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Crowd Counting and Localization for Surveillance Videos


Crowd Counting and Localization for Surveillance Videos

This project implements a crowd counting method and is heavily inspired by the repository at CrowdCounting-P2PNet.

Existing localization-based methods relying on intermediate representations (i.e., density maps or pseudo-boxes) serving as learning targets are counter-intuitive and error-prone. We use a purely point-based framework for joint crowd counting and individual localization. In this framework, instead of merely reporting the absolute counting error at the image level, we use a new metric called density normalized average precision (nAP) to provide a more comprehensive and precise performance evaluation. The overall architecture is built upon the VGG16; it first introduces an upsampling path to obtain a fine-grained feature map. Then it exploits two branches to simultaneously predict a set of point proposals and their confidence scores.


The ShanghaiTech dataset needs some preprocessing to be ready for training. Images and ground truth should be prepared in a suitable format. To preprocess the dataset, please run the following commands:

python --application='make_list'\
    --list_dir $DATA_DIR \
    --groundtruth_dir  $GT_DIR \
    --images_path $IMG_PATH \
    --groundtruth_txt_path $GT_PATH


To train and fine-tune the model, please run the following commands:

python --data_root $DATA_ROOT \
    --dataset_file SHHA \
    --epochs 100 \
    --lr_drop 3500 \
    --output_dir './logs' \
    --checkpoints_dir './logs/checkpoint' \
    --tensorboard_dir './logs' \
    --frozen_weights './pretrained_model/best_mae.pth' \
    --lr 0.00005 \
    --lr_backbone 0.00001 \
    --batch_size 8 \
    --eval_freq 4 \
    --gpu_id 0

data_root : Train dataset root

output_dir : Address to save the weights of the model

checkpoints_dir : Address to save the checkpoint

frozen_weights : Path to the pre-trained model. If set, only the mask head will be trained.


A trained model on the MALL_DATASET, SHTechPartA&B, and JHU-CROWD++ datasets is available in the './weights' directory. To predict the locations of individuals in test images, please run the following commands:

python --threshold 0.8 \
    --images_path ./test_images \
    --weight_path  ./pretrained_model/best_mae.pth \
    --output_dir ./prediction/images/ \
    --predicts_txt_dir ./prediction/predict_txt.txt \
    --predicts_point_dir ./prediction/new_thr=0.8

image_path : test image folder address

weight_path : weights of best model that trained on 3 famous crowd counting dataset: 1- MALL Dataset (Dataset Link) 2- ShTech Dataset (Dataset Link) 3- JHU-CROWD++ (Dataset Link)

output_dir : predicted images adress

predicted_txt_dir : Address of the text file that contains the predicted number of individuals in each image.

Visualization of Predictions

There are examples of predicting the location of individuals in some test images.


To extract the heatmap, please run the following commands:

python --images_path ./test_images \
    --points_path ./prediction/predict_txt.txt \
    --method  'fixed' \
    --output_dir ./heatmaps 

images_path : Test image path. 10 test images are uploaded in ./test_images 

point_path : predicted coordinates of individual path

output_dir : address to save heatmaps

A sample of the heatmap is provided below:

Crowd Counting on Video

To predict the locations of individuals in a video, please run the following commands:

python --threshold 0.65 \
    --video_path $VIDEO_PATH \
    --weight_path  ./pretrained_model/best_mae.pth \
    --output_dir prediction/video.mp4

Demo Video



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