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feat: 生成中文拼音关键字
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Reamd7 committed Aug 27, 2021
1 parent 4d81edc commit 5ec473f
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Showing 5 changed files with 192 additions and 53 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions json/fuzzySearchKeywords.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
"action.backgroundColor.default.fuzzySearchKeyword": "Default Black White 默认 moren mo'ren 黑 hei 白 bai",
"action.backgroundColor.gray.fuzzySearchKeyword": "Grey Gray background 灰色 huise hui'se 背景 beijing bei'jing",
"action.databaseLock.fuzzySearchKeywords": "数据库 shujuku shu'ju'ku 锁定 suoding suo'ding",
"action.fontSmallText.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Font Small Text 字体 ziti zi'ti 字号 zihao zi'hao 小字 xiaozi xiao'zi",
"action.foregroundColor.gray.fuzzySearchKeyword": "Grey Gray 灰色 huise hui'se",
"action.fullWidth.fuzzySearchKeywords": "全 quan 宽 kuan",
"action.insertInlineEquation.fuzzySearchKeyword": "LaTeX Math Inline Equation $ TeX LaTex 方程式 fangchengshi fang'cheng'shi 数学 shuxue shu'xue 行内 hangnei hang'nei 公式 gongshi gong'shi",
"action.lastUsedHighlight.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Color last used 上次使用的颜色 shangcishiyongdeyanse shang'ci'shi'yong'de'yan'se 上次 shangci shang'ci 使用 shiyong shi'yong 颜色 yanse yan'se",
"action.pageLock.fuzzySearchKeywords": "锁定 suoding suo'ding 页面 yemian ye'mian",
"action.section.background.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Color Background 颜色 yanse yan'se 背景 beijing bei'jing",
"action.setPageFont.default.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Font Default 字体 ziti zi'ti 默认 moren mo'ren",
"action.setPageFont.mono.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Font Mono 字体 ziti zi'ti 等宽体 dengkuanti deng'kuan'ti",
"action.setPageFont.serif.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Font Serif 字体 ziti zi'ti 衬线体 chenxianti chen'xian'ti",
"action.wrapCode.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Wrap Code 代码 daima dai'ma 换行 huanhang huan'hang",
"newBlock.abstract.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Abstract",
"": "Audio Sound Music 音频 yinpin yin'pin 音效 yinxiao yin'xiao 声音 shengyin sheng'yin 音乐 yinyue yin'yue",
"newBlock.bookmark.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Web Link Bookmark 网页 wangye wang'ye 链接 lianjie lian'jie 书签 shuqian shu'qian",
"newBlock.breadcrumb.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Breadcrumb 面包屑 mianbaoxie mian'bao'xie 页面路径 yemianlujing ye'mian'lu'jing 路径 lujing lu'jing",
"newBlock.bulletedList.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Bulleted Unordered List 项目符号 xiangmufuhao xiang'mu'fu'hao 无序 wuxu wu'xu 列表 liebiao lie'biao",
"newBlock.callout.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Callout 标注 biaozhu biao'zhu",
"newBlock.code.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Code ``` 代码 daima dai'ma",
"newBlock.codepen.fuzzySearchKeywords": "CodePen Codepen",
"newBlock.divider.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Horizontal Rule Divider --- —- 水平 shuiping shui'ping 分隔线 fengexian fen'ge'xian 分割尺 fengechi fen'ge'chi —— ",
"": "Google Drive 谷歌 guge gu'ge 网盘 wangpan wang'pan 云盘 yunpan yun'pan",
"newBlock.embed.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Embed iFrame 嵌入 qianru qian'ru",
"newBlock.equation.fuzzySearchKeywords": "LaTeX Math Block Equation $$ 数学 shuxue shu'xue 区块 qukuai qu'kuai 方程式 fangchengshi fang'cheng'shi 公式 gongshi gong'shi 算式 suanshi suan'shi 等式 dengshi deng'shi 表达式 biaodashi biao'da'shi",
"newBlock.excalidraw.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Excalidraw Xcalidro",
"newBlock.factory.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Template Duplicate Button 模板 muban mu'ban 复制 fuzhi fu'zhi 按钮 anniu an'niu 副本 fuben fu'ben",
"newBlock.figma.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Figma",
"newBlock.file.fuzzySearchKeywords": "File 文件 wenjian wen'jian",
"newBlock.framer.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Framer",
"newBlock.fullPageBoard.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Board - Full page 看板 kanban kan'ban 整页 zhengye zheng'ye",
"newBlock.fullPageCalendar.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Calendar - Full page 日历 rili ri'li 整页 zhengye zheng'ye",
"newBlock.fullPageGallery.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Gallery - Full page 画廊 hualang hua'lang 整页 zhengye zheng'ye",
"newBlock.fullPageList.fuzzySearchKeywords": "List - Full page 列表 liebiao lie'biao 整页 zhengye zheng'ye",
"newBlock.fullPageTable.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Table - Full page 表格 biaoge biao'ge 整页 zhengye zheng'ye",
"newBlock.fullPageTimeline.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Timeline - Full page 时间轴 shijianzhou shi'jian'zhou 整页 zhengye zheng'ye",
"newBlock.gist.fuzzySearchKeywords": "GitHub Gist",
"newBlock.header.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Heading 1 # 标题 biaoti biao'ti",
"newBlock.image.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Image Picture 图片 tupian tu'pian 图像 tuxiang tu'xiang 图形 tuxing tu'xing",
"newBlock.inlineBoard.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Board - Inline 看板 kanban kan'ban 内嵌 neiqian nei'qian",
"newBlock.inlineCalendar.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Calendar - Inline 日历 rili ri'li 内嵌 neiqian nei'qian",
"newBlock.inlineGallery.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Gallery - Inline 画廊 hualang hua'lang 内嵌 neiqian nei'qian",
"newBlock.inlineList.fuzzySearchKeywords": "List - Inline 列表 liebiao lie'biao 内嵌 neiqian nei'qian",
"newBlock.inlineTable.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Table - Inline 表格 biaoge biao'ge 内联 neilian nei'lian",
"newBlock.inlineTimeline.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Timeline - Inline 时间轴-内联 shijianzhou-neilian shi'jian'zhou'-'nei'lian",
"newBlock.invision.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Invision",
"newBlock.linkToCollection.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Create linked database 创建 chuangjian chuang'jian 链接 lianjie lian'jie 数据库 shujuku shu'ju'ku",
"newBlock.linkToPage.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Link to page ltp 链接 lianjie lian'jie 页面 yemian ye'mian",
"newBlock.loom.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Loom",
"newBlock.maps.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Google Maps 谷歌 guge gu'ge 地图 ditu di'tu",
"newBlock.miro.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Miro",
"newBlock.numberedList.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Numbered Ordered List 编号 bianhao bian'hao 有序 youxu you'xu 列表 liebiao lie'biao 序号 xuhao xu'hao",
"": "Page 页面 yemian ye'mian",
"newBlock.pdf.fuzzySearchKeywords": "PDF P'D'F",
"newBlock.quote.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Quote 引用 yinyong yin'yong",
"newBlock.replit.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Replit Repl",
"newBlock.sketch.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Sketch",
"newBlock.subHeader.fuzzySearchKeywords": "sub heading 2 ## 子标题 zibiaoti zi'biao'ti 副标题 fubiaoti fu'biao'ti 中标题 zhongbiaoti zhong'biao'ti",
"newBlock.subSubHeader.fuzzySearchKeywords": "sub heading 3 ### 小标题 xiaobiaoti xiao'biao'ti 子标题 zibiaoti zi'biao'ti",
"newBlock.tableOfContents.fuzzySearchKeywords": "TOC Table of Contents 目录 mulu mu'lu 大纲 dagang da'gang",
"newBlock.text.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Plain Text 纯文本 chunwenben chun'wen'ben 文本 wenben wen'ben 纯文字 chunwenzi chun'wen'zi 文字 wenzi wen'zi",
"newBlock.toDo.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Todo To-Do Checkbox List 待办 daiban dai'ban 待办事项 daibanshixiang dai'ban'shi'xiang 复选框 fuxuankuang fu'xuan'kuang 清单 qingdan qing'dan 列表 liebiao lie'biao",
"newBlock.toggle.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Toggle list 切换 qiehuan qie'huan 列表 liebiao lie'biao 切换列表 qiehuanliebiao qie'huan'lie'biao",
"newBlock.transclusionContainer.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Create synced block reference transclusion portal embed 同步 tongbu tong'bu",
"newBlock.tweet.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Tweet 推文 tuiwen tui'wen",
"newBlock.typeform.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Typeform",
"": "Video 视频 shipin shi'pin",
"newBlock.whimsical.fuzzySearchKeywords": "Whimsical"

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