- The current implementation doesn't complete and solid, so it probably gonna break.
This tool designed to make mappings for json files with fluent api. It uses internally System.Text.Json's JsonNodes. It can cache too. The caching is used to save frequently called mapped properties. Upcoming features are
- Save your profiles with EfCore, treat them like objects.
- Finish options pattern and be able to choose different cache providers and methods and other options.
- Integration with ABP.IO's Extension Properties
Firstly, you have to call UseJapper()
and MapProfiles()
in your Application Startup file.
To activate japper add
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
var app = builder.Build();
// Map profiles at runtime
Create seperate class and derive it from IProfileSource
, do your mappings. It is automatically discovered in runtime when you call MapProfiles();
public class MyProfile : IProfileSource {
//This method helps Japper to map your profile.
public async Task<Profile> Map(){
return ProfileCreator.NewProfile("profileName")
Simply inject the IJapper
to your class and do the following
public class MyService {
private readonly IJapperEngine _japperEngine;
public MyService(IJapper japper){
_japperEngine = japper.From<MyProfile>(jsonFile);
public void DoSomething(){
int valueFromJapper = _japperEngine.GetField<int>("fieldName");