I've talked about my experience with programming this project on V1.0's documentation
BUT, the current build you see before you is MUCH better than the old script.
- Go into CS:GO's root directory.
- Go into
- Copy and paste all of this file's contents into there.
You will now be able to play it by:
- Booting up the game.
- Opening the console.
map bp_zombies_newreadmethod
- Weapon skins for CT teams will now show up.
- Random weapon cases are more refined.
- Zombies drop powerups (Nuke, Max Ammo, Revive, Heal all)
- Infinite amount of players can play. (Compared to the max 10 cap)
- "Hurt Chambers" are not needed.
- Wallbuys allow you to refill your ammo for 1/2 price.
- Wallbuys and doors do not require you to set functions or go into the script. Everything can be done via
I'll add more to this readme later...