With Facebook Lite you can keep in touch with your friends even if you are not using the official Facebook app! Detailed description and more information below.
Releases | [pl] wydania: https://github.com/indywidualny/FacebookLite/releases
Changelog & what makes the application awesome:
- jump to top (no more painful scrolling!)
- activation and deactivation of transparent navbar is applied immediately
- horizontal mode with transparent navbar activated works properly now
- layout fix for KitKat (text in a toast)
- major changes on About & Dev
- the app supports Android 5.1.0
- auto-updates through F-Droid client
- swipe from the left edge for app menu
- progress bar while loading
- useful shortcuts (messages, friends on-line, groups...)
- transparent navigation bar (option to enable)
- clearing app cache
- Settings and About & Dev
- contact me and Notiface (for notifications) recommendation
- fb.me links can be opened in the app
- all Facebook links can now be opened in the app (in mobile view)
- for notification support just install Notiface: http://goo.gl/ZM7m98
- (when new notification is received just click it to open Facebook Lite)
- rare network error during app startup fixed
- photo upload (Camera or File Chooser)
- new permission (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
- (camera photos are saved in Pictures/FacebookLite)
- (photo upload may not work on KitKat)
- modern design (Material)
- chat support
- pull to refresh
- NO ADS at all
- always in your language
- no extra permissions (INTERNET only)
Refresh the page by pulling down with your finger. External links will open in your system browser as well as the full size images so you can zoom in, save, etc. The latest devices (KitKat and Lollipop) - blue status bar background. Minimum permissions needed. The application will always be free and without ads!
[pl] Temat na polskim forum dotyczący aplikacji:
- [Lollipop] https://www.dropbox.com/s/4s0x88sp49hxm4n/en_Lollipop_2015-01-06.png
- [Lollipop] [pl] https://www.dropbox.com/s/jgcpnrwqk3gm7qz/pl_Lollipop_2015-01-06.png
- [KitKat] https://www.dropbox.com/s/qd7qw8zucplob9o/kitkat_adv.png
- [KitKat] [pl] https://www.dropbox.com/s/stnpvxgk6gb7t1x/Screenshot_20150106_211529.png
- [KitKat] [7-inch tablet] https://www.dropbox.com/s/ztl1490p2mhbb5f/7_inch_tablet.png
- [KitKat] [10-inch tablet] https://www.dropbox.com/s/g9be7kj1bp54pr5/10_inch_tablet.png
Copyright notice: Facebook is a trademark of Facebook Inc. This app is NOT connected to Facebook Inc. whatsoever. This app only helps using the official Facebook Mobile website.
Important: It does NOT display notifications (I recommend Notiface) and has some limitations (eg. no access to your location so you cannot check-in automatically). Install using F-Droid client to get updates.
App suspended by Google Play. Now open source and available to everyone.
Have fun! ;)