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Set latitude and longitude values on a form using Google Maps. The map includes a search field and a current location link. When a pin is placed or dragged on the map, the latitude and longitude fields are updated.


This bundle is compatible with Symfony 2.1. Add the following to your composer.json:

"oh/google-map-form-type-bundle": "dev-master"

or execute:

php composer.phar require oh/google-map-form-type-bundle

Register the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Oh\GoogleMapFormTypeBundle\OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle(),
            // ...

You might need to change a couple of options if you are trying to use Symfony 2.0

Add OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle to assetic

# app/config/config.yml
# Assetic Configuration
    bundles:        [ 'OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle' ]

You might config your Google Maps Api Key.

# app/config/config.yml
    api_key: "my-key"

After this, you have to install assets:

php app/console assets:install --symlink


This bundle contains a new FormType called GoogleMapType which can be used in your forms like so:

$builder->add('latlng', 'oh_google_maps');

On your model you will have to process the latitude and longitude array

// Your model eg, src/My/Location/Entity/MyLocation.php
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use Oh\GoogleMapFormTypeBundle\Validator\Constraints as OhAssert;

class MyLocation
    // ... include your lat and lng fields here

    public function setLatLng($latlng)
        return $this;

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @OhAssert\LatLng()
    public function getLatLng()
        return array('lat'=>$this->getLat(),'lng'=>$this->getLng());


Add form_javascript this principle is to separate the javascript and html. This allows better integration of web pages. Inspired by its use in DatetimepickerBundle


{% block javascripts %}
    <script src="{{ asset('js/other.js') }}"></script>
    {{ form_javascript(form) }}
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
    <form action="{{ path('my_route_form') }}" type="post" {{ form_enctype(form) }}>
        {{ form_widget(form) }}

        <input type="submit" />
{% endblock %}


There are a number of options, mostly self-explanatory

	'type'              => 'text',  // the types to render the lat and lng fields as
	'options'           => array(), // the options for both the fields
	'lat_options'       => array(), // the options for just the lat field
	'lng_options'       => array(), // the options for just the lng field
	'lat_name'          => 'lat',   // the name of the lat field
	'lng_name'          => 'lng',   // the name of the lng field
	'map_width'         => '100%',  // the width of the map, you must include units (ie, px or %)
	'map_height'        => '300px', // the height of the map, you must include units (ie, px or %)
	'default_lat'       => 51.5,    // the starting position on the map
	'default_lng'       => -0.1245, // the starting position on the map
	'include_jquery'    => false,   // jquery needs to be included above the field (ie not at the bottom of the page)
	'include_gmaps_js'  => true,    // is this the best place to include the google maps javascript?
	'js_inside_html'    => false    // if you don't have the possibility to include form_javascript(), ie, in Sonata Admin Class, set true this option

Twig customization:

You have 2 twig templates for the layout, for HTML and for JQUERY (js). It's generally a good idea to overwrite the form templates, especially HTML, in your own twig template. Place them on folder: app/Resources/OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle/views/Form/

  • HTML: vendor/oh/google-map-form-type-bundle/Oh/GoogleMapFormTypeBundle/Resources/views/Form/div_layout.html.twig
  • JQUERY (js): vendor/oh/google-map-form-type-bundle/Oh/GoogleMapFormTypeBundle/Resources/views/Form/jquery_layout.html.twig

If you are intending to override some of the elements in the template JQUERY (js), then you can do so by extending the default jquery_layout.html.twig. This example adds a callback to the javascript when a new map position is selected.

{# your template which is inluded in app/Resources/OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle/views/Form/ folder (above) #}
{% extends "OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle:Form:jquery_layout.html.twig" %}
{% block oh_google_maps_callback %}
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var oh_google_maps_callback = function(location, gmap){
                // logs to the console your new latitude
				console.log('Your new latitude is: ';
{% endblock %}

If you have several forms with oh_google_maps types, you can override the templates in each one of them with {% form_theme form 'AppBundle:Forms:your-twig.html.twig' %} like this:

{% extends 'form_div_layout.html.twig' %}

{% block oh_google_maps_html %} 
        <div id="{{ id }}_container">
            <input type="text" id="{{ id }}_input" /><button id="{{ id }}_search_button" class="btn">Search</button><br /><a href="#" id="{{ id }}_current_position">MY CUSTOM TEXT FOR CURRENT LOCATION</a>
            <div id="{{ id }}_map_canvas" class="gmap" style="width: {{ map_width }}; height: {{ map_height }}"></div>
            <div id="{{ id }}_error"></div>
{% endblock %}


Default form Current position Search locations LatLng validation


  • Ollie Harridge (ollietb) as main author.


Set latitude and longitude values on a form using Google Maps







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  • PHP 55.8%
  • JavaScript 24.4%
  • HTML 19.8%