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Releases: endless-sky/Endless-Sky-Delta

Continuous Build

26 Mar 03:57
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Continuous Build Pre-release

Triggered on 2025/03/06, 03:27 UTC by commit b6b3e3c (@Zitchas)

This is an automated build of the latest source. It may be unstable or even crash, corrupt your save or eat your kitten. Use with caution!

Endless Sky Delta v0.10.12.1-Delta parallel release

02 Mar 14:04
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Welcome to another "Parallel release". Not so parallel this time, due to time commitments, but in any case, Upstream did a release, so doing one here to maintain the parallel nature of development. Changes in upstream are not noted in the change notes below, but are fully included unless superseded by changes in Delta.

Big Changes:

One of the most notable changes is the shrinking of drones, fighters, and interceptors. These ships will now appear to be quite small compared to "regular" ships. This both adds more of a sense of scale to the game, while also making them a bit harder to hit and thus improving their survivability a little. If you choose to pilot one, it gives you a little more room to dodge with.

The other big change is that the forced presence of reverse thrust on all thrusters has been removed. You will now only have reverse thrust if you choose to install something that provides you with reverse thrust.

Something else you might notice is that ships don't come fully equipped anymore. Most stock ships have had shield generators, hull repair systems, and ammo racks removed; and now come with only half their ammo. Virtually every ship in the game that carries ammo now by default only carries half. This was implemented to impose a degree of fairness on the player: They spend ammo in one battle, then get to the next battle and start it with depleted stores. Whereas the NPCs start every battle at full capacity, despite the fact that they, too, should be encountering random battles since their last opportunity to restock. It'd be better to have some sort of random variation in ammo stockpiles, with a fleet definition to tilt that one way or another or set it to full or empty, but that's a wishlist thing. For now, half ammo as a general average. Note: Carriers retain their regen outfits and ammo racks, as being central to their purpose. Variants have not had any outfits removed other than the half ammo. This means that while stock ships will often be vulnerable to hit-and-run tactics, most variants are not. This adds a little more variety to the game instead of the previous state where hit-and-run was basically useless for everywhere that those tactics would traditionally be used by. It's still not great, but it's better, anyway. While the combat balance was one factor, the biggest advantage is that players now start with new ships that have a bit more free space, so they can immediately start adding things to their ship instead of having to pull stuff off first. Even if they immediately just add the shield or ammo rack or whatever it was right back in, that's still an improvement they did instead of the game doing for them, so I feel that it is another crucial step to having the ships that players fly be their ship outfited the way they chose to have it; rather than merely flying a configuration that was pre-set for them. As a side benefit, this also means that ships are a bit cheaper to buy.

Virtually every fleet in human space now has a formation specified.... But the AI prioritizes other things over getting into formation, so they rarely use them. But you might see one here and there doing so.

Content Creators:

Thanks to the work of @TheGiraffe3 , we now have code to support custom pricing for outfits in specific locations. This opens the door for doing things like having certain outfits be available on pirate planets.... but with massively increased costs compared to what they cost in places that don't have to steal them. It is possible to specify changes to buying-from-the-player costs too. So, for instance, if a certain place doesn't carry something, but would buy it at a much higher price than normal, that can be done. There are a few examples already in the data files. This is an extremely useful tool for differentiating the various markets so that it isn't just a matter of an outfit being available or not; but also of if it is something that is cheap or expensive. It also means that outfitters that aren't curious might pay pennies for alien outfits, while other people that are extremely interested in such things might pay a premium... So it might pay to be selective about where you sell, instead of just dumping it in the nearest outfitter. Beyond the demo examples, this hasn't been implemented on the data side yet, but I'll be doing a bunch of this in the future, and I hope other content creators will be making use of it too.

Save affecting changes:

The following changes will require you to sell and rebuy or otherwise re-aquire the ship in question in order to get the changes:

  • the size of drones, fighters, and interceptors
  • Tutorial engine mod. (need to redo the James missions)
  • Emerald Sword fuel capacity.

High DPI

The attached High-DPI should be identical to the normal one, except with the replacement of the title screen compass and title with the Delta versions thereof. Useful if you happen to go back and forth between upstream and Delta or have both running simultaneously while wanting to use High DPI in both.

What's Changed

  • feat(data): Scaling Drones 40%, Fighters 50%, Interceptors 60% by @Zitchas in #195
  • Feat(data): Add Formations To Human Fleets by @Zitchas in #209
  • feat(fix): Fixing Lateral Thruster usage by @Zitchas in #211
  • Feat(data): tutorial engine mod by @Zitchas in #213
  • Feat(data): Removing forced universal reverse thruster by @Zitchas in #216
  • feat(code): Custom outfit prices and sell type by @TheGiraffe3 in #122
  • Feat(data): Revising the alt text for the destroyed blockade in Cognizance 29 by @Zitchas in #221
  • feat(data): Emerald Sword update adding jump mass cost 3 base 1800 and fuel to 5475 by @Zitchas in #229
  • Feat(data): Nerfing stock ship configurations by @Zitchas in #228

Full Changelog: v0.10.11.5-Delta...v0.10.12.1-Delta

Endless Sky Delta v0.10.11.6-Delta

16 Feb 20:24
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This release cleans up a bunch of things, and includes a variety of new things for everyone. First off, the big noticeable thing is that fighters, drones, and interceptors will now feel tiny compared to the larger and more substantial ships. This isn't just aesthetic, though, since smaller ships are smaller targets, this is expected to help these tiny ships survive a little better.

On the content creation side, the implementation of Custom Outfit pricing has some serious potential to make the world feel more diverse and consequential. This allows the creation of custom price lists that specify that specify that in certain locations outfits will cost more (or less) than they do normally. This can be set up to both apply just to imports, or to the price in general. For instance, the Remnant will pay significantly more for Quarg outfits than normal (but still don't sell them at all); whereas most factions that are friendly with the Quarg will only pay a pittance of their normal price. This can be used to setup supply and demand and value situations, where outfits might be purchased or sold at some places at much higher rates because they are harder to get there or higher demand for them; while other things might be easily available or poorly valued in others. For example, the Remnant have hyperdrives, cargo scanners, and outfit scanners for sale, but don't really use them anymore, so they're available for cheaper than the usual price since they have low demand.

A few basic implementations of this have been implemented, and lots more will be welcomed contributions.

And lastly, for people who start a new pilot with this release, Jamese has a surprise for you... No peaking, but you'll probably like it!

What's Changed

  • feat(data): Scaling Drones 40%, Fighters 50%, Interceptors 60% by @Zitchas in #195
  • Feat(data): Add Formations To Human Fleets by @Zitchas in #209
  • feat(fix): Fixing Lateral Thruster usage by @Zitchas in #211
  • Feat(data): tutorial engine mod by @Zitchas in #213
  • Feat(data): Removing forced universal reverse thruster by @Zitchas in #216
  • feat(code): Custom outfit prices and sell type by @TheGiraffe3 in #122
  • feat(data): Adding slots to the Avgi by @Zitchas in #219
  • Feat(data): Revising the alt text for the destroyed blockade in Cognizance 29 by @Zitchas in #221
  • feat(update): Updating version number to by @Zitchas in #222

Also included but not listed here is every PR merged into upstream up to this point in time. (2025-Feb-17)

Thank you to everyone who directly or indirectly contributed. Your help has been much appreciated!

Full Changelog: v0.10.11.5-Delta...v0.10.11.6-Delta

This release page also includes a custom high-dpi version for Delta. It's functionally identical to the regular one with the exception that the x2 versions of the main menu title screen and logo have been removed so they don't overwrite the ES Delta screen. Given that a number of people playing this release have both Delta and regular upstream installed, I feel it is beneficial to help them utilize the high-dpi without potentially creating confusion over which version of the game they are playing.

Have fun, and please let me know what you think in the discussion page! I enjoy feedback. There's a lot more work to be done, but I feel like a massive amount of improvement has already happened.

Endless Sky Delta v0.10.11.5 parallel release

03 Feb 14:00
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Welcome to the v0.10.11.5 parallel release!

First off, a note about versioning. In order to have a numeric differentiator, after some discussion I decided to add that additional .5 on the end for Delta's in order to provide a bit more differentiation and to allow it to fall into proper numeric order relative to upstream; given that these parallel releases always happen after upstream's release, and often have a few merges from upstream after their release (not to mention all the additional mechanics and content in Delta already), that it seems reasonable to add that to document that it is a later version.

This release has a few really major mechanics changes to be aware of, in no particular order of importance.

Code to enable permanent changes to the player's flagship.

Yes, you read that right. Missions can now make permanent alterations to the players flagship. These aren't just giving the player an outfit that changes something, this is writing things directly into the ship definition of the player's flagship. It supports both modifying values (things like adding +1 thruster slot or -150 hull), as well as setting attributes to specific numbers (for instance, you could zero-out a ship's fuel capacity, or set their sheilds to a specific amount). These can either go in the root level of an on <offer/accept/etc> or in an action node. See #190 for more details.

This is a huge advancement in the capability for content creators to interact with what is, in effect, the second most important character in the game: The player's ship. It is worth noting that this can only affect things within the attribute tag of the ship definition, so it cannot do things like add hardpoints or change the sprite. These are highly desired capabilities that we really should have, so if anyone can figure out how to do it, it would be much appreciated!

Lateral thrust as a stand-alone attribute

ES Delta has had lateral thrust for a while now; largely set via a formula that used the ship's mass to determine a ratio of how much lateral thrust they had based on their forward thrust. This was interesting, but lacked the customisability people have come to expect from their ships. As such, lateral thrust is now a stand-alone attribute.

Ratio-based lateral thrust is still available, but now it is an attribute that can be specified directly on a ship or outfit instead of being a game-engine level formula. So, for instance, one could create a ship with lateral ducting (or perhaps vectored thrust?) where it automatically has lateral thrust equal to 25% of its forward thrust. There are also optional ratios set up so that content creators can differentiate between setups where that doesn't affect the forward thrust, versus ones where it does affect it (and thus be able to differentiate between situations where the lateral thrust is just drawing off forward thrust without affecting it, versus diverting a bunch of the power and thus reducing it.

At the end of the day, the goal is to provide content creators the ability to make exactly the sorts of things they want to create, and allow the most diversity possible.

Lateral Thrust Components

In order to integrate lateral thrust as a stand-alone capability, and keep the AI reasonably functional, additional engine components have been added to the game. More testing is required, but generally speaking the AI as originally programmed required Drag-In-Space to erase lateral motion as a ship moved forward to allow ships to be functional. This functionality was replaced by lateral thrust back when it was introduced. As such, having lateral thrust on all NPC ships is generally considered a requirement to keep the game functional. The AI can handle not having lateral thrust somewhat, but it becomes much less functional.

In any case, a quick look at the outfitter will note that there have been a whole range of "Lateral Thrusters" or "Lateral Thruster Components (LTCs)" added to the various outfit ecosystems. All the "engines" (aka steering+thrusters combined units) have had lateral thrust equal to about 80-90% of its thrust added to it. For every thruster, there has been an equivalent lateral thruster added, depending on its size ranking. The tiny lateral thruster has lateral thrust equal to 90% of the tiny forward thruster's performance. Smalls are 80%, mediums are 70%, large are 60%, and huge are 50%. These are not hard and fast rules, but generalities. Depending on the faction and the ecosystem, there are variations in these.

These lateral thrusters have been added to all ships and variants in the game, with very few exceptions; generally matching the model of the thruster. Ex. If a ship has Impala thrusters, it has an Impala lateral thruster. This does mean that every ship now has more engine space to accommodate this, so as a side impact, the player now has a bit more flexibility to make managing the restriction of the slots a bit easier.

Unfortunately, Delta lacks artistic talent, so these all currently re-use the graphics from the thruster they are based off of. New artwork for these would be greatly appreciated.

Reaction Thrusters

One thing that has always annoyed me was that the stock ships came too-well built. Sure, there's always optimizations, but the ships are already to the point where there's no easy upgrades. Everything is a trade-off, right from the simplest upgrade. While this definitely makes sense for more impactful upgrades, it does not makes sense for the bottom end. It also adds a layer of difficulty to new players.

To rectify this, the Reaction line of thrusters. These are bare bones basic thruster type for human space whose absolute reason for continued existence is the fact that they are incredibly reliable, easy to make, and dirt cheap. Mechanically speaking, they are the low hanging fruit for a brand new player. Want to test the waters by upgrading something? Replace the reaction thruster with Ions. It will save a little bit of space, a bit of energy, and get a little better performance. Reactions are closely related to Ions, but take up slightly more space, use a bit more energy, provide somewhat less thrust, and produce a bit more heat. Switching to Ions is an upgrade in every single way, and a downgrade in absolutely nothing.

The lore sprinkled throughout the descriptions is that these Reaction engines are the gold-standard for reliability in human space, with the fewest warranty claims of any other propulsion type and the least amount of maintenance required. Granted that reliability and maintenance are not mechanics that we have, but it's still interesting lore. This is reinforced by having the cheapest manufacturing process. Combine best reliability with cheapest manufacturing, and the net result is that these are the types of engines that most shipyards put on their ships as stock, since they do not want warranty claims, and, well, cheaper components means higher profit margins. If the customer wants to tear them out and replace them with atomics before the first test flight, well, that's the customer's business, and any problems is thus the customer's responsibility and not theirs.

Variable Fuel Consumption for intersystem travel

In order to help differentiate different sizes of ships, the mass-based hyperspace fuel cost has been implemented across all methods of HD, SD, and JD travel. These drives still have the same base rate, but is then adjusted at a rate of 4 fuel per 100 mass, with the base mass set to 900. This means that ships that have a lower total mass than 900 will cost less than the normal amount, while ships over 900 will cost more. The fuel capacities for ships have been adjusted so that their effective range remains roughly the same. Details are available here: #123

More Information for the Player!

Given that fuel consumption can now vary, the player needs ways to know about it. Likewise, given the potential importance of solar wind and solar power, they should be able to learn about those too. Personally, I prefer to think of everything in-game being in-game things, so everything on the UI is stuff my pilot is seeing in their cockpit. As such, I don't like having to break immersion to change how my pilot sees things in their cockpit. As such, these new pieces of information can be displayed or hidden by installing or removing outfits that have the appropriate attributes.

Of note, there is the astronomical sensor in #164 that gives system information on the absolute strength of the solar wind and solar power (this does not depend on your ship's ramscoop or solar panels, just informs the player of what the system actually has, and is displayed over by the RADAR.

There are also outfits that change the display of fuel bars to break up the fuel into segments based on the ship's HD, SD, JD, or fixed fuel amounts; as well as outfits that display these amounts (and the ship's current mass) as numbers next to it. All are optional things that the player can choose to install if they want the info, or not if they don't want it.


There are a lot of changes in here, and these are just some of the highlights. As always, things are moving forward with lots of new ideas. This particular update, though, with the addition of the ability to directly touch the flagship attributes, feels like a major step forward to giving content creators the tools they need to make engaging stories that are so much more impactful than what we have done previously.

Help Wanted

There is a need for artists! All those Lateral engines, across all species, all need unique imagery. New images for any of them would be welcome. There's a few other spots where new imagery would be welcome too.

A bit thing that is really needed a...

Read more

Endless Sky Delta v0.10.10 parallel release

27 Oct 10:25
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Greetings everyone! Another major release!

This time, the biggest and most anticipated addition is the Korath intro. This has an initial encounter with the Korath, as well as setting up the circumstances for the pilot to start earning the trust of a small group of people who know a bit more about the Korath than they first appear... It is great to finally see this available to everyone instead of being locked away in an upstream PR going nowhere.

On the technical side, a major change is the addition of pylons. These are, to put it simply, a hardpoint for missile type weapons. As is probably obvious to everyone, guns are not the same thing as missiles. This has caused a lot of problems in the past because balancing an infinitely fireable gun against a finite and relatively small number of missiles is hard. There are a lot of factors at play. One of the major drivers of this chance is removing the hardpoint opportunity cost. Gun are the primary weapons for a reason. They are the defaults, the trusty go-to. As such, I am of the opinion that at least at the hardpoint level we should not be replacing primary weapons with secondary ones. At least the possibility of both coexisting should be there. Of course, this has not added any additional outfit or weapon space. So there are still plenty of hard limits on how many weapons a ship can have, but now rockets, missiles, and torpedoes will have their own hardpoints to go on instead of forcibly taking up gun ports. Please note that while pilots from previous versions will continue to be compatible, old ships will not be. It is strongly recommended to sell and re-buy any ships in your fleet so that they will have pylons now.

In this picture one can see a firebird showing the Hardpoint Info Panel with guns, missiles, and turrets. Each one has a different color for the indicator line.
2024-10-27 Mammoth with Pylons 2

The pylons are by no means fully balanced, so I expect there to be some changes to them going forward as people figure out what works and how the landscape has changed with their addition. Some of the factions have already been adjusted thanks to the input from people who are writing or developing them, which was much appreciated.

One of the major intents behind pylons is to allow greater differentiation between ships. Currently, if a ship has 6 gunports, then maybe that ship has six guns, maybe it has six sidewinder launchers, maybe something else. There's a pretty big difference in character of a ship with guns and one with missiles. Some factions do not have missiles or do not value them, and thus would not build their ships with the intention of supporting them. Others might be all about the missiles and support many of them, but not support much, if any, guns. This is yet another tradeoff that can be implemented by content creators to make ships more unique and more flavorful going forward.

On the visual side, the addition of the Starry Map adds a control to the map that enables or disables the display of stars. Aside from the sheer aesthetic appeal, this also makes it easier to see at a glance what stars are in the systems along the routes the pilot will be flying. This is particularly useful for those relying on solar panels for power or ramscoops for fuel; as now the player can both learn how each star generates each of those resources (via the in-flight GUI change from a while back that provides numerical feedback), and see those stars on the map to facilitate route planning. Many thanks to @Azure3141 for all the hard work that went into creating what is probably the biggest visual improvement to the map since MZ got it to its current state so many years ago.

2024-10-27 Starry Map

One relatively minor change that I feel will be impactful for many: I adjusted the starting date earlier by six months. This is intended to give players enough time to actually learn about the world they are flying around in, maybe visit some of the key sites, so that when the civil war starts, it has the potential to viscerally affect them. Whether it is them mourning the loss of a city or base they have frequented; or sympathizing that it's about time the South stood up for itself in the face of burdonsome regulations and a lack of anti-piracy support; these events are much more meaningful if the player has had the chance to get a taste for them and isn't just something they are being told is a problem. (On that note, content that makes these complaints more visible, be it missions or support for location-based purchase restrictions, would be much appreciated)

What's Changed

  • Update Marauder engine slots by @TheGiraffe3 in #89
  • More slots for the Kestrel (Engines) by @TheGiraffe3 in #91
  • feat(UI): Display Stars on the Galaxy Map by @Azure3141 in #93
  • Add engine slots for the Incipias/Successors by @TheGiraffe3 in #94
  • Korath campaign: first contact, establish lore, side story, and Korath-protected smuggler's haven by @UnorderedSigh in #85
  • Re-PR of the Thermal Scanner missions by @TheGiraffe3 in #100
  • Two typo fixes in the new Korath missions by @TheGiraffe3 in #105
  • feat(content): Add a defense fleet to planets in Sol that are missing one by @TheGiraffe3 in #101
  • Feat(code): Creating Weapon Pylons (new hardpoint for missiles and other projectiles) by @Zitchas in #106
  • feat(data): Move the starting date back by six months by @Zitchas in #112

Full Changelog: v0.10.9-Delta...v0.10.10-Delta

Endless Sky Delta v0.10.9 parallel release

01 Oct 12:17
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Greetings! Welcome to another release of Endless Sky Delta. Aside from the upstream changes, the major change of interest to content creators is probably the addition of support for limiting fleets and spawn numbers. This code provides the tools to enable a lot more control over how fleets spawn. A quick example is being able to set a fleet to a very fast rate of spawn to ensure it's always present. Previously (and in upstream) this would result in the fleet spamming very quickly and generating a lot of ships. With this code, however, it can also be given a limit to ensure that it does not exceed specific amounts. UnorderedSigh provided a demo file with working examples in the PR that I highly recommend content creators check out.

For players, I would just like to note that the number of previous saves has been bumped up slightly as the galaxy has gotten a bit bigger, and thus the risk of getting stranded is a little higher than it used to be. This should provide a bit more margin of safety.

One major change that everyone should be aware of is that as of this release, Endless Sky Delta now uses it's own folder for storing preferences, save files, etc. Depending on your operating system, this is referring to the folder located in AppData or its equivalents. Given the number of changes in the preference file between Delta and Upstream, we felt it made sense to actually separate the two so that people can switch back and forth without erasing settings for things like lateral thrust. Personally, I recommend copying over your preference file from the old Endless Sky folder just to save some work in setting up your preferences again. While preference files, plug-ins, and pilots are largely cross-compatible, as more changes happen the more it will be like switching between a present day version of ES and a much older version of ES. It will work, but risks losing some data and having some odd results here and there. Everything in upstream will be in Delta, but not everything in Delta will be in Upstream.

On the interesting side of things, Quantumshark revised Alpha Centauri to closely match the real-world equivalent system. This is particularly noteworthy since Alpha Centauri has three stars that orbit each other, and thus replicating that in Endless Sky means that the stars each appear to orbit an invisible central point instead of all orbiting one entity like Sol and other uni-stellar systems. Since some of the planets circle one star, and some another, it results in having two clusters of things in the system that are generally separated from each other. While only one can be landed on currently, it opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities for future content and entertainment.

What's Changed

  • Scanning for the Electronic Warfare System by @TheGiraffe3 in #71
  • feat(data) Add Writers and Special Thanks sections to the credits. (also fixed folderization error from upstream) by @Zitchas in #76
  • Use a new directory for saves, and bump the "previous saves" number to five by @TheGiraffe3 in #78
  • feat(data): Expanding Alpha Centauri, and rearranging to be circumstellar rather than circumbinary by @Quantumshark in #73
  • Limit number of fleets & spawn specified number when entering system by @UnorderedSigh in #24

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.8-Delta...v0.10.9-Delta

Endless Sky Delta v0.10.8 parallel release

18 Jul 12:19
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As I intend to be the practice going forward, this is the parallel release to upstream's v0.10.8 release.

The two major changes for this release are the implementation of all the new scanner information types. Human space now has a variety of passive scanners that provide different sorts of information, and allow the player to customize what they want to see and what they would prefer to not have. As such, the tactical scanner now only provides two information types, but has been shrunk down to 2 space to allow for other passive scanners to be installed alongside it. One, the thermal scanner, is mission locked and is added to the same outfitters that carry the flamethrower at the same time. Prior to this, there wasn't much push for tactical thermal tracking. Please note that all the new scanners use the tactical scanner outfit image as Delta currently does not have any active graphics designers. Outfit designs for those would be welcome.

The more subtle change includes some navigational aides in the form of greater zooming capability, as well as a yellow arrow on the minimap that will always point towards the center of the system. This is primarily useful for large systems such as Sol.

While they didn't contribute directly in PRs, I just wanted to thank @arkhne , @Arachi-Lover, @Hurleveur , @ravenshining , @UnorderedSigh , @MasterOfGrey , @vitalchip, @petervdmeer , @TheGiraffe3, among others for their assistance in working out some of the details and updates. Your assistance is appreciated.

What's Changed

  • feat(update): Upstream 0.10.8 update and conflict resolution by @Zitchas in #63
  • feat(update): 2024 07 15 delta updating by @Zitchas in #67
  • feat(test): The Greyshrike doesn't have slots, and thus causes an error. by @Zitchas in #68
  • Feat(test): continuing to fix greyshrike(peregrine) by @Zitchas in #69
  • feat(code): Navigation Enhancements by @Zitchas in #59
  • feat(data): Making use of the new scanner info types by @Zitchas in #70

Full Changelog: Experimental-Development...v0.10.8-Delta

For those who are new to Delta, just a note that this does contain all the enhancements and experiments from the previous release, so you can expect to find lateral thrust, a reduced drag environment (spaceships act more like ships moving in a vacuum and less like boats on water), and integration and access to Hai Reveal as some of the major highlights.

Endless Sky Delta v0.10.7 parallel release

27 May 00:15
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Greetings to everyone following Delta, all 5 of you.

For those who aren't aware, the purpose of the Delta fork is to be a rapid development environment to experiment with Endless Sky, with the current focus being primarily combat. For the first while this was mostly focused on code enhancements, and in particular mechanisms for allowing the player to access quite a bit more information about what is going on and how things are performing. As of right now, the scanner side of it is available, but not implemented. Players will need to either edit those attributes onto outfits or ships, or use a plug-in to do so. But they are there, and they work. The player's HUD side, though, is fully available via preferences.

While the information might be the things that you see first, the big changes are twofold: The implementation of lateral thrust; and the significant reduction of drag. And by drag, in this case, I'm not talking about the thing that caps max speed, but rather drag, the mysterious force that fills space and causes spaceships in Endless Sky to act like ships on water. That has been mostly removed from the game. It's still present in a few corners to help with coming to a complete stop and the like, but it is largely gone. This means it is much easier to circle, strafe, and slide around the system. This goes hand in hand with lateral thrust, which is what ships now use to control that lateral motion.

It's been fun to work on, and I look forward to doing more. This is just getting started, and there is a lot to do. After all, rebuilding key systems of the game from the ground up takes some time...

What's Changed

  • Code(feat): Additional Scan Information and modular access by @Zitchas in #2
  • Feat(code): Lateral Thrust and Drag Reduction by @Zitchas in #10
  • Code(feat): Adding Player in-flight information by @Zitchas in #11
  • feat(code/data): Implementing varied Lateral Thrusts by @Zitchas in #14
  • Limited turret arc by @1010todd in #18
  • Feat(code): Giving players a preference to allow them to disable automatic stability while under player control by @Zitchas in #19
  • Fix turret arc limit being flipped when reloading save. by @1010todd in #20
  • feat(balance): Adjusting mass, thrust, and turning across all ships by @Zitchas in #34
  • feat(data) Completing the Station Keeping capabilities by adding reverse thrust to all thrusters by @Zitchas in #48
  • feat(code): Ability to limit turret firing arc (endless-sky#7094) by @Zitchas in #51
  • Feat(data): Implement Engine Slot system in Delta by @Zitchas in #46
  • feat(Data): Hai Reveal Intro Bridge by @Zitchas in #53
  • feat(data): Scaling Sol (and potentially other interesting things) by @Zitchas in #52
  • Feat(Data): Navigational Enhancements by @Zitchas in #54
  • feat(data): Cloaking Differentiation by @Zitchas in #61

New Contributors

Full Changelog: