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nrfu contem massa e energia no lugar de momento
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g7fernandes committed Sep 12, 2019
1 parent cb6e339 commit dc1c7a7
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 1 deletion.
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
''' This program analyses viscosity, kn, pressure and other properties of a simulation as a whole
The input must be zipped files of position, velocity, and potential and force times tranversal displacement'''

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import configparser
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from glob import glob
import time
from zipfile import ZipFile

import progressbar
pbar = True
print('progressbar not available. Try one:')
print('conda install -c conda-forge progressbar2')
print('conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 progressbar2')
pbar = False

# Find the directory where the files are
dirname = os.getcwd() #os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
dirlist = glob(dirname + "/*/")
print("Choose a folder there the results are contained:\nNo | Folder")
for a in range(len(dirlist)):
print("{} | {}\n".format(a,dirlist[a]))
a = int(input("Enter the number of the folder\n"))
res_dir = dirlist[a]

# Read the configuration file
config = configparser.ConfigParser() + '/settings.txt')
dimx = float(config['global']['dimX'].split()[0])
dimy = float(config['global']['dimY'].split()[0])
Vol = dimx*dimy

# Open the zipped files
zip_rfup = ZipFile(res_dir+'/','r')
zip_positions = ZipFile(res_dir+'/','r')
zip_velocities = ZipFile(res_dir+'/','r')

len_list_files = len(zip_positions.namelist()) # number of files (steps)

KE = np.zeros(len_list_files)
tauk = np.zeros(len_list_files)
tauxyp = np.zeros(len_list_files)
tauyxp = np.zeros(len_list_files)
msq = np.zeros(len_list_files)

nesb = int(input("Enter the number of assembles in which this simulation will be divided:\n"))
periodic = ('y' == input("Where the boundaries periodic? [y/n]\n"))
for step in range(len_list_files):
if periodic:
rfup = pd.read_csv('rF_u_P.csv.'+str(step)), header=None, names = ["micx","micy","RxFy","RyFx","u","m","K"])
rfup = pd.read_csv('rF_u_P.csv.'+str(step)), header=None, names = ["RxFy","RyFx","u","m","K"])
pos = pd.read_csv("position.csv."+str(step)), header=None, names = ["x","y"])
vel = pd.read_csv("velocity.csv."+str(step)), header=None, names = ["v_x", "v_y"])

if step == 0:
r0 = pos[['x','y']]

KE[step] = np.sum(rfup('K'))
tauk[step] = np.sum(vel['v_x'] * vel['v_y'] * rfup ['m'])/Vol
tauxyp[step] = np.sum('RxFy')/Vol
tauyxp[step] = np.sum('RyFx')/Vol

if periodic:
mic = rfup[["micx", "micy"]]*np.array([dimx, dimy])
msq[step] = np.sum(np.sum(np.square(pos[['x','y']] + mic - r0),axis=1))

# Difusividade 2D
D = msq/(4*(len(r0)-1))

esb_len = int(len_list_files)/nesb # length of each assemble
for i in range(1,esb_len): # ao longo de cada ensemble
for j in range(nesb): # ao longo dos ensambles
start = j*esb_len
fin = j*esb_len + i
eta_kk = np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])**2

eta_kp1 = np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])*np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin])
eta_pp1 = np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin])**2

eta_kp2 = np.trapz(tauk[start:fin])*np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin])
eta_pp2 = np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin])**2

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lennard.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ subroutine comp_pot(mesh,malha,propriedade,r_cut,domx,domy, ids, id, t, nRfu)
v1 = ptr%p%v
n1 = ptr%p%n
m1 = propriedade(ptr%p%grupo)%m
p1 = [v1(1), v1(2)]*m1
p1 = [m1, m1*(v1(2)**2+v1(1)**2)/2] ! Antes aqui era momento linear, mas é desnecessário. Inclui a m1 para não ter que reestruturar todo o programa
rs1 = propriedade(ptr%p%grupo)%rs !raio sólido
sigma_a = propriedade(ptr%p%grupo)%sigma
! rcut = r_cut*sigma
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5681,6 +5681,7 @@ program main
end if
if (id == 0) call system('mkdir temp2')
end if

if (abs(pr(4)+pr(3)) > 0) then ! PARTICLE ROTATES
if (id == 0) print*, "CASE: Particle Rotates"
Expand Down

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