Python package on deep learning AI and machine learning for Retail
This package is developed by the AI team at VIVES University of Applied Sciences and is used in our research on demand forecasting.
Install python3.7+
Create a virtual env where you want to install:
$> python3 -m venv retailanalytics
Activate the environment
$> source retailanalytics/bin/activate
Install the package with pip
$> pip install DeepRetail
import pandas as pd
from DeepRetail.transformations.formats import transaction_df
from DeepRetail.forecasting.statistical import StatisticalForecaster
# Load
df = pd.read_csv('daily_data.csv', index_col=0)
# Get a sample
sampled_df = df.sample(20)
# Convert to transaction
t_df = transaction_df(sampled_df)
# Define the parameters
freq = 'M'
h = 4
holdout = True
cv = 2
models = ['ETS', 'Naive']
# Convert columns to datetime
sampled_df.columns = pd.to_datetime(sampled_df.columns)
# Resample columns to montly frequency
sampled_df = sampled_df.resample('M', axis=1).sum()
# Define the forecaster
forecaster = StatisticalForecaster(models = models, freq = freq)
# Fit the forecaster, format = 'pivoted')
# Predict
forecast_df = forecaster.predict(h = h, cv = cv, holdout = holdout)
Contribution is welcomed!
Start by reviewing the contribution guidelines. After that, take a look at a good first issue.
is an open-source package. We do our best to make this package robust and stable, but we do not take liability for any errors or instability.
The AI team at VIVES University of Applied Sciences builds and maintains DeepRetail
to make it simple and accessible. We are using this software in our research on demand forecasting. A special thanks to Ruben Vanhecke and Filotas Theodosiou for their contribution. The maintenance workflow can be found here.