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Dcoin FAQ

c-darwin edited this page Dec 13, 2015 · 8 revisions

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DC-network includes servers that exchange blocks and transactions.
Dcoin or DC – internal currencies used in the DC-network, for example DUSD, DEUR, DGBP, etc. For convenience, all examples below only use DUSD.

Why is it Impossible to Fake a Video?

Computer Forgery

Minimal cost to create one such video starts from $2000, while some experts proclaim that it will take at least $1 million per video to achieve more or less acceptable quality.

Professional Make-up

What if you take one person and apply and remove make-up 50 times?
Sounds easy, however it will cost from $100’000 up to $285’000 for 50 make-ups.
Petr Gorshenin Studio that declared the $285’000 price tag describes the process:
“You take a cast from a person, cast his or her face model. Next you produce models of face parts – as many as there are various details, which is about 5 (forehead, nose, chin and two cheekbones separately). Next you make playdough sculptures of changes. After that new forms are cast, from which actual silicon details are produced. And except for making the first cast, you repeat the whole procedure 50 times”.

About possibility of «Farms»

It is quite probable that “Farms” will occur sooner or later, where quirky hucksters pay $10-20 for full account registration with offline registration and promise of the additional amount. But occurrence of such coons would mean that they make at least several hundred dollars off each such account. Shall someone send a request for Dcoin exchange to such shady account for the amount it promises, it would by no means be beneficial to receive the freeze of coin growth on his promised accounts, because obtained Dcoins can easily be sold on the exchange. And he will have to give up the promised amount in exchange for the same amount of Dcoins. Thus such farm will not fundamentally differ from the group of usual miners, except for the fact that it’s one person who’ll be gaining all the profits. But such farms won’t have large turnovers, because as soon as the first of such schemes is discovered, the rule will be added for recording of the first video, requiring to show a piece of paper that reads “I agree with the terms of use of website”. Most people will go to the website out of curiosity to find out, what they agree with. And on the website it will be explained that it’s highly unfavorable to sell an account for $$10-20 and it’s much more profitable to use the account yourself.
And what if one goes to some sleepy region in India, where 85% of people have no internet, and record people there in a studio?
Once again, the resulting farm will not have significant negative effect, because it will be unprofitable for its owner to ignore requests for his promised amounts. But as soon as the first such cases are discovered, Dcoin protocol will be supplemented with a group of transactions allowing for offline validation of new miners.
This will work as following:
If there are at least 25 other miners within the 25 km radius from the user that wants to become a miner, one of them will be selected pseudo-randomly.

 * @param int $user_id - user_id of the miner candidate.
 * @param int $size - amount of elements in the array of miners within the 25km radius.
 * @return int
function get_checking_miner_id ($user_id, $size) {
  $n = ceil( log($size) / log(16) );
  $hash = $user_id;
  do {
    $hash = hash('sha256', $hash);
    $c = substr($hash, 0, $n);
    $key = hexdec($c);
  } while( $key > $size || !$key );
  return $key;
As you can see from the method, it is impossible to ensure that some particular miner executes validation. Selected miner receives candidate’s contacts and shall call him and schedule a meeting. Within 2 days they shall meet and the selected miner must make a photo of them together, publish it on his node and send a transaction to the DC-network. For doing so he receives 1’000 points. He may also send a transaction refusing to execute validation. In case 2 days have passed, or a refusal transaction have been sent, candidate has right to send another request to the next randomly selected miner. If there are less than 25 miners within the 25 km radius, personal meeting is not required for validation. 25 miners are selected from 50, 100, 500, 1’000 or 10’000 km radius, one of whom is pseudo-randomly selected. He receives a request to call the candidate by Skype, look at him, take a picture, post it on his node, and send a transaction to the DC-network. After such transaction with the photo is sent, candidate receives right to send a transaction to the DC-network, in which he shall provide a link to his video, hashes of his photos, points on the photos. Next follows validation by miners and voting.
Thus “farm” won’t be able to vanish in the crowd in a big city, and all miners appearing in places where there are yet less than 25 other miners, will be additionally validated by the admin.
The mere fact of existence of such farms assumes that Dcoin has developed and each miner account is a source of regular income, and owners of such farms gain bumper profits using everyman’s ignorance. This fact is unlikely to stay unnoticed for a long time, and sooner rather than later it will make it into the media. And all those ignorant will quickly become informed that it’s more beneficial for them to become miners themselves.

Who and how determines the speed of DC emission?

Every 2 weeks miners vote on each currency they have in their promised amounts.

Once every 2 weeks a block is generated, in which % is selected based on the voting results.

Graph above shows that most people voted for 600, which means 600% per annum for DUSD for the following 2 weeks. In fact, there are no 600% per annum in Dcoin – that’s just a forecast. Coin volume decrease may result in lower percentage per annum than selected. It is only safe to say that coin volume in the next block will be increased by about 0.00074%, or by 0.00000617044 % per second, subject to coin volume being below the volume of promised amounts and less than 50% vote for the decrease.

How, for example, DUSD are exchanged for actual US dollars

Say, you have 30 DUSD in your wallet.
Go to “Mining” – “Conversion into Cash”, look on the map for someone nearby, who has the promised amount we need. Provide your contact details and send a request. Your contacts are encoded with the open key of the request addressee, i.e. nobody but the addressee will be able to decipher your contacts. Write down the code (in this example: fb7d5710354776926c547b4fdb856288) – it will be of use later.

The addressee of our request receives notification by email or SMS about the request for his promised amount. This is how it looks in the interface:

From now on addressee has exactly 48 hours to enter the code, known only to you. After entering the code he receives +30 DUSD that will be debited from your account. If the code is not entered, his account will be downgraded from miner’s to user’s and DCs on promised amounts will stop growing. Simply put, addressee shall contact you using contact details you provided, schedule a meeting and exchange his or her cash for your code.

Is it necessary to meet to exchange code for cash?

No, personal meeting is only recommended as the safest way to exchange code for cash. When adding the promised amount, you may provide a list of e-money that you’re ready to pay in case you receive a request. In this case one shall pay attention to the following information about the miner, who sent you a request date of registration and complaints.
If, for example, you want to exchange your DC for webmoney, just select webmoney during the search:

What happens if I miss an incoming request to exchange DC for cash?

1. DC on promised amounts stop growing.
2. Following types of transactions become unavailable:

It is possible to regain access to the transactions listed above as well as the growth of DC on promised amounts. To do so someone shall send you a repeat request for your cash, which you shall satisfy.
That being said, if, for example, you have a promised amount of $1’000 and you missed a request for $200, you’ll have to satisfy a request for the entire $1’000 in order to regain the miner’s status. Of course, you can ask a friend to send you a request for $1’000 to avoid waiting for too long, but in order to do so he’ll have to buy 1’000 DUSD somewhere.

Is it allowed to transfer from one pool to another?

Yes, it is. There’s no affinity to pools, and in order to change pools, you just need to transfer your public key to a new pool, and use a private key for authorization. You can also install Dcoin and not depend on pools.

Can an anonimous user exchange DC for cash from a miner?

No, this function is only available for miners. Such limitation is required for protection from money laundering.

Can anyone send a fake transaction to the DC-network from my name?

Dcoin uses digital signature, which is impossible to forge. However, if someone steals your private key, he will get full access to your account. You can use triple signature to avoid such risk.

Why do I see user's percentage displayed instead of miner's?

All miners have user’s percentage during the first month after registration. During this month one shall acquire sufficient number of points, in which case starting from the 2nd month he’ll get miner’s %. Afterwards it is required to gain a required number of points, otherwise your percentage may swich back to user’s.

Is it possible to add a new promised amount, if you already have one satisfied that equals the of maximum promised amount?

No. It is impossible to exceed the maximum promised amount. Even if you transferred redeemed coins to your account, their number is still remembered in the promised amount. In other words, if a maximum promised amount equals 1’000 dUSD, you have 1’000 redeemed dUSD. You transfer them to your regular account, thus the promised amount becomes 0. In this case it will be impossible to add a new promised amount for USD, even if you delete the old one

See also

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