This template repository includes support for the following:
- TypeScript
- Environment Variables
- Conventional Commits
- Automatic deployment to Cloudflare Pages
To test with Cypress Studio UI, run
bun cy:open
Otherwise, to simply run the tests through the console, run
bun cy:run
To start Jest tests, run
bun test
A bash function that can do this for you:
sync-branch-to-template() {
local branch_name
branch_name=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
local original_remote
original_remote=$(git remote show | head -n 1)
# Add the template remote
git remote add template
# Fetch from the template remote
git fetch template development
if [ "$branch_name" != "HEAD" ]; then
# Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout -b "chore/merge-${branch_name}-template"
# Merge the changes from the template remote
git merge template/development --allow-unrelated-histories
# Switch back to the original branch
git checkout "$branch_name"
# Push the changes to the original remote
git push "$original_remote" HEAD:"$branch_name"
echo "You are in a detached HEAD state. Please checkout a branch first."
# Remove the template remote
# git remote remove template