You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 8
Description for tables
After installing Dcoin, a local database, which is filled with the data received from the unit blocks, which are taken from block chain . This article describes all the tables used.
Abuzy on miners
- user_id bigint (20)
- from_user_id bigint (20)
- comment varchar (255)
- time int (11)
Blog administrator
- id int (11)
- time int (10)
- lng varchar (5)
- title varchar (255)
- message text
Messages from the administrator that appear in the interface software
- id int (11)
- notification tinyint (1)
- close tinyint (1) - The user can close the message, and it will not appear
- message text - json. Each language your message and gen - for those for whom language is not enough
- currency_list varchar (1024) - For any exchange display the message. ALL - all
- block_id int (10) - For the kickbacks
The main table. Chain stores blocks
- id int (11)
- hash binary (32) - A hash of the complete block header (new_block_id, prev_block_hash, merkle_root, time, user_id, level). Used as PREV_BLOCK_HASH
- head_hash binary (32) - A hash of the header block (user_id, block_id, prev_head_hash). Used to update head_hash in info_block when recovering from a fork in upd_block_info ()
- data longblob
Requests for exchange for cash
- id bigint (20)
- time int (10) - Time to create the query. From him reckon 48 hours
- from_user_id bigint (20)
- to_user_id bigint (20)
- notification tinyint (1)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- amount decimal (13,2) - This amount must be paid in cash
- hash_code binary (32) - hash of code, and the code is sent in a personal meeting.
- enum ('approved', 'pending') DEFAULT 'pending' - If the unit selected the correct code for the hash, then there will be approved. Rejected not, as possible without it clear that the request is not made simply by looking time
- for_repaid_del_block_id int (11) - if there are no more for_repaid any one currency at a given user, then you need to check whether it has expired cash_requests, which should be noted for_repaid_del_block_id, to cash_request_out not translate over the promised amount of user in for_repaid because of overdue cash_requests
- del_block_idint (11) - During the reduction, all current cash_requests, ie which have not passed 2 days, removed
list of languages
- id` int (11) - ID language
- name` varchar (200) - the language
Comments on the project
- id int (11)
- user_id int (11)
- projectid int (11)
- lang_id` tinyint (4)
- comment varchar (255)
- time int (11) - In order to be able to count the time before placing the following commentary
- block_id int (11) - For kickbacks
- id int (11)
- project_id int (11)
- user_id int (11)
- amount decimal (15,2)
- currency_id int (11)
- time int (11) - DC grow yuzersky%
- block_id int (11) - For kickbacks
- del_block_id int (11) - Funder changed his mind and returned to the completion of the project money
- checked tinyint (1) - in order to determine the crown cf_project.funding and cf_project.funding
- del_checked tinyint (1) - in order to determine the crown cf_project.funding and cf_project.funding
Currency, which is created after the successful completion of the project
- id bigint (20) - ID goes from 1000 to id CF-exchange does not intersect with the DC-currencies
- name char (7)
- project_id bigint (20)
- id bigint (20)
- user_id int (11)
- currency_id tinyint (4)
- amount int (11)
- funding decimal (15,2) - Get in the crown. How much is collected funds. Need for the project output directory, so as not to pull cf_funding ',
- funders int (11) - Get in the crown. Number of investors. Need for the project output directory, so as not to pull cf_funding ',
- project_currency_name char (7)
- start_time int (11)
- end_time int (11)
- latitude decimal (8,5)
- longitude decimal (8,5)
- country varchar (100)
- city varchar (100)
- category_id smallint (6)
- close_block_id int (11) - In order to know when the project is completed and could remove old data from cf_funding. It is also used to determine the status of the project - open / closed '
- del_block_id int (11) - The project was canceled by the author, and the funds returned to investors'
- block_id int (11) - For the kickbacks,
- log_id bigint (20)
- geo_checked tinyint (1) - On the crown transform coordinates in the name of the country and the city and celebrate here '
- id bigint (20)
- hide tinyint (1)
- project_id bigint (20)
- lang_id tinyint (4)
- blurb_img varchar (50)
- head_img varchar (50)
- description_img varchar (50)
- picture varchar (50) - If there is no video, it appears that image '
- video_type varchar (10)
- video_url_id varchar (50)
- news_img varchar (50)
- links varchar (512)
- log_id bigint (20)
- id tinyint (3)
- name char (3)
- full_name varchar (50)
- max_other_currencies tinyint (3) - How many currencies this currency can Mein
- tmp_curs double
- log_id int (11)
- log_id int (11)
- max_other_currencies tinyint (3)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- name char (15) - Code designation daemon
- script char (40) - The name of the script
- param char (5) - Options to run
- pid int (11) - Pid daemon for detecting the duplicate
- time int (11) - The last time the activity daemon
- first tinyint (1)
- memory int (11)
- restart tinyint (1) - Team daemon that need to get
Dots on a miner's photo
- user_id bigint (20)
- race tinyint (1) - Race. From 1 to 3
- country tinyint (3)
- version int (11) - Version of set of dots
- status enum ('pending', 'used') DEFAULT 'pending' - New miner gets a status "Pending". If the result of the vote is negative, the status remains as "Pending." If the result of the vote is positive, the status changes to "Used."
- f1 float - Segment 1
- f2 float
- f3 float
- f4 float
- f5 float
- f6 float
- f7 float
- f8 float
- f9 float
- f10 float
- f11 float
- f12 float
- f13 float
- f14 float
- f15 float
- f16 float
- f17 float
- f18 float
- f19 float
- f20 float
- p1 float
- p2 float
- p3 float
- p4 float
- p5 float
- p6 float
- p7 float
- p8 float
- p9 float
- p10 float
- p11 float
- p12 float
- p13 float
- p14 float
- p15 float
- p16 float
- p17 float
- p18 float
- p19 float
- p20 float
- log_id bigint (20)
Location miner
- id bigint (20)
- user_id int (11)
- latitude decimal (8,5)
- longitude decimal (8,5)
- votes_start_time int (11) - Start time of collecting votes, ie time of the hit records in the block
- votes_0 int (11) - Votes for
- votes_1 int (11) - Votes against
- enum ('approved', 'rejected', 'pending') DEFAULT 'pending' - pending-is canvassing
- block_id bigint (20) - A block in which entry was added. To roll back, so you know exactly what to delete
The time at which the miner does not get% since resting
- id bigint (20)
- user_id bigint (20)
- delete tinyint (1) - 1 is removed. you need to roll back
- start_time int (11)
- end_time int (11)
The current block, the data from which we have already brought to his
- hash binary (32) - A hash of the complete block header (new_block_id, prev_block_hash, merkle_root, time, user_id, level). Used as prev_hash
- head_hash binary (32) - A hash of the header block (user_id, block_id, prev_head_hash)
- block_id int (11)
- time int (10) - Time to create block
- level tinyint (4) - At what level was generated block
- current_version varchar (50) DEFAULT '0.0.1',
- sent tinyint (4) - Was sent to block nodes specified in nodes_connections'
That after generating a new user does not lose its private key, you can save it here
- user_id int (10)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- public_key varchar (3096) - It is necessary just to identify a block zaregalsya nick and mark approved
- private_key varchar (3096)
- enum ('my_pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'my_pending'
- id bigint (20)
- del_block_id int (11)
- user_id bigint (16)
- amount decimal (13,2) - The promised amount. On her influence reduction, and it is truncated when updating max_promised_amount (very important in case denominations Fiat). If status = repaid, then there kept count of money that gave the miner. Need to keep, just to know the total amount not to exceed max_promised_amount. For WOC amount is not needed because WOC is totally dependent on max_promised_amount
- amount_backup decimal (13,2) - Need for kickbacks when reduction
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- ps1 smallint (5) - ID of the payment system, in the currency of which he is willing to do the translation in the event of an incoming request
- ps2 smallint (5)
- ps3 smallint (5)
- ps4 smallint (5)
- ps5 smallint (5)
- start_time int (11) - Used when you need to find out who has the right to vote for a given currency, ie passed with 60 days of receipt of the status of miner or repaid (considering the time of the status miner). Changes each time you change the status. There is only the status of mining and repaid. This is a defense against the attack of clones when somehow 100,500 miners have been tested, added some currency, and voted in favor of reduction of 90%. 90 days - this time to the administrator to notice and react to such an attack
- enum ('pending', 'mining', 'rejected', 'repaid', 'change_geo', 'suspended') DEFAULT 'pending' - pending - when you first add or repeated request. change_geo is made when there is a change of location, suspended - when an admin demoted miner in the nick. TDC is incident only when the status of mining, repaid with maynerskim or yuzersky% (if the status miner = passive_miner)
- status_backup * enum ('pending', 'mining', 'rejected', 'repaid', 'change_geo', 'suspended') DEFAULT - When the admin bans miner, the status words suspended, and here - the status of the * status
- tdc_amount decimal (13,2) - the dismal amount by% growth. Recalculated when translating TDC on the wallet
- tdc_amount_backup decimal (13,2) - Need for kickbacks when reduction
- tdc_amount_update int (11) - Update time tdc_amount
- video_type varchar (100)
- video_url_id varchar (255) - If empty, then take the video by ID yuzera.flv. In the video, miner says he wants Mein selected currency
- votes_start_time int (11) - Each time you change the location of the new voting begins. Change location can be no more than once a day
- votes_0 int (11)
- votes_1 int (11)
- woc_block_id int (11) - It is necessary to undo the addition woc
- cash_request_out_time int (11) - Any cash_request_out leads to this entry in the recipient's request. Removed it only after at the user does not remain outstanding cash_request-s. Need for reduction_generator, to take into account only the promised amounts that have not yet frozen nevypolennymi cash_request-s
- cash_request_out_time_backup int (11) - Used new_reduction ()
- cash_request_in_block_id int (11) - It is necessary to rollback cash_request_in
- del_mining_block_id int (11) - It is necessary to rollback del_promised_amount
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- category_id tinyint (4)
- block_id int (11)
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- hide tinyint (1)
- lang_id tinyint (4)
- blurb_img varchar (50)
- head_img varchar (50)
- description_img varchar (50)
- picture varchar (50)
- video_type varchar (10)
- video_url_id varchar (50)
- news_img varchar (50)
- links varchar (512)
- block_id int (11)
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- del_block_id int (11)
- amount decimal (13,2)
- amount_backup decimal (13,2)
- start_time int (11)
- enum ('pending', 'mining', 'rejected', 'repaid', 'change_geo', 'suspended')
- status_backup enum ('pending', 'mining', 'rejected', 'repaid', 'change_geo', 'suspended', ) DEFAULT '
- tdc_amount decimal (13,2)
- tdc_amount_update int (11)
- video_type varchar (100)
- video_url_id varchar (255) - If empty, then take the video by ID yuzera.flv. In the video, miner says he wants Mein selected currency
- votes_start_time int (11) - Each time you change the location of the new voting begins
- votes_0 int (11)
- votes_1 int (11)
- cash_request_out_time int (11)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
Points for each user to
- log_id bigint (20)
- user_id bigint (20)
- race tinyint (1)
- country tinyint (3)
- version int (11) - Version set points
- enum ('approved', 'rejected', 'pending')
- f1 float - Segment 1
- f2 float
- f3 float
- f4 float
- f5 float
- f6 float
- f7 float
- f8 float
- f9 float
- f10 float
- f11 float
- f12 float
- f13 float
- f14 float
- f15 float
- f16 float
- f17 float
- f18 float
- f19 float
- f20 float
- p1 float
- p2 float
- p3 float
- p4 float
- p5 float
- p6 float
- p7 float
- p8 float
- p9 float
- p10 float
- p11 float
- p12 float
- p13 float
- p14 float
- p15 float
- p16 float
- p17 float
- p18 float
- p19 float
- p20 float
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- user_id int (11)
- miner_id int (11)
- reg_time int (11)
- enum ('miner', 'user', 'passive_miner', 'suspended_miner')
- node_public_key varbinary (512)
- face_hash varchar (128)
- profile_hash varchar (128)
- photo_block_id int (11)
- photo_max_miner_id int (11)
- miners_keepers tinyint (3)
- face_coords varchar (1024)
- profile_coords varchar (1024)
- video_type varchar (100)
- video_url_id varchar (255)
- host varchar (255)
- latitude decimal (8,5)
- longitude decimal (8,5)
- country tinyint (3)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- user_id bigint (20)
- count int (11) - How many new user transactions made per minute
Not used
- invite char (128)
- count int (11)
- log_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- miner_pct int (10)
- user_pct int (10)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- user_id bigint (20)
- profile_file_name varchar (64)
- face_file_name varchar (64)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- log_id int (11)
- version double
- example_spots text
- compatibility text
- segments text
- tolerances text
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id int (11)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
You can only create 1 tr th with abuzy for 24h
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
To account for the count of req. on ext. / Removed. / Change promised_amount. We clean Kron
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (11)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (11)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
Store data up to 1 day
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
Limits to repeat the request for which voting node
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
Voices from the nodes
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
Set of voices from miner_pct / user_pct / max_promised_amount / max_other_currencies / reduction. Currencies are not considered here. The important fact of the complex voting
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (10)
Store the data for the day, to avoid duplicates.
- hash binary (16)
- time int (11)
- log_id bigint (20)
- public_key_0 varbinary (512)
- public_key_1 varbinary (512)
- public_key_2 varbinary (512)
- referral bigint (20)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
- log_id int (11)
- data text
To 1 user was not able to vote 2 times for the same
- user_id bigint (20) - Who voted
- voting_id bigint (20) - For the voice. There may be id geolocation, etc.
- enum ('votes_miners
' promised_amount ') - Need for voting_id
- del_block_id int (11) - In what was the removal of the block. Need for cleaning in the crown of old data and kickbacks.
Table, which will be taken during the rollback block infa
- log_id bigint (20)
- amount decimal (15,2)
- amount_backup decimal (15,2)
- last_update int (11)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20) - Id predydschuego log_id, which is written in the wallet
Full lock on the supply of new units / tr-s
- lock_time int (10)
- script_name varchar (100)
- uniq tinyint (4)
- miner_id int (11) AUTO_INCREMENT - If there is banned, then in their place are newcomers, thus all miner_id will be busy without spaces
- active tinyint (1) - 1 - active, 0 - banned
- log_id int (11) - No log_id impossible to determine whether the update is in the tabla miners or insert, as by AUTO_INCREMENT not understand, because the update may be in the latest line
- log_id int (11)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id int (11)
- user_id int (11)
- miner_id int (11) - Table miners
- reg_time int (11) - The time when the miner was miner_id up to vote. Opredeleyaetsya once and does not change. Need not to give the new Miner generit tr-s registration of new users and outbound
- ban_block_id int (11) - In a block miner was demoted to suspended_miner. Need to avoid crossing the tr-s degraded miner and most tr-s demotion
- enum ('miner', 'user', 'passive_miner', 'suspended_miner') DEFAULT 'user' - Changes cause recalculation of TDC in promised_amount
- node_public_key varbinary (512)
- face_hash varchar (128) - Hash photo nick
- profile_hash varchar (128)
- photo_block_id int (11) - Block, which was added to the photo
- photo_max_miner_id bigint (20) - Max. miner id when adding a photo. This photo_block_id * needed to determine the 10-node, where are the photos
- miners_keepers tinyint (3) - How many Miner photo copy of the user. By default = 10
- face_coords varchar (1024)
- profile_coords varchar (1024)
- video_type varchar (100)
- video_url_id varchar (255) - If empty, then take the video by ID yuzera.flv
- host varchar (255) - the address of the host or IP, where the node miner
- latitude decimal (8,5) - Location can be changed without any problems, but it is at the same time start voting at promised_amount for all currencies, where the status of mining or hold
- longitude decimal (8,5)
- country tinyint (3)
- log_id bigint (20)
Communication with the admin, bug reports, etc..
- id int (11)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- parent_id int (11)
- subject varchar (255) - Appears after decryption
- message text
- message_type tinyint (1) - 0-bug-reports
- message_subtype tinyint (1)
- encrypted blob
- decrypted tinyint (1)
- enum ('approved', 'my_pending') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- enum ('from_admin', 'to_admin') DEFAULT 'to_admin
Just show what data has not yet been put in blocks. Those that have already fallen, then removed
- id tinyint (3)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- amount decimal (13,2)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- id bigint (20)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- time int (11) - Time to enter the block
- notification tinyint (1)
- to_user_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- amount decimal (13,2)
- comment text
- comment_enum ('encrypted
' decrypted ') DEFAULT' decrypted
- code varchar (64) - The secret code to be transmitted to the person who gives Fiat
- hash_code varchar (64)
- enum ('my_pending', 'pending', 'approved', 'rejected') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- cash_request_id bigint (20)
To the author of the project could not know who to send what products
- id` bigint (20)
- from_user_id` bigint (20)
- project_id` bigint (20)
- amount` decimal (15,2)
- del_block_id` int (11) - The block in which the transaction was canceled
- time` int (10) - The time when the transaction created a user
- block_id` int (10) - The block in which the transaction was sealed. When you roll back the block all transactions with block_id will be deleted
- comment` text
- comment_status` enum ('encrypted', 'decrypted')
Need only report that shows the user
- id bigint (20)
- enum ('pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'approved' - pending - only when sending DC with our wallet, because need to show the user that the request has been accepted
- notification tinyint (1) - alert via sms and email
- enum('cash_request
- type_id bigint (20)
- to_user_id bigint (20)
- amount decimal (15,2)
- commission decimal (15,2)
- del_block_id int (11) - The block in which the transaction was canceled
- time int (10) - The time when the transaction created a user
- block_id int (10) - The block in which the transaction was sealed. When you roll back the block all transactions with block_id will be deleted
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- comment text - If this is the transfer of funds between the nick or a commission, then there will be decrypted comment
- comment_enum ('encrypted
' decrypted ') DEFAULT' decrypted
- id int (11)
- latitude decimal (8,5)
- longitude decimal (8,5)
- current tinyint (1)
- current_enum ('
' approved ',' my_pending ') DEFAULT' '- status of our application to make this current location. Not to be confused with the status of all geolocation
- enum ('approved', 'rejected', 'my_pending', 'pending') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- geolocation_id bigint (20) - It is necessary when changing the current location
- id smallint (6)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- start_time int (10)
- end_time int (10)
Keys to authenticate the user. Use extreme
- id int (11)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- notification tinyint (1)
- public_key varbinary (512) - It is necessary to search the users
- private_key varchar (3096) - Keep those who are not afraid
- password_hash varchar (64) - Keep those who are not afraid
- enum ('my_pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- my_time int (10) - Record creation time
- time int (10) - Time of the block
- block_id int (11) - For the definition of kickbacks and extreme
Anything that sends the soap, is logged here
- id int (11)
- time int (11)
- data varchar (1024)
- id int (11)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- public_key varbinary (512)
- private_key varchar (3096)
- enum ('my_pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- my_time int (11) - Record creation time
- time bigint (20)
- block_id int (11)
- name varchar (200)
- email tinyint (1)
- sms tinyint (1)
- sort tinyint (3)
- important tinyint (1)
It is only necessary to send the notification that it is time to vote
- last_voting int (11) - Time of the last vote
- notification tinyint (1) - Notice that since the last vote has been more than 2 weeks
It is only necessary to send the notification that it is time to vote
- last_voting int (11) - Time of the last vote
- notification tinyint (1) DEFAULT '0' - Notice that since the last vote has been more than 2 weeks
- user_id bigint (20)
- miner_id int (11)
- enum ('bad_key
' my_pending ',' miner ',' user ',' passive_miner ',' suspended_miner ') DEFAULT' my_pending '- bad_key - this is when the user zaregalsya on someone else's key, which is found on the public, or if have an old key instead of the new
- race tinyint (1) - Race. From 1 to 3
- country tinyint (3) - Can only be used locally to test the miners of the destination country
- notification_status tinyint (1) - Notice. If you change the status of the reset
- mail_code varchar (100)
- login_code int (11) - To sign the authorization
- email varchar (100)
- notification_email tinyint (1)
- host varchar (255) - Host of the user for which it is available outside
- host_enum ('my_pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- geolocation varchar (200) - Current location miner
- geolocation_enum ('my_pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- location_country tinyint (3)
- invite char (128)
- face_coords varchar (1024) - The points that the user paid for your photo
- node_voting_send_request int (10) - When we have sent a request to the DC-network for granting us the status of \ "Miner \"
- profile_coords varchar (1024) - The points that the user paid for your photo
- video_url_id varchar (255) - Video that shows the face of the user
- video_type varchar (100)
- lang char (2) - Remember the language for the user
- use_smtp tinyint (1)
- smtp_server varchar (100)
- smtp_port int (11)
- smtp_ssl tinyint (1)
- smtp_auth tinyint (1)
- smtp_username varchar (100)
- smtp_password varchar (100)
- miner_pct_id smallint (5)
- user_pct_id smallint (5)
- repaid_pct_id smallint (5)
- api_token_hash varchar (64)
- sms_http_get_request varchar (255)
- notification_sms_http_get_request int (11)
- show_sign_data tinyint (1) - If 0, then do not show data for signature, if the user only one key praymari
- uniq set ('one') DEFAULT '1
Here written a new version that is loaded in the public
- version varchar (50)
- alert tinyint (1)
- notification tinyint (1)
Banim 1 hour of those who give us the data with errors
- user_id int (11)
- ban_start int (10)
- info text
Nodes that helmet and data from which the data
- host varchar (100)
- user_id int (11) - In order to obtain the public key, which encrypt blocks and tr-s
- block_id int (11) - ID block, which is at this node. To send him only> =
% Miner, nick. Based pct_votes
- id int (11)
- time int (10) - time block in which were new%
- notification tinyint (1)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- miner decimal (13,13)
- user decimal (13,13)
- block_id int (10) - It is necessary for kickbacks
Based votes_max_promised_amount
- id int (11)
- time int (10) - time block in which were new max_promised_amount
- notification tinyint (1)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- amount int (11)
- block_id int (10) - It is necessary for kickbacks
Last update time max_other_currencies_time in currency
- time int (10)
Based votes_max_other_currencies
- id int (11)
- time int (10) - time block in which were new max_other_currencies
- notification tinyint (1)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- count int (11)
- block_id int (10) - It is necessary for kickbacks
When was the last procedure cuts for a particular currency. To count the 2 weeks before the next
- id int (11)
- time int (10) - Time of the block in which it was made: Halving
- notification tinyint (1)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- pct tinyint (2)
- block_id int (10) - It is necessary for kickbacks
Voting for%. Every 14 days counting
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (11) - It is only necessary to determine whether or not the user has voted. Depends on it, he will receive maynersky or yuzersky%
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- pct decimal (13,13)
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- time int (11)
- pct decimal (13,13)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
Voting for%. Every 14 days counting
- user_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- pct decimal (13,13)
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- pct decimal (13,13)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
Voting for the reduction in the volume of coins. Every 14 days counting
- user_id bigint (20)
- time int (11) - Taking into account only the freshest voices, ie one vote only one cut
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- pct tinyint (2)
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- time int (11)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- pct tinyint (2)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
Every 2 weeks based on these votes Updated On currency.max_promised_amount
- user_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- amount int (11) - The options are specified in the script, otherwise there will be problems with the search option of the winning
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- amount int (11)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
Every 2 weeks based on these votes Updated On currency.max_other_currencies
- user_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- count int (11) - The options are specified in the script, otherwise there will be problems with the search option of the winning
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- count int (11)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id bigint (20)
Points miners, which is solved, they will receive maynerskie% or yuzersky
- user_id bigint (20)
- time_start int (11) - From what time is measured 1 month
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id int (11)
- time_start int (11)
- points int (11)
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id int (11)
Status of users on the basis of counting points
- user_id bigint (20)
- time_start int (11) - The start time status. Until when this status is valid, define the simple addition of an array of time to be 30 days
- enum ('user', 'miner') DEFAULT 'user',
- block_id int (11) - It should be easy to roll back '
Blocks that we need to take away from the specified nodes
- head_hash binary (32)
- hash binary (32)
- user_id int (10)
- block_id int (11)
The queue at the front check competing blocks
- head_hash binary (32) - A hash of the header block (user_id, block_id, prev_head_hash)
- data longblob
Tr-s, we should check
- hash binary (16) - md5 from tr-ii
- high_rate tinyint (1) DEFAULT '0' - If 1, it means the admin tr Notices
- data longblob
- _tmp_node_user_id VARCHAR (255)
- user_id bigint (20)
- profile_file_name varchar (64)
- face_file_name varchar (64)
- log_id bigint (20)
Compatibility with the current version of the previous points
- version int (11)
- example_spots text - points that are applied to the sample 2 photo (front and profile)
- compatibility text - What version is compatible
- segments text - is necessary for the compilation of segments in new_miner ()
- tolerances text - Possible differences between the points when looking for photo-takes
- log_id int (11)
It should be on the stage of competition, who have less hash
- block_id int (11) - ID of the test unit
- time int (10) - The time when the unit got here
- level tinyint (4) - Writing here for use in making the header
- user_id int (11) - According to compute the hash id caps
- header_hash binary (32) - Hash Hats: Measured by them, who have less - that is steeper. Hash is generated at the preparation of the data block
- signature blob - Signature block users, whose minimum hash caps we took
- mrkl_root binary (32) - Hash tr-s. That every time you do not check the same data, just compare hashes
- enum ('active
' pending ') DEFAULT' active '- specify a script testblock_disseminator.php
- uniq tinyint (1)
- lock_time int (10)
- script_name varchar (30)
- uniq tinyint (4)
All nezanesennye unit tr-s that we have
- hash binary (16) - All hashes of this tabla helmet to someone who want to get a block (ie, missing tr-s for the compilation unit)
- data longblob - The body of the tr-s
- verified tinyint (1) DEFAULT '1' - remaining after the arrival of the new unit tr-s marked as \ "unchecked \", and they need to check on the new
- used tinyint (1) - After the fall into the unit, put a 1, and those who already stood 1 - delete
- high_rate tinyint (1) - 1 - Admin, 0 - other
- for_self_use tinyint (1) - for new_pct (pct_generator.php), because this tr-Ia is valid only with the power that Generate whoever Generate this tr-uw
- type tinyint (4) - Type of tr-s. Need to avoid falling into the unit 2-tr-s of the same type from one user
- user_id tinyint (4) - It is necessary to avoid falling into the unit 2-tr-s of the same type from one user
- third_var int (11) - To avoid crossing one block removal of the promised amount and request its return on the DC. And to avoid voting for the same object by the same users in the same block
- counter tinyint (3) - To avoid loops when checking tr-s: verified = 1, the new block, verified = 0. Upon reaching 10 and remove the tr-uw
- sent tinyint (1) - was sent to nodes specified in nodes_connections
Tr-s, which are used in the current testblock
- id int (11) AUTO_INCREMENT - Ranking is very important
- hash binary (16) - md5 for exchange only missing tr mi
- data longblob
- type tinyint (4) - Type of tr-s. Need to avoid falling into the unit 2-tr-s of the same type from one user
- user_id tinyint (4) - It is necessary to avoid falling into the unit 2-tr-s of the same type from one user
- third_var int (11) - To avoid crossing one block removal of the promised amount and request its return on the DC. And to avoid voting for the same object by the same users in the same block
Each miner determines what commission with tr-s will accrue to him if he will generally try to block
- log_id bigint (20)
- commission text
- block_id int (11) - In what block was entered. Need to remove old data
- prev_log_id int (11)
Each miner determines what commission with tr-s will accrue to him if he will generally try to block
- user_id bigint (20)
- commission text - the Commission for all currencies in the json. If a currency is not listed, then the commission will be zero. currency_id,%, min., max.
- log_id int (11)
Each miner determines what commission with tr-s will accrue to him if he will generally try to block
- currency_id int (11)
- pct float
- min float
- max float
This table contains the public keys of all the users and miners.
- user_id bigint (20) AUTO_INCREMENT - It will be used to send money
- public_key_0 varbinary (512) - The public key, which verifies all transactions from the user
- public_key_1 varbinary (512) - 2nd key if there
- public_key_2 varbinary (512) - the third key, if there
- referral bigint (20) - Those who zaregalsya of the user and is now getting him RCB
- log_id bigint (20)
- name varchar (35)
- value text
- comment varchar (255)
Separated from miners_data, the voices were exactly behind the recent data
- id bigint (20)
- enum ('node_voting
' user_voting ')
- user_id bigint (20) - Who are voting
- votes_start_time int (10)
- votes_0 int (11)
- votes_1 int (11)
- votes_end tinyint (1)
- end_block_id bigint (20) - In a block, we set the forced end to a node
- cron_checked_time int (11) - On the crown checked, not whether we need to download photos of the user to his server
Voting for RCB%. Every 14 days counting
- user_id bigint (20)
- first tinyint (2)
- second tinyint (2)
- third tinyint (2)
- log_id bigint (20)
- log_id bigint (20)
- user_id bigint (20)
- first tinyint (2)
- second tinyint (2)
- third tinyint (2)
- block_id int (11)
- prev_log_id int (10)
- first tinyint (2)
- second tinyint (2)
- third tinyint (2)
- log_id int (11)
- log_id bigint (20)
- first tinyint (2)
- second tinyint (2)
- third tinyint (2)
- block_id int (11)
- prev_log_id int (10)
Used only during the installation
- progress varchar (10) - At what stage stopped
Who as a currency
- user_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- amount decimal (15,2)
- amount_backup decimal (15,2) - Can be zeroed unevenly due to processing and then - rollback new_reduction ()
- last_update int (11) - the last time with the recalculation of% of miner_pct
- log_id bigint (20) - ID log_wallets, where we will take the data with rollback to 1 unit. 0 - means if you roll back you need to delete a row
Add up all the write-offs that are not yet in the block
- hash binary (32) - Hash transaction. You need to delete the data from the buffer after the transaction has been processed in a block or canceled due to errors in the re-examination of
- del_block_id bigint (20) - Since can not be deleted because of possible rollback block has to do * delete = 1, and by night - clean
- user_id bigint (20)
- currency_id tinyint (3)
- amount decimal (15,2)
- block_id bigint (20) - It may be = 0 block number in which the record was entered. If the block is in the front. test would be invalid, then just delete all the data on block_id
- id bigint (20)
- user_id bigint (20) - Whose warrant
- sell_currency_id tinyint (3) - What sold
- sell_rate decimal (20,10) - At what rate to buy_currency_id
- amount decimal (15,2) - How much is left on this order
- buy_currency_id int (10) - What is the currency needed
- commission decimal (15,2) - What is the commission given node generator
- empty_block_id bigint (20) - If the order is devastated, then there will be a block number. To then remove old records
- del_block_id bigint (20) - If the user decided to delete the order, then there will be a block number
All orders that have been affected by the tr-s
- id bigint (20)
- main_id bigint (20) - ID of log_forex_orders_main. For kickbacks
- order_id bigint (20) - What order was involved. For kickbacks
- amount decimal (15,2) - What amount has been deducted from the order
- to_user_id bigint (20) - Which has been credited to the user amount
- new tinyint (3) - If 1, then created a new order. At 1 amount is not specified, because during the rollback will simply remove the entry from forex_orders
- block_id bigint (20) - For the kickbacks
Each order is written here. When you roll back any order simply take the last line here
- id bigint (20)
- block_id bigint (20) - To be able to understand what data can be safely removed from their old
In one block should not get more than 10 tr-s transfer of funds or the creation of forex-orders for an amount less than the equivalent of $ 0.05-0.1 at the current rate
- tx_hash binary (16) - On this hash is noted that the transport Notices hit the block, and put * del_block_id
- user_id bigint (20)
- del_block_id bigint (20) - block_id here written at a time when transport Notices hit the block and is not used for the frontal test. Need to be able to understand what data can be safely removed from their old
This tabla is only visible to admin
- id bigint (20)
- add_time int (11) - to remove old my_pending
- user_int_message_id int (11) - ID message that sends the user
- parent_user_int_message_id int (11) - Parent_id, which sends the user
- user_id bigint (20)
- enum ('from_user', 'to_user')
- subject varchar (255)
- encrypted blob
- decrypted tinyint (1)
- message text
- message_type tinyint (1)
- message_subtype tinyint (1)
- enum ('my_pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'my_pending
- close tinyint (1) - The question was closed, so no longer loomed
To make it easier to understand the cause of failure
- enum ('miner', 'promised_amount')
- vote_id int (11)
- comment varchar (255)
- hash binary (16)
- data varchar (20)
If not empty, then working in the mode pool
- user_id int (11)
- uniq enum ('1') DEFAULT '1
- data text
For those who want to meet to share their code for cash
- id bigint (20)
- name varchar (255)
- php_path varchar (255) - It is necessary to start the daemons
- my_block_id int (11) - Parallel to info_block and write here. Need for zeroing worksheets to know to what unit do not touch tabla my_
- local_gate_ip varchar (255) - If there is not empty, then connector.php will be inactive and ip for disseminator.php will be taken here. Need for protected mode
- static_node_user_id int (11) - All outgoing tr-s will be signed by the public key of the node. Need for protected mode
- in_connections_ip_limit int (11) - Number of requests from 1 ip per minute
- in_connections int (11) - Number of nodes and simple users, from whom we receive the data. We believe the number of ip 1 minute
- out_connections int (11) - Number of nodes who helmet data
- bad_blocks text - Rooms and sign of bad blocks. Need not to pick up a longer, but buggy chain blocks
- pool_max_users int (11) DEFAULT '100
- pool_admin_user_id int (11)