🍰 Hexo plugin: Hide part of the post | 隐藏文章中的部分内容
使用本插件隐藏文章 (post) 中的部分内容, 使其不可见, 仅能在你的本地可见
npm install hexo-hidden --save
# 引言
# 标题1
> 内容1
<!-- hidden:start -->
我是隐藏内容, 注意上面和下面的开始结束标签严格匹配, <!-- hidden:start --> 而不是 <!--hidden:start-->
<!-- hidden:end -->
# 参考
hexo-hidden is an MIT licensed open source project and completely free to use. However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for the project is not sustainable without proper financial backing.
We accept donations through these channels:
hexo-hidden © yiyun, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by yiyun with help from contributors (list).
GitHub @yiyungent Gitee @yiyungent