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analysis em implementação. Subst. visc e pot
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g7fernandes committed Sep 13, 2019
1 parent dc1c7a7 commit 7c9e97d
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Showing 2 changed files with 172 additions and 19 deletions.
125 changes: 106 additions & 19 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
import time
from zipfile import ZipFile

import progressbar
pbar = True
Expand All @@ -20,6 +19,32 @@
print('conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 progressbar2')
pbar = False

# Autocorrelation function
def autocorr(x):
n = x.size
norm = (x - np.mean(x))
result = np.correlate(norm, norm, mode='same')
acorr = result[n//2 + 1:] / (x.var() * np.arange(n-1, n//2, -1))
lag = np.abs(acorr).argmax() + 1
r = acorr[lag-1]
if np.abs(r) > 0.5:
print('Appears to be autocorrelated with r = {}, lag = {}'. format(r, lag))
print('Appears to be not autocorrelated')
return r, lag

# sort the particles into regions
def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
# input: x: array (1D) of positions in one diraction
# dimx: dimension of the region in the diraction of the divison
# div: number of divisions
# outut: y: list of arrays that contains the indices of the particles that are in a region that is the position in the array
div = dimx/div
xp = x // div # This gives the location of each particle
dmap = [[] for _ in range(div)]
for i in range(len(x)):
return dmap

# Find the directory where the files are
dirname = os.getcwd() #os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
Expand All @@ -44,14 +69,17 @@

len_list_files = len(zip_positions.namelist()) # number of files (steps)

KE = np.zeros(len_list_files)
tauk = np.zeros(len_list_files)
tauxyp = np.zeros(len_list_files)
tauyxp = np.zeros(len_list_files)
msq = np.zeros(len_list_files)
div = input("Enter in how many regions the region of calculus will be divided in the x diraction [1]: ")
if div == '':
div = 1
div = int(div)

KE,tauk,tauxyp,msq,tauyxp = np.zeros((len_list_files,div))

nesb = int(input("Enter the number of assembles in which this simulation will be divided:\n"))
periodic = ('y' == input("Where the boundaries periodic? [y/n]\n"))
mic = 0
for step in range(len_list_files):
if periodic:
rfup = pd.read_csv('rF_u_P.csv.'+str(step)), header=None, names = ["micx","micy","RxFy","RyFx","u","m","K"])
Expand All @@ -60,31 +88,90 @@
pos = pd.read_csv("position.csv."+str(step)), header=None, names = ["x","y"])
vel = pd.read_csv("velocity.csv."+str(step)), header=None, names = ["v_x", "v_y"])

if step == 0:
r0 = pos[['x','y']]
dmap = density_map(pos['x'],dimx,div)

# Depende da região, terá um for
if step == 0: # se step == inicio do ensamble
r0 = pos[['x','y']] # um r0 por ensamble
# lp = dmap # salva as partículas numa daterminada região
if periodic:
mic = rfup[["micx", "micy"]]*np.array([dimx, dimy])

# Separar aqui por região
msq[step] = np.sum(np.sum(np.square(pos[['x','y']] + mic - r0),axis=1))

KE[step] = np.sum(rfup('K'))
tauk[step] = np.sum(vel['v_x'] * vel['v_y'] * rfup ['m'])/Vol
tauxyp[step] = np.sum('RxFy')/Vol
tauyxp[step] = np.sum('RyFx')/Vol

if periodic:
mic = rfup[["micx", "micy"]]*np.array([dimx, dimy])
msq[step] = np.sum(np.sum(np.square(pos[['x','y']] + mic - r0),axis=1))

# Difusividade 2D
D = msq/(4*(len(r0)-1))

esb_len = int(len_list_files)/nesb # length of each assemble
kT = np.mean(KE)

# Calculamos t * viscosidade*2*kT/Vol. kT = KE

esb_len = int(len_list_files)/nesb # length of each ensamble
etat_kk, etat_kp1, etat_pp1, etat_kp2, etat_pp2 = np.zeros(esb_len)

for i in range(1,esb_len): # ao longo de cada ensemble
for j in range(nesb): # ao longo dos ensambles
start = j*esb_len
fin = j*esb_len + i
eta_kk = np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])**2

eta_kp1 = np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])*np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin])
eta_pp1 = np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin])**2
etat_kk[i] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])**2
etat_kp1[i] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])*np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin])
etat_pp1[i] += np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin])**2
etat_kp2[i] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])*np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin])
etat_pp2[i] += np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin])**2

eta_kp2 = np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])*np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin])
eta_pp2 = np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin])**2

# Viscosidade * t

etat_kk = (etat_kk * Vol / (2*kT))/nesb
etat_kp1 = (etat_kp1 * Vol / (kT) )/nesb
etat_pp1 = (etat_pp1 * Vol / (2*kT))/nesb
etat_kp2 = (etat_kp2 * Vol / (kT) )/nesb
etat_pp2 = (etat_pp2 * Vol / (2*kT))/nesb

# Para descobir T fazemos um curve fit linear
t = np.linspace(0,esb_len-1, esb_len)
eta_kk = np.polyfit(t,etat_kk,1)
eta_kp1 = np.polyfit(t,etat_kp1,1)
eta_pp1 = np.polyfit(t,etat_pp1,1)
eta_kp2 = np.polyfit(t,etat_kp2,1)
eta_pp2 = np.polyfit(t,etat_pp2,1)

# Plota as viscosidades usando taupxy


plt.plot(t, t*eta_kk[1] + etat_kk[0],'g')
plt.plot(t, t*eta_kp1[1] + etat_kp1[0],'b')
plt.plot(t, t*eta_pp1[1] + etat_pp1[0],'r')

plt.plot(t, t*(eta_kk[1] + eta_kp1[1] + eta_pp1[1] ) + etat_kk[0] + etat_kp1[0] + etat_pp1[0],'k',linewidth=2, label='t*eta')
plt.title("Visocisdade usando tau_yx")
# Plota as viscosidades ustando taupyx

plt.plot(t, t*eta_kk[1] + etat_kk[0],'g')
plt.plot(t, t*eta_kp2[1] + etat_kp2[0],'b')
plt.plot(t, t*eta_pp2[1] + etat_pp2[0],'r')

plt.plot(t, t*(eta_kk[1] + eta_kp2[1] + eta_pp2[1] ) + etat_kk[0] + etat_kp2[0] + etat_pp2[0],'k',linewidth=2, label='t*eta')
plt.title("Visocisdade usando tau_xy")
print("\nCom tau_xy: \neta_kk = {}\neta_kp = {}\neta_pp = {}\neta = {}\n".format(eta_kk[1],eta_kp1[1],eta_pp1[1], eta_kk[1]+eta_kp1[1]+eta_pp1[1]))
print("\nCom tau_x]yx: \neta_kk = {}\neta_kp = {}\neta_pp = {}\neta = {}\n".format(eta_kk[1],eta_kp2[1],eta_pp2[1], eta_kk[1]+eta_kp2[1]+eta_pp2[1]))
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Extract the particles that are in a region

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from vtk.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy
import vtk
print("Vtk module not found! If using anaconda try:\nconda install -c anaconda vtk\n OR\n pip install vtk")

# Lê texto csv
#xfile = input("Enter position file:\n")
#vfile = input("Enter velocity file:\n")
# Lê vtl
vtkfile = input("Enter .vtu file:\n")
limits = input("Enter limits to extract x_min x_max y_min y_max:\n").split()
limits = [float(l) for l in limits]

# Lê arquivo do VTK
reader = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader()
data = reader.GetOutput()
points = data.GetPoints()
x = vtk_to_numpy(points.GetData())[:,0:2]
v = vtk_to_numpy(data.GetPointData().GetArray(0))[0,0:2] # colunas: Vx, Vy, Vz

# Estes são para casos em que desejar ler arquivo txt
#x = np.genfromtxt(xfile, delimiter=',')
#v = np.genfromtxt(vfile, delimiter=',')

x_out = []
v_out = []
for i in len(x):
if x[i,0] > limits[0] and x[i,0] < limits[1] and x[i,1] > limits[2] and x[i,1] < limits[3]:
x_out.append([x[i,0], x[i,1]])
v_out.append([v[i,0], v[i,1]])

x_out = np.array(x_out)
v_out = np.array(v_out)

print("Number of particles: {}\n".format(len(x_out)))
print("Mean velocity: {}\n".format(np.mean(x_out[:,0]**2 + x_out[:,1]**2))

sug = vtkfile.split('/')[0]

fname = input("Enter file names to save without .csv. [{}]\n".format(sug))
if fname == '':
fname = sug

np.savetxt('x_' + fname + '.csv', x_out)
np.savetxt('v_' + fname + '.csv', v_out)

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