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Humble CI

The following instructions are the one that were distribuited with the vendor's code with some clarifications. You must follow the instruction in the haptic documentation first (having the right files under /etc/Haption/). Documentation and libraries are here. You can avoid points #0 and #4 by running the ''

This project includes a basic implementation of the test programs (TestCalibration, TestImpedance and TestAdmittance) distribuited with the haptic interface and the IDRA team's implementation for the teleoperation (under haptic_control) using ROS2 and RaptorAPI. This guide is written for Linux, Windows users need to adapt it in the appropriate way.


  • Ubuntu 22.04 (API binaries for MacOS and Windows are also present but it did not tested them).
  • ROS2 Humble
  • PCI access
    sudo apt-get install libpciaccess-dev

The next requirements is needed only if the virtual fixtures are used.

  • OpenMP
    sudo apt install libomp-dev


  1. Clone as a workspace named haption_ws:
    git clone haption_ws
  2. Source ROS environment:
    source /opt/ros/$ROS-DISTRO/local_setup.bash
  3. Copy the desktop_6D_n65.param in /etc/Haption/Connector. Create the missing folders if needed. The parameters file is stored in the IDRA drive folder here, request access to the drive if you need to use the haptic interface.
  4. Build the workspace
    colcon build --symlink-install
  5. Enter sudo mode and run the script:
    sudo su
  6. Start the RaptorAPIWrapper node by calling
    ros2 run haption_raptor_api raptor_api_wrapper 

Ethernet configuration

The computer must be connected via ethernet to the haptic device black box. The network interface used must have the IP address. In Ubuntu you can set this IP from Settings -> Network -> Select the right network interface -> Click the gear -> IPv4 and set

  • Address:
  • Netmask:

Run the examples


Calibrate the robot if it was not already calibrated (in another sudo shell):

  • Edit the test_calibration/parameters.yaml according to your network setup
  • Check that the green calibration/force feedback button is not pressed otherwise press it again.
  • Run the calibration node by calling
    ros2 run test_calibration test_calibration --ros-args --params-file ./src/test_calibration/config/parameters.yaml
  • When you read C_WAITINGFORPOWER: P_NOPOWER in the RaptorAPIWrapper terminal, press the green calibration/force feedback button on the haptic device to power it on. You will see the haptic device moving to the calibration position.

Impedance control

. Run the impedance node (in another sudo shell):

  • Edit the test_impedance/parameters.yaml according to your network setup
  • Run
    ros2 run test_impedance test_impedance --ros-args --params-file ./src/test_impedance/config/parameters.yaml

Admittance control

Or run the admittance node (in another sudo shell):

  • Edit the test_admittance/parameters.yaml according to your network setup
  • Run
    ros2 run test_impedance test_impedance --ros-args --params-file ./src/test_impedance/config/parameters.yaml

Robot teleoperation sample

The haptic interface can be used to command a target pose and the resulting force measured by the robot can be exerted by the haptic interface through the haptic_control package that I implemented. Check haptic_control/parameters.yaml for the list of parameters.

ros2 launch haptic_control 

Mesh Virtual Fixtures control

An implementation of the algorithm presented here is implemented.


  • Open3D C++

Run the teleoperation with mesh virtual fixtures

ros2 launch haptic_control use_fixtures:=true

Delay simulation

A delay simulation is implemented and can be tested with

ros2 launch haptic_control use_fixtures:=true delay:=0.4

Trouble shooting

  • If you get this error HAPTION::RaptorAPI::StartLogging() failed with error 13 you probably did not sourced
  • If you get HAPTION::RaptorAPI::StartLogging() failed with error 1 the haptic interface is probably shutted down


ROS2 package for the use of the haptic interface






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