- Swamp Colors: #4c763c #6a7039
- bushy leaves (VT)
- brown bed be cardboard box (sort of)
- levers be copper
- detector rails be viney powerlines
- lilypads be duckweeds
- sculk and cobwebs be goopy (sort of)
- Kelp blocks be garbage bags
- verdant frog lights be monitors
- LB Carpet be LB Concrete
- Custom Sticks (3)
- Raens' Stick 2439522
- brown bed be cardboard box (fix it)
- sculk and cobwebs be goopy (add animations/variations)
- Reinforced Deepslate be Rusty Iron - reinforced deepslate and iron are both "fixed" with no blockstates
- spruce buttons be brown pebbles
- black candles be bag ties
- redstone wire be floor cables
- sculk sensors or infested stone be explodey eggs
- endermites be zurks
- villagers be Companions
- stack/shelf of books
- single book (journal)
- postcards from papers
- poncho
- Written Card
- Faux Painting (secret door?)
- Number signs
- Apartment identifiers
- Shop Logos
- Queen Meanie's Crown
- Warped: hyphae (axis), nylium (fixed), planks (fixed), wart block (fixed), stem/stripped (axis), slab/doubleslab (fixed)