Application Screening data type: csv size: 195MB binary classification problem
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir weights
mkdir data
mkdir results
git lfs install
git lfs track "*.csv"
git add .gitattributes
Download fastText Word Vector - Unzip the downloaded file, and save into data
As running the preprocessing steps requires a lot of time, we therefore save all the processed data in this GDrive
To rerun the preprocessing steps, follow the following sections.
In benchmark.yaml, edit all the necessary input path. For example, word_path: data/crawl-300d-2M.vec is required to be directed to the dir where the fastText word vector is at.
In benchmark.yaml, make sure the following keys are modified to point to the rightful unprocessed raw train/test/resources csv:
- train: data/train.csv
- test: data/test.csv
- resources: data/resources.csv
Run the following to preprocess the data (this process may take a while as there are many feature engineerings involved):
python -m preprocess
After running, the following processed csv will be output:
- data/train_processed.csv
- data/test_processed.csv
We run USE over all text columns once, and save the encoded vectors via the following command:
python -m save_use_text
After running, the following joblib files will be output:
- data/train_use.joblib
- data/test_use.joblib
This section briefly describes how to modify the config yaml file benchmark.yaml, so as to run different experimental settings. To be specific, we present 2 environmental set ups:
- benchmark model setup
- multi-channel USE model
In benchmark.yaml, edit all the necessary input path. For example, word_path: data/crawl-300d-2M.vec is required to be directed to the dir where the fastText word vector is at.
Also, ensure the following directories are modified:
- train: data/train_processed.csv
- test: data/test_processed.csv
- train_use: data/train_use.joblib
- test_use: data/test_use.joblib
For benchmark model, only set those labeled with #benchmark in benchmark.yaml as true.
And also ensure the following keys to output submission csv files:
- train_output_csv: benchmark_train.csv #to be changed for each experiment
- test_output_csv: benchmark_train_test.csv #to be changed for each experiment
train_output_csv is for ensemble learning later on
test_output_csv is for kaggle submission
Run the following to train the model:
python -m benchmark
The model trained under this experimental set up correspond to the model Model: Benchmark and Features: Benchmark stated in the report, with Kaggle public score of 0.70631.
For multi-channel USE model, ensure those labeled with #benchmark in benchmark.yaml as true. But also change the embedding section to the following:
# Text - only set one of them to be True
tfidf: False #benchmark
use: True
word_vector: False
word_path: data/crawl-300d-2M.vec
And also ensure the following keys to output submission csv files:
- train_output_csv: use_train.csv #to be changed for each experiment
- test_output_csv: use_train_test.csv #to be changed for each experiment
train_output_csv is for ensemble learning later on
test_output_csv is for kaggle submission
Run the following to train the model:
python -m benchmark
The model trained under this experimental set up correspond to the model Model: USE MC and Features: Benchmark stated in the report, with Kaggle public score of 0.75960.
Before writing the script, make sure that all the csv files which contain the predication probabilities for both the training set and test set for the 7 base models are present inside a folder called results.
Specially, we will need the following 14 csv files in the folder results:
- 'rfc_best_test.csv',
- 'lgbm_best_test.csv',
- 'word_vector_best_test.csv',
- 'xgboost_best_test.csv',
- 'ftrl_best_test.csv',
- 'nn_use_best_test.csv',
- 'dpcnn_s2.3_countenco_test.csv'
- 'rfc_best_train.csv',
- 'lgbm_best_train.csv',
- 'word_vector_train.csv',
- 'xgboost_best_train.csv',
- 'ftrl_best_train.csv',
- 'nn_use_best_train.csv',
- 'dpcnn_s2.3_countenco_train.csv'
Run the following to ensemble the base models:
python -m ensemble_learning
After running is completed, the final result output will be called "ensemble_output.csv" and it is stored in results.