A list of papers / resources online that have helped me. Mostly about AI / Graphics / Math / Audio.
- LearnCpp - Amazing resource to learn c++ from scratch. Great for the experienced programmer or new programmer.
- LearnOpenGL - Describes how to build basic rendering engine from scratch with theory.
- The Book of Shaders - Resource on slowly learning more and more complicated fragment shaders.
- Tu Wain Rendering / RayTracing Course - Entire course from Tu Wain on RayTracing in cpp
- Scratchapixel - Education site that progressively introduces you to the world of computer graphics
- How to Read a Realistic Rendering Paper - Describes advice on how to read papers in general. Worth a read before trying to dissect papers.
- Technical Writing - Quick blogpost on technical writing
- 3D rotations blog - Blog post describing different methods of rotation
- godbolt - online C/C++/etc. compiler.
- Shadertoy - Great site to practice with fragment shaders (if I didn't want to use my own engine).
- RGB -> HSV demo - Tool to build intuition behind HSV colorspace
- Blog on Build Systems - good overview on build systems to compile code to vs2022, xcode, gnu make (premake vs cmake vs ninja vs meson)
- Unreal Engine 5 Docs - The documentation for unreal engine 5.
- Write Stupid Code (cpp review) - Once you have the grasp on the basics of cpp, this is a good review and helps explain some of the more advanced topics.
- Paper Collection - List of papers submitted at SIGGRAPH, but very easily accessible]
- Variable Bitrate Neural Fields - use neural fields to compress geometry
- Terrain Synthesis from DEGs - Use Elevation Models to create terrain that follows a user's sketch
- StyleGAN - Change traditional GAN architecture to include intermediate latent space. Also style mixing. Best paper to get started with the StyleGAN series.
- Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control - Change weights of words / add words / replace words in a prompt to edit generative images
- Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers (VALL-E) - Leverage Codec Intermediate space and lots of data to create very good TTS. Can replicate someone's voice or emotion with 3 seconds of input.
- NeRF-VAE: A Geometry Aware 3D Scene Generative Model - Use NeRFs to generate novel 3D scenes. Similar idea to autoencoders in general.
- Neural Discrete Representation Learning (VQ-VAE) - Vector quantized Auto Encoders. The same idea as other continuous autoencoders, but the bottle neck is a quantized quassian distribution. Has solid results, and is used in DALL-E 1 and Muse.
- eDiff-I: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with an Ensemble of Expect Denoisers - Generative Diffusion Models perform better when you have different denoisers for different sections of the denoising process temporally.
- Get3D: A Generative Model of High Quality 3D Textured Shapes Learned from Images - Use SDFs, differentiable surface modeling, and differentiable rendering to make high-quality 3D textured meshes
- Text2Tex: Text-driven Texture Synthesis via Diffusion Models - Given a depth -> image diffusion model, generate textures from many different angles. Result in a fully textured mesh.
- Discovering Interpretable Directions in the Semantic Latent Space of Diffusion Models - Find parallels between GAN latent vectors and the latent vectors in diffusion models.
- Guided Conditional Diffusion for Controllable Traffic Simulation - Use diffusion to generate controlled and realistic trajectories for traffic between many vehicles. Could be extended to general group behaviors.
- Blog on transformers - very good blog with code on transformers.
- Transformer Neural Networks Explained - Great teaching style and short form video on transformers
- Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation - Book on Physically Based Rendering, simply meaning the rendering is based on how light behaves in the real world. This book describes how you can use pbr concepts when implementing a ray tracer.
- Game Engine Architecture (3rd edition) - Fundamental book in game engine architecture
- Ray Tracing in a weekend - Great concise resource that builds a simple ray tracer without an API
- Real-Time Rendering - Book on real-time rendering techniques
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics - This textbook is a good resource for the fundamentals of computer graphics. More helpful if one has not had an introductory class on Computer Graphics.
- Stable Diffusion by Computerphile - Simple but in depth explanation of stable diffusion
- Stable Diffusion coding by Computerphile - More in depth look of the code of stable diffusion
- Multiplayer in Minecraft Clone - First look at programming multiplayer in cpp
- The Continuity of Splines - Video essay looking at Splines. Very in depth and informative.
- The Art of Code - Youtube channel for fragment shading.
- Matrix Decomposition & Algorithms - Blog post on the overview of matrix decompositons
- Linear Algebra Notes Annotated - All of my notes from when I took Linear Algebra at Georgia Tech