- Go-lang https://golang.org/
- JulienSchmidt HTTP Mux https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter
- SCSS http://sass-lang.com/
- CKeditor http://ckeditor.com/
- Typescript https://www.typescriptlang.org/
- mgo https://labix.org/mgo
- mongoDB https://www.mongodb.com/
- SSL ListenAndServerTLS() https://gist.github.com/denji/12b3a568f092ab951456
- Authentication Done manually through standard lib
- Change from httprouter to standard lib for server
- Branch has this in progress basically done except authentication
- Server responce speed is slower
- Build image uploader GridFS
- Build Profile Pages template
- Build Blog half done
- comments need work.
- Blog tags for relational
- Examples Pages
- Contact Page
- Get Author
- I need to turn user ID into a user object