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All URIs are relative to, except if the operation defines another base path.

Method HTTP request Description
getQuestion() GET /ai/question Get an answer to a question about a given web page


getQuestion($url, $question, $context_limit, $response_tokens, $on_context_limit, $headers, $timeout, $js, $js_timeout, $proxy, $country, $device, $error_on_404, $error_on_redirect, $js_script): string

Get an answer to a question about a given web page

Returns the answer in plain text. Proxies and Chromium JavaScript rendering are used for page retrieval and processing, then the answer is extracted using an LLM model.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api_key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('api_key', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\AIApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$url =; // string | URL of the target page.
$question = What is the summary of this page content?; // string | Question or instructions to ask the LLM model about the target page.
$context_limit = 4000; // int | Maximum number of tokens to use as context for the LLM model (4000 by default).
$response_tokens = 100; // int | Maximum number of tokens to return in the LLM model response. The total context size (context_limit) includes the question, the target page content and the response, so this parameter reserves tokens for the response (see also on_context_limit).
$on_context_limit = truncate; // string | What to do if the context_limit parameter is exceeded (truncate by default). The context is exceeded when the target page content is too long.
$headers = {"Cookie":"session=some_id"}; // array<string,string> | HTTP headers to pass to the target page. Can be specified either via a nested query parameter (...&headers[One]=value1&headers=[Another]=value2) or as a JSON encoded object (...&headers={\"One\": \"value1\", \"Another\": \"value2\"}).
$timeout = 10000; // int | Maximum web page retrieval time in ms. Increase it in case of timeout errors (10000 by default, maximum is 30000).
$js = true; // bool | Execute on-page JavaScript using a headless browser (true by default).
$js_timeout = 2000; // int | Maximum JavaScript rendering time in ms. Increase it in case if you see a loading indicator instead of data on the target page.
$proxy = datacenter; // string | Type of proxy, use residential proxies if your site restricts traffic from datacenters (datacenter by default). Note that residential proxy requests are more expensive than datacenter, see the pricing page for details.
$country = us; // string | Country of the proxy to use (US by default). Only available on Startup and Custom plans.
$device = desktop; // string | Type of device emulation.
$error_on_404 = false; // bool | Return error on 404 HTTP status on the target page (false by default).
$error_on_redirect = false; // bool | Return error on redirect on the target page (false by default).
$js_script = document.querySelector('button').click();; // string | Custom JavaScript code to execute on the target page.

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getQuestion($url, $question, $context_limit, $response_tokens, $on_context_limit, $headers, $timeout, $js, $js_timeout, $proxy, $country, $device, $error_on_404, $error_on_redirect, $js_script);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AIApi->getQuestion: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
url string URL of the target page.
question string Question or instructions to ask the LLM model about the target page. [optional]
context_limit int Maximum number of tokens to use as context for the LLM model (4000 by default). [optional] [default to 4000]
response_tokens int Maximum number of tokens to return in the LLM model response. The total context size (context_limit) includes the question, the target page content and the response, so this parameter reserves tokens for the response (see also on_context_limit). [optional] [default to 100]
on_context_limit string What to do if the context_limit parameter is exceeded (truncate by default). The context is exceeded when the target page content is too long. [optional] [default to 'error']
headers array<string,string> HTTP headers to pass to the target page. Can be specified either via a nested query parameter (...&headers[One]=value1&headers=[Another]=value2) or as a JSON encoded object (...&headers={&quot;One&quot;: &quot;value1&quot;, &quot;Another&quot;: &quot;value2&quot;}). [optional]
timeout int Maximum web page retrieval time in ms. Increase it in case of timeout errors (10000 by default, maximum is 30000). [optional] [default to 10000]
js bool Execute on-page JavaScript using a headless browser (true by default). [optional] [default to true]
js_timeout int Maximum JavaScript rendering time in ms. Increase it in case if you see a loading indicator instead of data on the target page. [optional] [default to 2000]
proxy string Type of proxy, use residential proxies if your site restricts traffic from datacenters (datacenter by default). Note that residential proxy requests are more expensive than datacenter, see the pricing page for details. [optional] [default to 'datacenter']
country string Country of the proxy to use (US by default). Only available on Startup and Custom plans. [optional] [default to 'us']
device string Type of device emulation. [optional] [default to 'desktop']
error_on_404 bool Return error on 404 HTTP status on the target page (false by default). [optional] [default to false]
error_on_redirect bool Return error on redirect on the target page (false by default). [optional] [default to false]
js_script string Custom JavaScript code to execute on the target page. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/html

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