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This is a demo for CDNBye Android SDK v3.
Download demo apk here
Android Version Support: Kitkat 4.4(API level >= 19)
- Clone the project
- Install dependencies by gradle
- Download the latest version SDK swarmcloud.jar and datachannel.aar,then copy it to app/libs
- Run on real device
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- ios-p2p-engine - iOS Video P2P Engine for Any Player.
- flutter-p2p-engine - Live/VOD P2P Engine for Flutter, contributed by mjl0602.
- hlsjs-p2p-engine - Web Video Delivery Technology with No Plugins.
We have collected some frequently asked questions. Before reporting an issue, please search if the FAQ has the answer to your problem.
Email:[email protected]
Telegram: @cdnbye
Skype: live:86755838