camcAPP is a shiny app that allows various Prostate Cancer datasets to be interrogated through a web-based interface.
The following datasets are accessible through the interface. Each of which has been made available through Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). We have re-packaged each dataset into a Bioconductor-compatible package
The code to run particular analyses and produce plots can be downloaded from the Shiny interface. Details of the R packages required are given in the file installBioCPkgs.R.
Once docker is installed, you can get the container required to re-run the analysis with:-
docker pull markdunning/camcapp
The container is then run using:-
docker run -p 8787:8787 markdunning/camcap
Now in a web browser you can navigate to:-
entering the username and password rstudio
will open an RStudio session in your web browser.