NOTE: The package is not yet officially available for public use. Please do respect our wish by not installing the package until this note is removed. Thank you!
The goal of eccficm
is to provide new distance correlation/covariance
type of measures for testing independence between two random vectors
using the expected conditional characteristic function-based
independence criterion (ECCFIC) method developed by Yin and Yuan
(2019) and Ke and Yin (2019).
The method is nonparametric, can detect both linear and nonlinear
dependencies, and overcomes many challenges/limitations of independence
Although the package is based on both ECD measures (Yin and Yuan 2019) and ECCFIC measures (Ke and Yin 2019), we chose to use only ECCFIC in the name of the package because ECD belongs to the family of generalized ECCFIC measures. However, to preserve the unique implementations of the different methods from the two papers (Yin and Yuan 2019; Ke and Yin 2019), different R functions are separately created and made available for the ECD measures as well as the ECCFIC measures. As a result, R functions based on ECD are either named “ecd” or prefixed by “ecd”, with the ECCFIC related R functions also named in a similar fashion.
Once the package becomes officially available, the following two options will be available for installation.
You can install the development version of eccficm
GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
You can install the released version of eccficm
CRAN with:
The main functions are ecd
, eccfic
, ecd.test
, and eccfic.test
described below.
: compute the covariance and correlation type statistics. -
: perform a permutation test of independence based on the ECD and ECCFIC correlation and covariance type statistics, respectively. -
: generates optional data for feature screening based on some specific models. -
: Performs the sure independence feature screening using correlation learning between each predictor and the response.
Although the slicing method for
is not very sensitive to the number of slices (ns), it is suggested that the number of data points in each slice should exceed 5 but not close to n/2, where n is the sample size.
In this example, we use the aircraft data available in the sm
in R. The data contains six characteristics of aircraft designs in the
twentieth century. We consider two variables, wing span (m) and maximum
speed (km/h) in period 3 with 230 observations. Our goal is to test the
independence of log(Span) and log(Speed) using ECCFIC correlations as
test statistics. Results based on Pearson’s product-moment correlatoin
and distance correlation are included for comparison. 999 replicates
are used for the permutation test.
We first load the sm
package to get access to the aircraft
data and
filter the aircraft
data to obtain data for just the third brand time
# get the aircraft data
data("aircraft", package = "sm")
# get data for the third brand time period
aircraft_p3 <- aircraft[aircraft$Period==3, ]
attach(aircraft_p3) # expose variable names to the R search path
Create a scatter plot to explore the relationship between log(Speed)
and log(Span)
ggplot(aircraft_p3, aes(log(Span), log(Speed))) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.8, size=3, shape=1) +
geom_smooth(method = "loess", se=F) +
# plot(log(Speed), log(Span))
The above graph suggests the existence of some sort of association
between Speed
and Span
which appears to be nonlinear. In the
subsequent codes we will use the hypothesis testing functions in the
package as well as one from the energy
and stats
to determine if there is enough evidence to conclude on the observed
At this point we load our software package eccficm
Let’s first take a look at the eccfic
# compute ecd statistics
ecd(log(Speed), log(Span), ns=10)
#> $ecdCov
#> [1] 0.2950304
#> $ecdCor
#> [1] 0.3286453
#> $ecdVarX
#> [1] 0.8977167
# compute eccfic statistics
eccfic(log(Speed), log(Span), est = 'slice', ns=10)
#> $eccfic
#> [1] 0.08586636
#> $eccficCor
#> [1] 0.1538209
The alternative hypothesis of interest is that
is a function oflog(Span)
. In other words, we want to test whether thelog(Speed)
depends onlog(Span)
We first test the independence of log(Speed)
and log(Span)
with the
function. We use 10 slices for the slicing estimation, ECD
correlation as test statistic, and perform 999 permutations.
ecd.test(log(Speed), log(Span), est="slice", ns=10, ts="ecdcor", B=999)
#> ecdCor permutation test of independence - Estimation Method: Slicing
#> data: X -> log(Speed) , Y -> log(Span) , Replicates = 999
#> ecdCor = 0.32865, p-value = 0.001
#> alternative hypothesis: X is not independent of Y
#> sample estimates:
#> ecdCor ecdCov ecdVar(X)
#> 0.3286453 0.2950304 0.8977167
Using the ECD correlation as test statistic, we obtain a p-value of 0.001.
Similarly, we use the eccfic.test
function with 10 slices for its
slicing estimation, ECCFIC correlation as test statistic, and 999 total
permutations. The p-value for this test is also 0.001.
eccfic.test(log(Speed), log(Span), est="slice", ns=10, ts="eccficcor", B=999)
#> eccficCor permutation test of independence - Estimation Method:
#> Slicing on Y
#> data: X -> log(Speed) , Y -> log(Span) , Replicates = 999
#> eccficCor = 0.15382, p-value = 0.001
#> alternative hypothesis: X is not independent of Y
#> sample estimates:
#> eccfic eccficCor
#> 0.08586636 0.15382091
Finally, we compare the results for our independence measures with that
of the distance correlation with the same number of permutations as well
as the Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The DC independence testing
function is available in the energy
package. Interestingly, using DC
as test statistic produces the same p-value of 0.001
. However, the
p-value associated with the test based on Pearson’s correlation is
# Distance correlation as test statistic
energy::dcor.test(log(Speed), log(Span), R=999)
#> dCor independence test (permutation test)
#> data: index 1, replicates 999
#> dCor = 0.28045, p-value = 0.001
#> sample estimates:
#> dCov dCor dVar(X) dVar(Y)
#> 0.1218536 0.2804530 0.4872107 0.3874712
# Pearson's product-moment as test statistic
stats::cor.test(log(Speed), log(Span))
#> Pearson's product-moment correlation
#> data: log(Speed) and log(Span)
#> t = 0.25349, df = 228, p-value = 0.8001
#> alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> -0.1128179 0.1458274
#> sample estimates:
#> cor
#> 0.01678556
From the above outputs of test results, despite the nonlinear relation between wing span and maximum speed, the
functions returned a very small p-value of0.001
, suggesting that maximum speed of the aircraft depends on its wing span. This shows how sensitive distance correlation and ECCFIC correlations are to nonlinear associations. On the other hand, the Pearson’s correlation test suggested no evidence of association, showing how Pearson’s correlation cannot detect non-linear associations if one truly exists. Moreover, we see how comparable our measures are to the distance correlation.
Ke, Chenlu, and Xiangrong Yin. 2019. “Expected Conditional Characteristic Function-Based Measures for Testing Independence.” Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Yin, Xiangrong, and Qingcong Yuan. 2019. “A New Class of Measures for Testing Independence.” Statistica Sinica.