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This tool can generate go code for the test adapter by using a template.


This tool can generate go code for the test adapter by using templates.


Currently there are 4 templates:

  1. for generating reader:
    a. readerTemplateConcurrent
    b. readerTemplateDefault
  2. for generating tester:
    c. mainTestTemplateConcurrent
    d. mainTestTemplateDefault

These templates can be chosen based on the "Type" tag in the xml file of each test.
For example: Type="concurrentsystemtest" can lead to templates a and c to be chosen.

How to use reader.go, users need to provide the source directory of generated xml files and the test names (in lower case).
For example:
a. //go:generate testgen -dir=../gotestgen/xml/ -tests=system
b. //go:generate testgen -dir=../gotestgen/xml/ -tests=system,prepareQF,acceptQF

2.the generated xml file should provide some basic information about the test, which includes "MethodCalls", "SystemParameterTypes", "InputType", "OracleType" (all with names) and "SystemParameters".
For example:

            <Field Name="NumberOfWorker" Type="int"></Field>
        <InputType Name="VoteInput" Type="VoteInput">
            <Field Name="WorkerID" Type="WorkerID"></Field>
            <Field Name="VoteValue" Type="VoteEnum"></Field>
        <OracleType Name="DecisionOracle" Type="DecisionSlice">
            <Field Name="WorkerID" Type="WorkerID"></Field>
            <Field Name="DecisionValue" Type="DecisionEnum"></Field>
        <OracleType Name="FinalDecision" Type="DecisionEnum"></OracleType>

For any method names provided by "MethodCalls", the tester of the generated test adapter has an function executor "funcExecutor" to execute these method calls to interact with SUT:

// funcExecutor is used to executed different method calls to SUT.
func funcExecutor(t *testing.T, tester interface{}, funcName string, params ...interface{}) {
	inputArgs := make([]reflect.Value, len(params))
	for i, param := range params {
		inputArgs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(param)
	fn := reflect.ValueOf(tester).MethodByName(funcName)
	if !fn.IsValid() {
		t.Errorf("method '%s' not found", funcName)

Therefore, based on call names of "MethodCalls", an interface will be generated in the tester of the generated test adapter, for example:

type systemTest interface {
	SendVote(v *TestValue)
	OutputChecker(cs *SystemTestCases)
// TODO: implement start method to setup and start SUT
func (t tester) Start() {}
// TODO: implement method call to SUT
func (t tester) SendVote(v *TestValue) {}
// TODO: implement outputChecker method
func (t tester) OutputChecker(cs *SystemTestCases) {} 

The user needs to implement these methods to interact with the SUT.
3.if the test involves concurrent executions, then the xml format should give the information of "concurrent" and "sequential" execution call names.
for example, the test case below involves two concurrent calls ("SendVote") executed concurrently and followed by another "SendVote" call sequentially:

 <TestCase ID="1">
                <Call Name="SendVote">
                <Call Name="SendVote">
            <Call Name="SendVote">


All current examples to generate reader and tester are in xml folder.
testsystemtpc.xml is an example xml format for generating a test adapter that can perform concurrent executions of the system by invoking different calls provided in the xml file.
testsystem_paxos.xml and testunit_paxos.xml are the example of xml format for generating a test adapter for testing non concurrent executions.


In terminal, under gotestgen, run: make
(note: users need to choose where they want to install the tool by updating Makefile)


A Go implementation of the test adapter generator







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