its below 10%, you have a chance of receiving the knockdown status when attacked
str - increase damage of melee and bow attacks, also determines parry success chance
int - increase damage of magic attacks
dex - increase accuracy
agi - decrease skills load/execution/cooldown time, decrease enemy accuracy when attacking you
def - the physical damage you received is first subtracted by your defense
magicdef - same as def but against magic attacks
prot - after defense is subtracted, its reduced by % of your protection, prot also reduces the chance of receiving a critical hit by prot*2 %.
Melee/Magic/Gun/Bow/Alchemy Speed Modifier - determines speed of attacks of those types
Hp/Sp/Mp/Bal Regen - determines regeneration rate (% per second)
Cp - Combat Power, ranges from very weak to boss, you will receive a bonus in skill proficiencies and style points when when facing stronger enemies and vice versa.

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