The SurfsUp
directory contains climate.ipynb
Jupyter Notebook, the
Python script, and a Resources
folder which contains the hawaii.sqlite
database, hawaii_measurements.csv
and hawaii_stations.csv
Climate analysis and data exploration was done on the hawaii.sqlite
database. The climate.ipynb
Jupyter Notebook was created to perform precipitation analysis and station analysis. The
Python script was created to design a climate app with a Flask API with 5 routes with JSON lists of climate information.
Precipitation Analysis
ORM queries were done to get the date and prcp data for the previous 12 months.
Pandas DataFrame was created using the queried data.
precipitation 2016-08-23 0.00 2016-08-23 NaN 2016-08-23 1.79 2016-08-23 0.05 2016-08-23 0.15 ... ... -
The results were plotted by using the Pandas plot method.
A summary statistics table was printed for the precipitation data for the previous 12 months.
precipitation count 2021.000000 mean 0.177279 std 0.461190 min 0.000000 25% 0.000000 50% 0.020000 75% 0.130000 max 6.700000
Station Analysis
- All stations and its number of counts were listed in descending order.
[('USC00519281', 2772),
('USC00519397', 2724),
('USC00513117', 2709),
('USC00519523', 2669),
('USC00516128', 2612),
('USC00514830', 2202),
('USC00511918', 1979),
('USC00517948', 1372),
('USC00518838', 511)]
The minimum, average and maximum temperature data were queried for the most active station (by id)
The last 12 months of temperature observation data for the most active station were queried
tobs 0 77.0 1 77.0 2 80.0 3 80.0 4 75.0 ... ... -
The results were binned and plotted in histogram using Pandas plot histogram method.
A Climate API was created using Flask. The following 5 routes are available routes created using Flask:
- Start at the homepage.
- List all the available routes.
- Convert the query results from your precipitation analysis (i.e. retrieve only the last 12 months of data) to a dictionary using date as the key and prcp as the value.
- Return the JSON representation of your dictionary.
- Return a JSON list of stations from the dataset.
- Query the dates and temperature observations of the most-active station for the previous year of data.
- Return a JSON list of temperature observations for the previous year.
(minimum, average, and maximum temperatures for a specific date range)
- Return a JSON list of the minimum temperature, the average temperature, and the maximum temperature for a specified start or start-end range.
- For a specified start, calculate minimum, average, and maximum temperatures for all the dates greater than or equal to the start date.
- For a specified start date and end date, calculate minimum, average, and maximum temperatures for the dates from the start date to the end date, inclusive.