Nov. 2024, inertiallabs officially support ROS2. You can find here
After consulting the saleperson, I got there is no official ROS2 driver for inertiallabs ins-d.
This is NON-OFFICIAL Inertiallabs ROS2 Driver, modified from official ROS1 driver.
- change catkin to ament_cmake
- change messages names and keys to obey the rules of ROS2
- change some dependencies which are not supported by ROS2
- change some include directories due to the file organization of ROS2
- re-write publisher node and some pointer
You can use the bash shells suivant to install in your robot system.
# cd to your src
cd /path/to/your/workspace/src
# clone the repo
[email protected]:SWJTUDEAN/inertiallabs_ins-d_ros2.git
# cd to your workspace
cd ..
# build
colcon build
You can use the bash shells like this
# source your install file
source ./install/setup.bash
# run node
ros2 run inertiallabs_ins il_ins
To change port, please modifier the source code
# in il_ins.cpp
std::string port = node->declare_parameter<std::string>("ins_url", "serial:/dev/ttyUSB0:460800");
Please install imu plugin.
sudo apt install ros-humble-rviz-imu-plugin
see folder .doc