- reading
- read
- article
- ddia
- 阅读与写作讲义
- 比较政治学
- 俩次全球大危机比较研究
- 人类群星闪耀时
- 飞轮效应
- pyramid principle
- the go programing language
- 高效能人士七个习惯
- discrete math(version 7)
- 思考,快与慢
- 完全写作指南
- 人月神话
- 麦肯锡教我的写作武器
- 论持久战
- Algorithm diagram
- 贫穷的本质
- 实践论(毛选)
- 矛盾论(毛选)
- 作文四书
- Unbounded Vision
- 走进web 3.0
- 纳瓦尔宝典
- 七堂极简物理课
- 讲透区块链 Greek
- 这就是ChatGPT
- 人生海海
- KK三部曲(失控 科技想要什么 必然)
- rich Dad and poor Dad
- Poor Charlie's Dictionary
- Remote
- From zero to one
- Hackers And Painters
- 不做告别
- 少数派报告
- 中国历代政治得失
- 人人都是产品经理1.0
- 信贷业务全流程深度剖析
- 如何有效阅读一本书
- 有效学习
- 人人都是产品经理2.0
- 香帅金融学讲义
- 置身事内
- unread
- blog
- 2024-11-21 1
- The mythical 10x programmer
- kiplist survey
- Golang Performance Optimization
- C++20 Coroutines
- Ali: The Code of Personal Growth
- 阿里10年成长 (2023-07-28)
- LinkedIn Protocol Buffers Integration (2023-07-25)
- MQ Accumulation Problem Troubleshooting (2023-07-20)
- 错排问题 (容斥原理 递归推导) (2023-07-04)
- The Art of the Awkward 1 to 1 (2023-05-29)
- Copilot Analysis (2023-05-11)
- Envoy Load Balancing Algorithms (2023-08-21)
- Introduction to Modern Network Load Balancing and Proxying with Envoy (2023-08-22)
- Self Awareness Upgrade (2023-08-25)
- Load Balancer vs. Reverse Proxy vs. API Gateway (2023-08-30)
- Distracted By Social Media (2023-09-11)
- Logic of system analysis and design(2023-09-16)
- Application of structured expression of pyramid principle(2023-09-17)
- TLS CA (2023-09-24)
- writing an os in go the bootloader(2023-10-03)
- how-to-interview-a-person-for-two-years(2023-10-11)
- Going from Developer to CEO: Chronosphere(2023-10-13)
- The Difference Between API Gateways and Service Mesh(2023-10-16)
- CircuitBreaker (2023-10-17)
- How to remember what you read (2023-10-17)
- Why You Should Start Blogging Now (2023-10-19)
- Stacked Diffs and why you should know about them(2023-10-20)
- The function of growth(2023-10-22)
- How to nurture others(2023-10-22)
- Small chat(2023-10-30)
- Five Days of Chaos at OpenAI: and What Started It(2023-11-24)
- Floaty window example(2023-11-24)
- Establishing a personal learning outlook(2023-11-30)
- gcc compilation optimization details(2023-12-12)
- Holiday Season Gift Ideas for Techies(2023-12-12)
- Teach leader think change (2023-12-12)
- Implementation practice of multi-level memory offloading in Tencent Cloud native scenario(2023-12-19)
- This is Why I Didn’t Accept You as a Senior Software Engineer(2023-12-21)
- Outlook for the near future(2023-12-28)
- Comparison and selection of registration centers(2023-12-28)
- Load balancing algorithm - smooth weighted round robin(2023-12-28)
- GPT as a finite-state markov chain(2024-01-11)
- Apisix high-performance architecture analysis(2024-01-15)
- Introducing BuildKit(2024-02-20)
- Apollo Config(2024-02-27)
- My favorite coding question to give candidates (and why)(2024-03-02)
- Starting with No: Why Most People Shouldn’t Be Managers(2024-03-03)
- Tecent Distributed transactions(2024-03-04)
- I have asked this cache question to a couple of senior positions(2024-03-19)
- High-Level System Architecture of Booking.com(2024-03-22)
- High-Level System Architecture of Booking.com(2024-03-22)
- The Introduction of LangChain(2024-03-24)
- WeChat messaging architecture ten years ago(2024-04-24)
- devv ai entrepreneurship(2024-04-24)
- the introduction of chainGPT(2024-04-25)
- the introduction of Puffer(2024-05-13)
- Key factors affecting growth (1)(2024-05-19)
- Key factors affecting growth (2)(2024-05-19)
- Getting an Engineering Executive Job(2024-05-23)
- Talk about my values(2024-05-29)
- What do GenZ software engineers really think?(2024-06-12)
- What’s Changed in 50 Years of Computing: Part 3(2024-06-21)
- The way of architecture: everyone is an architect(2024-07-05)
- In-depth understanding of storage engines from scratch(2024-07-31)
- Mojo, 90,000 Times Faster Than Python, Finally Open Sourced! Just Launched, Already Surpassing 17,000 Stars((2024-09-22)
- The Era of High-Paying Tech Jobs is Over(2024-09-22)
- Series of Measures Launched for Financial Support for High-Quality Economic Development(2024-09-28)
- Approaching and understanding LPR(2024-09-28)
- How Low Will Interest Rates Go? Powell Speech Monday Could Give Clues(2024-09-28)
- Google Has Finally Dethroned ChatGPT(2024-09-29)
- Why Zig programmers are making so much money(2024-09-29)
- StackoverFlow 2024(2024-10-01)
- My 7 Income Sources With One AI Tool(2024-10-07)
- Interviewer: What is the difference between [0] * 3 and [0, 0, 0] in Python?(2024-10-07)
- How E-Commerce Is Making China’s Deflation Worse(2024-10-07)
- American M2, Chinese M1?(2024-10-13)
- Github Spark(2024-10-31)
- 通过Google挖掘细分市场的一个案例(2024-11-14)
- 郭晓力-前幕布联合创始人,现原则科技CEO,70+提问,2万多字的人生和创业哲学(2024-11-25)
- WSJ 2024(2024-12-18)
- Sass 产品(1)
- Sass 产品(2)
- Sass 产品(3)
- 股和债两者关联
- Portfolio Margin: Overview, How it Works(2025-01-07)
- 段永平 2025 浙大访谈(2025-01-08)
- 阿根廷债务危机(2025-03-01)
- Robotics for software engineers(2025-03-06)
- Trimodal Nature of Tech Compensation in the US, UK and India(2025-03-06)
- 2023-05-10 chapter 2
- 2023-05-11 chapter 3.3 4
- 2023-05-13 chapter 5.2
- 2023-05-16 chapter 5.3
- 2023-05-17 chapter 6
- 2023-05-18 chapter 7
- 2023-05-19 chapter 8 9
- 2023-05-21 chapter 9.3
- 2023-05-26 chapter 10
- 2023-05-29 chapter 11
- 2023-05-29 chapter 12
- 2023-05-30 2
- 2023-06-02 complete
- 2023-06-03 conclusion
- 2023-05-04 6.5 https://golang-china.github.io/gopl-zh/ch6/ch6-06.html
- 2023-05-06 7.1
- 2023-05-08 7.3
- 2023-05-09 7.6
- 2023-05-11 7.11
- 2023-05-16 7.13 7.15
- 2023-05-17 8.4
- 2023-05-18 8.5
- 2023-05-22 8.6
- 2023-05-23 8.8
- 2023-05-29 8.10
- 2023-05-30 9.4
- 2023-06-01 10
- 2023-06-02 10.4
- 2023-06-02 10.7
- 2023-06-05 12
- 2023-06-05 12.7
- 2023-06-16 13
- 2023-07-28 第三部分
- 2023-07-28 完结
- 2023-08-02 x-mind
- 2023-05-09 5.3.4
- 2023-05-17 5.4
- 2023-05-31 5.5.5
- 2023-05-31 6
- 2023-06-01 6.2
- 2023-06-07 6.4.1
- 2023-06-13 6.6
- 2023-06-16 7
- 2023-06-20 7.2.8
- 2023-06-24 8
- 2023-06-24 8.2
- 2023-06-28 8.5
- 2023-06-29 8.6
- 2023-07-11 9
- 2023-07-12 9.4
- 2023-07-17 9.6
- 2023-07-21 10.3
- 2023-07-28 10.4
- 2023-08-04 10.6
- 2023-08-07 10.6.2
- 2023-08-07 10.8
- 2023-08-07 11
- 2023-08-08 11.2
- 2023-08-15 11.4
- 2023-08-16 12
- 2023-08-17 12.2
- 2023-08-19 13.1.4
- 2023-08-22 13.3.5
- 2023-08-23 13.5
- 2023-08-29 13.5.3
- 2023-08-29 complete
- 2023-09-03 x-mind 5
- 2023-09-04 x-mind 6-9
- 2023-09-11 x-mind 10-12
- 2023-08-28 1
- 2023-08-29 1.1
- 2023-08-30 2.14
- 2023-08-31 2.18
- 2023-09-03 3.20
- 2023-09-04 3.21
- 2023-09-06 4.27
- 2023-09-13 4.28
- 2023-09-13 4.31
- 2023-09-14 5
- 2023-09-14 5.38
- 2023-09-15 complete
- 2023-09-16 x-mind complete
- 2023-09-19 comlete x-mind complete
- 2023-09-20 3
- 2023-09-21 9.4
- 2023-09-24 11
- 2023-09-25 17
- 2023-09-26 17.3
- 2023-09-27 17.4
- 2023-09-28 18
- 2023-09-28 19.7
- 2023-09-28 complete
- 2023-09-30 x-mind complete
- 2023-09-25 2
- 2023-09-28 3
- 2023-09-29 3.5
- 2023-10-03 4
- 2023-10-04 5.7
- 2023-10-05 complete
- 2023-10-07 x-mind complete
-2023-10-07 complete
- 2023-10-09 1
- 2023-10-10 2
- 2023-10-13 4
- 2023-10-15 5
- 2023-10-17 6
- 2023-10-23 8.3
- 2023-10-24 9
- 2023-10-30 complete
- 2023-10-31 x-mind
- 2023-10-23 1.3
- 2023-10-26 2.7
- 2023-10-29 2.10
- 2023-10-30 complete
- 2023-11-01 x-mind
- 2023-11-12 complete
- 2023-11-13 complete
- 2023-11-05 讲理
- 2023-11-13 好有一比
- 2023-11-14 咖啡馆
- 2023-11-16 别
- 2024-04-07 2
- 2024-04-08 3
- 2024-04-09 4
- 2024-04-10 6
- 2024-04-11 9
- 2024-04-12 x-mind
- 2024-04-15 5
- 2024-04-16 8
- 2024-04-17 11
- 2024-04-18 14 x-mind
- 2024-05-01
- 2024-05-05 x-mind
- 2024-05-05
- 2024-05-04 3
- 2024-05-05 5
- 2024-05-13 9
- 2024-05-16 11
- 2024-06-07 19 x-mind
- 2024-05-21 1
- 2024-05-28 1.9
- 2024-06-05 2.3 x-mind
- 2024-06-08 start
- 2024-06-11 end
- 2024-06-08 5 失控
- 2024-06-12 7
- 2024-06-16 10
- 2024-06-24 12
- 2024-06-25 14
- 2024-06-26 17
- 2024-07-13 24 x-mind
- 2024-07-14 1 科技想要什么
- 2024-07-20 10
- 2024-07-31 14
- 2024-08-01 1 必然
- 2024-08-11 10
- 2024-08-13 12 end
- 2024-08-18 8
- 2024-08-30 10
- 2024-09-01 end
- 2024-09-01 1
- 2024-09-19 3.1
- 2024-09-23 end
- 2024-09-23 1
- 2924-10-02 3
- 2024-10-03 end
- 2024-10-06 10
- 2024-10-07 end
- 2024-10-06 1
- 2024-10-10 2
- 2024-10-13 6
- 2024-10-14 10
- 2024-10-17 13
- 2024-10-20 end
- 2024-10-14 1
- 2024-10-15 end
- 2024-10-26 1
- 2024-11-02 end
- 2024-11-04 1
- 2024-11-12 3
- 2024-11-20 end
- 2024-12-15 3
- 2024-12-20 5
- 2024-12-23 end
- 2024-11-02 1
- 2024-11-22 2
- 2024-12-10 8
- 2024-12-14 end
- 2024-12-25 end
- 2025-01-09 end
- 2024-12-24 2
- 2025-01-05 5
- 2025-01-20 7
- 2025-01-24 8
- 2025-01-26 end
- 2025-02-04 6
- 2025-02-18 end
- 2025-02-18 1
- 2025-02-24 7
- 2025-02-27 end
- Redis Slow Query
- Others Reading Record
- Ali Architecture
- Redis slow QUery 2.0
- redis distributed lock
- Why Is SQLite Coded In C
- L4 implementation
- System design Instagram
- 2023-07-16 6
- 2023-08-07 10
- 2023-08-08 12
- 2023-08-11 13
- 2023-08-19 17
- 2023-08-20 21
- 2023-08-20 26
- 2023-09-16 31
- 2023-09-20 35
- 2023-09-20 38
- 2023-09-20 43
- 2023-09-24 47
- 2023-11-01 52
- 2023-11-16 54
- 2023-11-20 56
- 2023-11-02 1.6
- 2023-11-22 2.1.6
- 2023-11-27 2.3
- 2023-11-28 2.4