Sample code for the suggested database schema for the application. Contains SQLAlchemy models defining the tables, columns and relationships.
NOTE: All commands should be executed from project root directory.
docker build -t volman .
To start the Postgres database separately as a background process:
docker compose up -d postgres
To initialize or upgrade the database:
docker compose up db-init
To start the PGAdmin app (use the '-d' flag to run in background):
docker compose up pgadmin
To Create a new revision using Flask-Alembic:
Set the environment variable REVISION_MSG with an short message about the revision and then run db-rev service.
REVISION_MSG="<enter message here>" docker compose up db-rev
NOTE: Be sure Postgres is running!
After generating the migration script, review and adjust as needed. Update down_revision
if not properly updated.
To add or remove dependencies:
NOTE: Be sure poetry has been installed on your machine. On Mac, use brew install poetry
poetry add <package_name>
poetry add requests
poetry remove <package_name>
poetry remove requests
poetry install