[Game title : Invisible Menace]
[Genre : VR Horror Action Adventure Game]
[Tools : Unity 3D, XR Interaction Toolkit]
[Purpose : Developing VR game using Unity XR Toolkit]
[Period : Nov.2020 - May.2021]
[Head count : 1]
[Task : Game design, Game system implementation]
✔ Player Control: I implemented player movement and collision in VR using XR Rig and Character Controller provided by the XR Interaction Toolkit and the Unity engine.
✔ VR Interaction System: I implemented VR interactions and item change system working with VR controllers using XR Direct Interactor.
✔ Enemy AI FSM: I implemented enemy FSM using StateMachineBehaviour provided by the Unity Animator. When player receives light near an enemy or moves quickly, the enemy can detect player.
✔ Can Throwing: I implemented the function to throw cans to attract enemy attention and inventory system to store cans.
✔ VR UI: I implemented VR UI interaction working with VR controllers using XR Ray Interactor.
✔ Caption System: I implemented captioning and pop-up system using box collider triggers and player collision events.
git lfs pull