If you are using Tampermonkey, it might be a problem after the recent update of the extension.
Scripts does not load regularly and needs to be refresh the page several times.
The end of user scripts
Remotely hosted code is no longer allowed;
an extension can only execute JavaScript that is included within its package.
some scripts I made
click link to install
only work in Thumbnail mode
click button to enable (pervent too many requests)
- (when click
Archive Download
or usemark/unmark gallery
under gallery) - change
downloaded / marked
gallery color to black (quick identify in list)
- (when click
- archive download
- copy title (auto replace forbidden characters
to full-width) - mark/unmark gallery
- show gallery's torrent list in pure text
- example:
(aaaaaaaa) [bbbbbbbb] cccccccc (dddddddd)
- Title (ignore Prefix/Group/End) =>
- Title (ignore Prefix/Group) =>
cccccccc (dddddddd)
- Title (ignore Prefix) =>
[bbbbbbbb] cccccccc (dddddddd)
- Title =>
(aaaaaaaa) [bbbbbbbb] cccccccc (dddddddd)
- Event =>
- example:
- search event prefix in
/same title gallery
and add to title - if no 100% match found, try similarity search (disabled by default)
- threshold (edit code if you have issue)
let sim_search_threshold = 0.6
- threshold (edit code if you have issue)
- priority:
>same title gallery
- highlight prefix (github doesn't support color in 2020...okay...)
- some prefix will be ignore: (already categorized)
"(同人誌)", "(成年コミック)", "(成年コミック・雑誌)", "(一般コミック)", "(一般コミック・雑誌)", "(エロライトノベル)", "(ゲームCG)", "(同人ゲームCG)", "(18禁ゲームCG)", "(同人CG集)", "(画集)",
- search event prefix in
- sort order (descending by default)
- auto copy title when download (enabled by default)
- auto show pure text (enabled by default)
- auto fix event in title (enabled by default)
- Numeric
Whether numeric collation should be used, such that "1" < "2" < "10"
- Ignore Punctuation
- Numeric
- add pure text title under gallery (full title)
- make all gallery link open in new tab (pervent click on accident)
- make all gallery show entire title
- add sort
- Page Count
- Rating
- Uploader
- add sort
- new button style
- change save format (auto migrate)
- separate jp/en sorting
- improve sort speed
- fix tag system
- sort by group/circle/artist
- exclude by tag
- fix addToDownloadedList use wrong limit
- set default downloaded/marked gallery list size limit to 0 (no limit)
let gallery_data_max_size = 0; // kb, 0 = no limit
- at gallery page, add a link to goto e-h/ex
fix event title
now show the real source- same title gallery
, onlyA
have event,B
get event fromA
then:- old
get event fromB
and record it is fromB
get event fromC
and record it is fromC
- new
get event fromB
and record it is fromA
get event fromC
and record it is fromA
- old
- same title gallery
- fix a bug in title pre-process
example: (aaa) [bbb] ccc[ddd]eee (fff) old: ccceee now: cccdddeee
- change some code
- fix a bug in title pre-process
- fix script not work in eh (css not found)
- quick check prefix source
- display which gallery the prefix is from under the gallery
- move mouse on top will show the image
- fix some issue in
show torrent list
- decode HTML text (like
) - separate each line
- decode HTML text (like
- disable similarity search by default
pre-processed title is good enough, and it seems that no match can pass the final test anyway
in some cases, even humans are confusedmaybe add similarity search result under gallery like//after pre-process they all will be "title" and match "[group] title (anime series)" "[group] title (different anime series)" "[group] title [uploader description]" "[group] title (uploader description)" "(some uploader description) title" //if not pre-process, these won't match "[group] title" "[group] title [uploader description]" "[group] title (anime series)" "title"
torrent list
for quick check in the future
- fix some issue in
- add mask test at end so that
even have high similarity
- add mask test at end so that
- pre-process titles for compare instead of before every compare
- improve similarity compare
- before compare:
- convert fullwidth to halfwidth
- convert to lower case
- remove all punctuation
- before compare:
- improve similarity compare
- improve prefix search
- reduce unnecessary
data extract
- reduce unnecessary
similarity compare
(very slow) - fix some bug in similarity search
- reduce unnecessary
- try prevent script's input element submit data
- improve prefix search
- improve prefix search
- try to compare every number in title, abort if not the same
- improve prefix search
- improve prefix search
- if no 100% match found, use similarity search and use highest one
- improve prefix search
- fixed buttons position, now they all line up
- new feature
exclude gallery
(opacity = 0.1) by tag - add/remove tag from exclude list under gallery (after enable
Show Exclude List
) - tag that already in the list will be red
- new feature
- add options for sorting
- better event search (search in same en or same jpn title)
- auto replace forbidden characters
to full-width when copy title
- auto replace forbidden characters
- highlight prefix
- from torrents (
- from other gallery (
(github doesn't support color in 2020...okay...)
- from torrents (
- fix text color when at eh
- highlight prefix
- option for auto enable
Show Pure Text
- option for auto enable
- add option for auto enable
Fix/Unfix Event in Title
- now script save option settings
- add option for auto enable
- add option: auto copy title when click
Archive Download
- add option: auto copy title when click
- show full title
auto enable(optional v0.76)Fix/Unfix Event in Title
- add sort by
title (sort still have some bug...)
- use jpn prefix first
- priority: title_jpn > title_en > torrent > same title gallery
- add
copy title
- new feature
Fix/Unfix Event in Title
- more sort option
- improve speed (send next request when current one complete)
- new feature
- natural sort
- improve sorting (now sorting is based on previous sort result)
- new feature
mark/unmark gallery
- rearrange code
- new feature
- new feature
Jump To Nearest Downloaded
(if any) - mark downloaded gallery color in black
- disable send request to server when click archive download
- new feature
- add more sort option
- after enable
archive download
you can sort gallery (current page) - show gallery's torrent title list in pure text
- make all gallery link open in new tab (pervent click on accident)
- check every few seconds that is gallery (current page) downloaded or not and change button status
- after enable
- now it will update the list when you click archive download in gallery page
add new features when click archive download in list view:send a request to server as you visited the gallery (not sure if this count)- add gallery link to history (HTML5 API)
trigger visited css style
- now it will update the list when you click archive download in gallery page
- list limit up to 10000
- switch from cookie to Tampermonkey API storage
- if you use any [v0.30] or [v0.31] or you got [400 Bad request]
use cookie editor like EditThisCookie to remove all "exhddl_list"
- now script save recent downloaded gallerys in a list and set button as downloaded if it in the list
- if reach the limit, it will delete the oldest data until lower the limit
change visited & unvisited link color
if you don't like default color, change it to any valid CSS color you want
// unvisited link color
let enable_link = true;
let ex = "DeepPink";
let eh = "DeepPink";
// visited link color
let enable_visited = true;
let ex_v = "gray";
let eh_v = "gray";
because of the security risk, visited link color many not work in some browser
see https://dbaron.org/mozilla/visited-privacy
v0.27 fix visited link color (work on chrome)
click to copy torrent name in torrent page
event is from first parentheses in the name, may not correct
auto close window after copy
if you don't want it close, set this value to false
let autoclose = true;
- remove title link
- remove excess text
- custom title format
- auto convert forbidden characters
to fullwidth - add copy button for data
- add button to sort search result by ID
- extract track list (experimental)
- official list (example: RJ298079)
- search offset line
- remove time info
- remove excess white space
- sort (only if list is out of order and have 2nd index in title)
- example: RJ237403
1.track3 cccc 2.track1 aaaa 3.track2 bbbb convert to 1.1 aaaa 2.2 bbbb 3.3 cccc
- auto re-run script by refresh after click display mode switch
- fix not work in search (wait element)
- fix title
- make title selectable
- sort by
type & favorites count
- add sort by type button at
search result / circle
- sort by
- prevent duplicate track list
- improve track extract (add new extrator)
- if title is empty after process, return to original title
- remove incomplete bracket
"(no_end" => "no_end"
,"no_start)" => "no_start"
- improve excess removal of track title
- add button to sort item by id
- fix switch link [R18(HENTAI), R18(BL/TL), All-ages] on top right
make it stay at same product/circle page
- fix switch link [R18(HENTAI), R18(BL/TL), All-ages] on top right
- in list/grid/search view,
replace all cover to full sizeand add a button to download
- in list/grid/search view,
- add support for dlsite girl part
- fix circle text is not formatted
- add support for dlsite girl part
- fix a bug in title process
example: ccc[ddd]eee (fff) old: ccceee now: cccdddeee
- fix a bug in title process
- improved track list extract
- list now use natural sort
- now script will try to extract track list form entire page
Less accurate.
Can't get the track that has no number.
- now script will try to extract track list form entire page
- improved excess string removal
- fix track list position
- add more settings
- script now trigger faster (don't have to wait for the page to fully load)
- add support to
search result
page - this doesn't support custom title because data is incomplete
- also grid view is too tight to put more buttons
- add support to
- add copy button for each data
- fix some issue in getData
- rearrange buttons (use less space)
- now old buttons only appear when:
original != custom
default_format != original & default_format != custom
- now title can be custom to any format you want
reformat date & title in search result
click button to copy
- v0.12
- fix broken scrollbar cause by checkout-js error
only work for New UI
show images direct link under title (only resized images)
user link
touser video list
, except comment
it will try to go touser/videos/public
if it doesn't exist, auto redirect touser/videos
video page
- add a button to copy link of current page
user video list
- add checkbox for each video and a textbox on top to select and copy links
- make upload time visable
- effect
- mark related/recommended video if uploader is the same as current video
- improve auto redirect
- delay trigger when in background
- replace user link now support other pages
remove bilibili article copy protection
normalize url in video description
remove miniplayer (still activated when you watch in playlist)
Arknights Wiki PRTS
auto redirect & replace all link to desktop version
auto click and redirect to download link immediately
auto skip & click download
only work at link like this: https://adult.contents.fc2.com/users/*/articles?sort=date&order=desc
- show full list of products in 1 page and sort by id
- show id
- show full title
- remove link in title (click image to product page)
- remove some heavy element
- make product link open in new tab
- v0.2
- fix some issue
- improve speed
after click MANUAL and selected file (some mod have mutiple files)
- no countdown
- auto start download
- extract m3u8 after click close
- when it done, click button to download
- use video title as filename
let discard_first_seg = false; //discard the first segment
let url_only = false; //only the video url as .txt instead of .m3u8 (for youtube-dl/uget/wget...etc)
use m3u8 to download and merge in to single file use streamlink
streamlink --http-header Referer=https://avgle.com/ file://"C:/example.m3u8" best -o example.ts
ffmpeg -i example.ts -c copy example.mp4
streamlink loacal file path use /
even in windows
also you might not want use *.ts
(google: windows 10 ts file freeze
cus windows werid behavior like scan for thumbnail can make system freeze/hanging
change it to like ._ts_
so windows does't recognize it, but ffmpeg still can handle it correctly
- auto select best resolution
- extract video link & download (right click)
AutoEq、Search your headphone
Require VST adapter (for foobar2000)
disable other EQ DSP or VST adapter may crash foobar
Components > VST plug-ins > load EasyQ dll file
DSP > EasyQ > load xml file
close EasyQ window after load eq
type under DSP chain presets for preset name and click save
View > Layout > Enable layout editing mode
right click on toolbar > add DSP switcher
to disable editing mode
View > Layout > Enable layout editing mode
- appears in the
page - decode Base64
- auto recursive decoding if the message is coded multiple times
visit user's main page www.pixiv.net/users/xxxxxxxx
to add/remove user from blacklist
when in search result www.pixiv.net/tags/*
if the user is in the blacklist
script will hide that user's artwork