This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 18, 2022. It is now read-only.
Version 0.83
- Monster compendium
- Fixes for Racial HD compendium
- Conditions compendium
- Shapechange feature - access it on Buff - Shapechange tab. Create shapechange buffs by dragging NPC Actors into character sheet.
- Wildshape - melds used items and attacks, copies natural attack of monster and sets abilities
- Polymorph - melds natural attacks, copies natural attack of monster and sets abilities
- Alter self - changes appearance
- #15 - Rolling NPC Hit Die
Bug Fixes
- Golem bonus HP now depends on size
- Undead HP and Fortitude are no longer calculated using their Charisma modifier anymore
- Sped up container updates
- #33 - Conditions Compendium using Pathfinder conditions not 3.5
- #34 - Racial HD compendium bugs
- #32 - Bonus PowerPoints doesn't acount for item/custom racial Ability Score modifiers
- #35 - Rogue class calculates sneak attack damage based on char level instead of rogue level
- #36 - Turn Undead Uses doesn't calculate correctly
- #38 - Revealing details for unidentified items