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MangoLion edited this page May 27, 2015 · 1 revision

Skills are what the character use mainly in battle, even normal attacks are skills. A skill is composed of one or many steps, each step is independent and can be cancelled/interupted at anytime.
For example, the skill sword combo composes of 3 steps(slashes), each step deals more damage than the last, however, if the player is stunned, interrupted or cancel their skill while executing one of those 3 slashes, the other steps are cancelled.

####Damage Each step has a damage modifier (%) of your base attack. Your base attack is calculated by your weapon's base damage and your str/int. For example, if a step deals 200% of your base damage, it means that that step deals the same damage as 2 normal hits.

####Skill interruption When a character is attacked while its loading a skill, there is a chance that its skill will be cancelled, the higher the % of balance that character has, the lower the chances of interruption.

####Skill parry/block When one offensive skill executes and the target also is executing another skill, there is a chance that these two skills will block or parry each other. Some skills cannot be blocked or parried, but most of the time dodged.
Foe example: Bob's slash executes while Alice's slash is still in execution, Alice's slash has a chance of blocking or parrying Bob's slash.

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