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Shreyas edited this page Mar 31, 2014 · 17 revisions

Progress Report

The following is an update on the progress of Obidroid in terms of development

Earlier Feedback

- Looking at the cluster analysis, the question is: 
    - what is special about the apps in cluster 1 and 7?
    - You can look at those and then do something else with the other apps the are lumped together in 2-6. This might be worth digging into more.
- Here is a way to better assess your classification algorithm. Split it into 50/50 positive and negative tests.
    - Based on the clustering results, choose some of the harder to discriminate items to be the positive items you compare against. Then see how well the classification algorithm works on the 50-50 split."

Executive Summary

  • We proceeded to dig deeper into each feature taken 1 at a time (Univariate Analysis) and taken 2 at a time (Bivariate Analysis)
    • Univariate Analysis
      • We present histograms of features grouped on fair and unfair app Labels
    • Bivariate Analysis
      • Here we plotted plots for all combinations of features taken 2 at a time
      • 2 kinds of plots are presented :
        • hexbin plots
        • density plots (based on kde)
      • Also instead of scatter plot, we chose to use hexbin plots where the dots are binned as hexagon points.
        • This was because we saw in our scatter plots a lot of points overlapped. And hence the plot was a little deceiving.
          • We could have either added jitter to the scatter plot to see all the points, but that felt like corrupting the data
          • We chose to bin the points with an alpha value in color shade. And hence a darker point represents that there are multiple points in those positions.
  • Did unsupervised learning (clustering) on the features to understand how they were interacting.
    • We had already done k-means clustering previously.
    • We proceeded to do MDS clustering in an aim to find how many apps were similar and dissimilar based on our feature extraction.
      • Although we succeeded to plot the apps using matplotlib, it was harder to discern the app names after the plot.
      • Hence we proceeded to develop an interactive D3js based plot, which
        • which can be zoomed in
        • mouseover interaction gives App Names as tooltip.
        • This plotting method is an engine, and can be used for various other plots like PCA, whose code is implemented. But we present here only the MDS output pertaining to our inquiry.
    • We also plotted 2-dimensional Dendrogram, but frankly as with most dendrograms, it is harder to draw conclusions.
  • Did supervised learning to find the most suitable classifier algorithms.
    • The code takes 2 approaches
      • Equal Split Approach
        • Divides the labeled apps into fair and unfair
        • Splits fair apps into multiple parts with the size of unfair apps
        • All features are scaled using MinMaxScaler
        • Randomly shuffle sample. Overall size is 46
        • Trains on first 36 apps and tests on last 10.
        • Calculates classifier outputs for each classifier on each split
        • No cross validation is performed.
        • The results are tabulated in table below.
        • To make the results comparable, the splits are performed first and each classifier is applied to the same split
      • All Apps
        • We also apply all the same classifiers to the overall dataset.
        • All features are scaled using MinMaxScaler
        • Sample dataset is randomly shuffled.
        • k=4 fold CrossValidation is performed
        • Classifier performance for each classifier in each fold is tabulated below.
        • Since the folds are performed for each classifier separately, after random shuffling, performance in each fold for separate classifiers may or may not be comparable
    • Average precision for each classification operation is done below.
    • Adjusted average is calculated, using the below mentioned philosophy:
      • As we have maintained from the start, false positives aren't an issue with us, but false negatives are.
      • So we calculated adjusted average by (TP + TN + FP)/Total
        • Where TP=True Positive, TN=True Negative, FP = False Positive.


  • Univariate Analysis
    • This was done after talking to the FTC as this is the approach they currently take while sifting through the app store. They search for all apps based on 1 particular attribute.
    • Analyze each app on 1 particular feature, although it should be noted that we have added more features of our own extracted from app attributes.
    • We were mostly looking for a feature that really stood out for unfair apps.
      • There is no conclusive feature generally on their own that stand out for unfair apps.
  • Bivariate Analysis
    • We found strong correlations between:
      • adjectiveCount x countCapital
      • revLength x countCapital
    • and loose correlations between:
      • adjectiveCount x revLength
    • To develop a more parsimonious statistical model, we might want to combine these features into their product and drop these individual features.
      • But for now, our classifiers are based on these individual features.
  • Clustering
    • Based on the MDS plots:
      • there are some apps that are really very different from others and hence are easier to spot
      • there are some apps that are very similar to other fair apps. This may not necessarily be a bad thing
        • An example is Whatsapp, which is in fact a very popular app but looking at the reviews we labeled it as unfair, which in this case is more likely to be a false positive.
  • Classifier
    • In the equal split exploration
      • Gaussian Naive Bayes and (k=3)NearestNeighbors were the best bet in most of the splits.
        • Especially GNB had significantly lower false negatives
      • SVM-linear & SVM-NonLinear (rbf kernel) did OK mostly but failed quite spectacularly in others
        • It could also be due to very small size of the training data.
    • In overall exploration
      • SVM-linear was the most spectacular with the least false negatives
      • RandomForest was also a lot better than most.
    • For our features there is not a lot of difference between kNN uniform or kNN distance weighted algorithms.

Data Preparation

  1. The data was prepared from previously extracted exports/appFeatures.csv using our crawler and scraper scripts.
  2. The data was then casted to appropriate datatypes explicitly to avoid any mistakes
  3. All variables in the data (i.e. the features) were then normalized using min-max normalization.

For detailed feature descriptions, please refer Obidroid Project Report

Univariate Exploration

Following is an exploration of each variable taken one-by-one at a time.

Here we explore the distributions of each data/feature

Feature Description Hist (fair/unfair)
adjectiveCount count of all adjectives adjectiveCount
hasPrivacy Does it have a valid privacy url hasPrivacy
revLength Total characters in a review revLength
installs Total installs of an app installs
revSent Aggregate review sentiment revSent
countCapital Count capital characters in a sentence countCapital
hasDeveloperWebsite Developer website countCapital
hasDeveloperEmail Developer email hasDeveloperEmail
avgRating average app Rating avgRating

Univariate Conclusion

  • It is hard to draw an inference about fair/unfair but just looking at 1 feature alone.
  • adjectiveCount tapers in both fair and unfair for large number of adjectives, so with higher adjectives it might seem it is more likely to be unfair
  • hasPrivacy is almost evenly distributed for both fair/unfair
  • revLength seems to be uniform in unfair apps
  • revSent for fair/unfair distribution is quite similar
  • avgRating is generally skewed towards higher values for both fair/unfair

Bivariate Exploration

Feature1 x Feature 2 Correlation Plot (as hexagon bins) Density Plots (KDE)
adjectiveCount x hasPrivacy adjectiveCount_hasPrivacy adjectiveCount_hasPrivacy
adjectiveCount x countCapital adjectiveCount_countCapital adjectiveCount_countCapital
adjectiveCount x hasDeveloperEmail adjectiveCount_hasDeveloperEmail no plot [^note-2]
adjectiveCount x hasDeveloperWebsite adjectiveCount_hasDeveloperWebsite no plot [^note-2]
adjectiveCount x hasPrivacy adjectiveCount_hasPrivacy adjectiveCount_hasPrivacy
adjectiveCount x installs adjectiveCount_installs adjectiveCount_installs
adjectiveCount x revLength adjectiveCount_revLength adjectiveCount_revLength
adjectiveCount x revSent adjectiveCount_revSent adjectiveCount_revSent
countCapital x avgRating countCapital_avgRating countCapital_avgRating
countCapital x hasDeveloperEmail countCapital_hasDeveloperEmail no plot [^note-2]
countCapital x hasDeveloperWebsite countCapital_hasDeveloperWebsite no plot [^note-2]
hasDeveloperEmail x avgRating hasDeveloperEmail_avgRating no plot [^note-2]
hasDeveloperWebsite x avgRating hasDeveloperWebsite_avgRating no plot [^note-2]
hasDeveloperWebsite x hasDeveloperEmail no plot [^note-2] no plot [^note-2]
hasPrivacy x avgRating hasPrivacy_avgRating hasPrivacy_avgRating
hasPrivacy x countCapital hasPrivacy_avgRating hasPrivacy_countCapital
hasPrivacy x hasDeveloperEmail hasPrivacy_hasDeveloperEmail no plot [^note-2]
hasPrivacy x hasDeveloperWebsite hasPrivacy_hasDeveloperWebsite no plot [^note-2]
hasPrivacy x installs hasPrivacy_installs no plot [^note-2]
hasPrivacy x revLength hasPrivacy_revLength no plot [^note-2]
hasPrivacy x revSent hasPrivacy_revSent hasPrivacy_revSent
installs x avgRating installs_avgRating installs_avgRating
installs x countCapital installs_countCapital installs_countCapital
installs x countCapital installs_countCapital installs_countCapital
installs x hasDeveloperEmail installs_hasDeveloperEmail no plot [^note-2]
installs x hasDeveloperWebsite installs_hasDeveloperWebsite no plot [^note-2]
revLength x avgRating revLength_avgRating revLength_avgRating
revLength x countCapital revLength_countCapital revLength_countCapital
revLength x hasDeveloperEmail revLength_hasDeveloperEmail no plot [^note-2]
revLength x hasDeveloperWebsite revLength_hasDeveloperWebsite no plot [^note-2]
revLength x revSent revLength_revSent revLength_revSent
revSent x avgRating revSent_avgRating revSent_avgRating
revSent x countCapital revSent_countCapital revSent_countCapital
revSent x hasDeveloperEmail revSent_hasDeveloperEmail no plot [^note-2]
revSent x hasDeveloperWebsite revSent_hasDeveloperWebsite no plot [^note-2]


MDS Plot

Static Plot:

"MDS Plot"

  • + represent unfair app
  • . represent fair app

Interactive MDS Plot

  • refer plot at bottom.
  • use trackpad to zoom
  • use mouseover to view app titles.


Dendrogram static plot


Don't know how to interpret.

All other plots can be viewed at Github repo.

Classifier Output

Splitting Dataset into Equal Fair/Unfair ratio

Our process:

  • split the entire app sample into fair apps (300) and unfair apps (23)
  • split the fair apps sample into splits of the size of the unfair apps.
    • Total 13 splits
  • Combined each fair app split with the unfair apps, to make the sample set for classification
  • randomly shuffled the classification sample
  • trained on n_sample=36 apps and tested on total-n_sample = 10 apps for each split
  • Calculated classifier reports for each split
  • Explicit SplitClassifierReport
Split # Algorithm Avg Precision Avg Accuracy (adjusted) Confusion Matrix [[TP FN][FP TN]]
0th kNN (wt = distance) 0.50 0.70 [[2 3] [2 3]]
0th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.50 0.70 [[2 3] [2 3]]
0th GaussianNB 0.60 0.80 [[3 2][2 3]]
0th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.50 0.80 [[3 2][3 2]]
0th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.60 0.80 [[3 2][2 3]]
0th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.62 0.70 [[2 3][1 4]]
0th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.60 0.80 [[3 2][2 3]]
1st kNN (wt = distance) 0.75 0.80 [[6 2][1 1]]
1st kNN (wt = uniform) 0.80 0.90 [[7 1][1 1]]
1st GaussianNB 0.64 1.0 [[8 0][2 0]]
1st DecisionTreeClassifier 0.53 0.60 [[4 4][2 0]]
1st RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.75 0.80 [[6 2][1 1]]
1st SVM-linear (SVC) 0.04 0.2 [[0 8][0 2]]
1st SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.80 0.90 [[7 1][1 1]]
2nd kNN (wt = distance) 0.71 0.90 [[4 1][2 3]]
2nd kNN (wt = uniform) 0.71 0.90 [[4 1][2 3]]
2nd GaussianNB 0.38 0.8 [[3 2][4 1]]
2nd DecisionTreeClassifier 0.29 0.70 [[2 3][4 1]]
2nd RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.29 0.70 [[2 3][4 1]]
2nd SVM-linear (SVC) 0.50 0.9 [[1 4][1 4]]
2nd SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.60 0.80 [[3 2][2 3]]
3rd kNN (wt = distance) 0.80 0.90 [[4 1][1 4]]
3rd kNN (wt = uniform) 0.80 0.90 [[4 1][1 4]]
3rd GaussianNB 0.81 1.0 [[5 0][3 2]]
3rd DecisionTreeClassifier 0.60 0.80 [[3 2][2 3]]
3rd RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.40 0.70 [[2 3][3 2]]
3rd SVM-linear (SVC) 0.81 0.7 [[2 3][0 5]]
3rd SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.71 0.80 [[3 2][1 4]]
4th kNN (wt = distance) 0.68 0.70 [[4 3][1 2]]
4th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.68 0.70 [[4 3][1 2]]
4th GaussianNB 0.84 1.0 [[7 0][2 1]]
4th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.62 0.60 [[3 4][1 2]]
4th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.68 0.70 [[4 3][1 2]]
4th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.07 0.30 [[0 7][1 2]]
4th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.55 0.50 [[2 5][1 2]]
5th kNN (wt = distance) 0.62 0.70 [[4 1][3 2]]
5th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.62 0.70 [[4 1][3 2]]
5th GaussianNB 0.25 1.0 [[5 0][5 0]]
5th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.71 0.80 [[3 2][1 4]]
5th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.71 0.80 [[3 2][1 4]]
5th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.60 0.80 [[3 2][2 3]]
5th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.71 0.90 [[4 1][2 3]]
6th kNN (wt = distance) 0.80 0.90 [[5 1][1 3]]
6th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.80 0.90 [[5 1][1 3]]
6th GaussianNB 0.80 1.0 [[6 0][3 1]]
6th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.57 0.60 [[2 4][1 3]]
6th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.71 0.80 [[3 2][1 4]]
6th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.16 0.40 [[0 6][0 4]]
6th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.85 1.0 [[6 0][2 2]]
7th kNN (wt = distance) 0.80 1.0 [[4 0][4 2]]
7th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.83 1.0 [[4 0][3 3]]
7th GaussianNB 0.16 1.0 [[4 0][6 0]]
7th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.52 0.80 [[2 2][3 3]]
7th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.45 0.90 [[3 1][5 1]]
7th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.16 1.0 [[4 0][6 0]]
7th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.45 0.90 [[3 1][5 1]]
8th kNN (wt = distance) 0.63 0.90 [[1 1][5 3]]
8th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.63 0.90 [[1 1][5 3]]
8th GaussianNB 0.63 0.90 [[1 1][5 3]]
8th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.42 0.90 [[1 1][7 1]]
8th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.56 0.90 [[1 1][6 2]]
8th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.04 1.0 [[2 0][8 0]]
8th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.56 0.90 [[1 1][6 2]]
9th kNN (wt = distance) 0.71 0.90 [[4 1][2 3]]
9th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.71 0.90 [[4 1][2 3]]
9th GaussianNB 0.78 1.0 [[5 0][4 1]]
9th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.22 0.90 [[4 1][5 0]]
9th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.25 1.0 [[5 0][5 0]]
9th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.25 1.0 [[5 0][5 0]]
9th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.78 1.0 [[5 0][4 1]]
10th kNN (wt = distance) 0.92 0.60 [[5 4][0 1]]
10th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.93 0.7 [[6 3][0 1]]
10th GaussianNB 0.93 0.80 [[7 2][0 1]]
10th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.91 0.30 [[2 7][0 1]]
10th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.91 0.2 [[1 8][0 1]]
10th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.01 0.1 [[0 9][0 1]]
10th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.92 0.5 [[4 5][0 1]]
11th kNN (wt = distance) 0.43 0.80 [[2 2][4 2]]
11th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.78 1.0 [[4 0][5 1]]
11th GaussianNB 0.45 0.90 [[3 1][5 1]]
11th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.31 0.80 [[2 2][5 1]]
11th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.31 0.80 [[2 2][5 1]]
11th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.16 1.0 [[4 0][6 0]]
11th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.45 0.90 [[3 1][5 1]]
12th kNN (wt = distance) 0.60 0.80 [[4 2][2 2]]
12th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.60 0.80 [[4 2][2 2]]
12th GaussianNB 0.33 0.90 [[5 1][4 0]]
12th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.57 0.90 [[5 1][3 1]]
12th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.80 1.0 [[6 0][3 1]]
12th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.16 0.4 [[0 6][0 4]]
12th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) 0.30 0.80 [[4 2][4 0]]

For Entire Dataset

Fold # Algorithm Avg Precision Avg Accuracy (adjusted) Confusion Matrix [[TP FN][FP TN]]
1st kNN (wt = distance) 0.97 0.95 [[74 4][ 1 1]]
2nd kNN (wt = distance) 0.93 0.9875 [[76 1][ 3 0]]
3rd kNN (wt = distance) 0.90 0.9875 [[75 1][ 4 0]]
4th kNN (wt = distance) 0.79 0.9875 [[66 1][12 1]]
1st kNN (wt = uniform) 0.97 0.975 [[76 2][ 1 1]]
2nd kNN (wt = uniform) 0.93 1.00 [[77 0][ 3 0]]
3rd kNN (wt = uniform) 0.90 1.00 [[76 0][ 4 0]]
4th kNN (wt = uniform) 0.79 0.9875 [[66 1][12 1]]
1st GaussianNB 0.96 0.9125 [[71 7][ 1 1]]
2nd GaussianNB 0.96 0.95 [[73 4][ 1 2]]
3rd GaussianNB 0.90 1.00 [[76 0][ 4 0]]
4th GaussianNB 0.64 0.5875 [[14 53][ 5 8]]
1st DecisionTreeClassifier 0.95 0.875 [[68 10][ 2 0]]
2nd DecisionTreeClassifier 0.92 0.9125 [[70 7][ 3 0]]
3rd DecisionTreeClassifier 0.93 0.8625 [[65 11][ 2 2]]
4th DecisionTreeClassifier 0.82 0.975 [[65 2][10 3]]
1st RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.95 0.9625 [[75 3][ 2 0]]
2nd RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.93 0.9875 [[76 1][ 3 0]]
3rd RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.90 1.0 [[76 0][ 4 0]]
4th RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) 0.82 0.975 [[65 2][10 3]]
1st SVM-linear (SVC) 0.95 1.0 [[78 0][ 2 0]]
2nd SVM-linear (SVC) 0.93 1.0 [[77 0][ 3 0]]
3rd SVM-linear (SVC) 0.90 1.0 [[76 0][ 4 0]]
4th SVM-linear (SVC) 0.70 1.0 [[67 0][13 0]]
1st SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) [^note-1] - - -
2nd SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) [^note-1] - - -
3rd SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) [^note-1] - - -
4th SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) [^note-1] - - -

Classifier Details

Classifier Name Classifier Parameters
kNN (wt = distance) (algorithm=auto, leaf_size=30, metric=minkowski, n_neighbors=3, p=2, weights=distance)
kNN (wt = uniform) (algorithm=auto, leaf_size=30, metric=minkowski, n_neighbors=3, p=2, weights=uniform)
GaussianNB default
DecisionTreeClassifier (compute_importances=None, criterion=gini, max_depth=None, max_features=None, min_density=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2, random_state=None, splitter=best)
RandomForest ( AdaBoostClassifier) AdaBoostClassifier(algorithm=SAMME, base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(compute_importances=None, criterion=gini, max_depth=1, max_features=None, min_density=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2, random_state=None, splitter=best), base_estimator__compute_importances=None, base_estimator__criterion=gini, base_estimator__max_depth=1, base_estimator__max_features=None, base_estimator__min_density=None, base_estimator__min_samples_leaf=1, base_estimator__min_samples_split=2, base_estimator__random_state=None, base_estimator__splitter=best, learning_rate=1.0, n_estimators=200, random_state=None)
SVM-linear (SVC) (C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, degree=3, gamma=0.0, kernel=rbf, max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False)
SVM-Nonlinear (NuSVC) (cache_size=200, coef0=0.0, degree=3, gamma=0.0, kernel=rbf, max_iter=-1, nu=0.5, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False)
  • [^note-1]: Some bug in the Non-Linear SVM implementation for all apps needs to be resolved. Currently it exits with an error ValueError: specified nu is infeasible
  • [^note-2]: For some boolean variables no density plots are generated using kde, but for others it does. We don't really know why. Would love your comment on it. The general culprits seem to be hasDeveloperEmail and hasDeveloperWebsite. hasPrivacy works mostly fine.