Flask web app + MySteamFriends library (wrapping 'steam' library) to show all friends playtime on a leaderboard for a user on Steam. This is a early version that directly queries the Steam API with no caching/storage; I'd love to add more features; see the Issue Tracker on Github: https://github.com/xfxf/steam-friends-played/issues. Pull Requests are very welcome.
Requires Python 3.4+ and a Steam Web API key (see start of steam-friends-played.py).
Before running, change these settings in steam_friends_played_app.py:
- Fill out API_KEY
- Optionally enable DEBUG mode (disabled by default; if enable, ensure this is not public accessible).
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 steam_friends_played_app.py
Then visit
Ryan Verner ryan.verner@gmail.com