We 💚 building apps with React Native, because it helps us create high quality products for both major mobile platforms quickly and cost-effectively.
Getting started on a new app just takes too damn long, though. Most apps need the same basic building blocks and developer infrastructure, and we are bored of reinventing the wheel time and time again.
This Starter Kit reflects the best practices of React Native development we have discovered while building real-world applications for our customers. It is opinionated about tooling, patterns and development practices. It might not be a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone, but feel free to customize it for your needs, or just take inspiration from it.
React Native Starter Kit is a part of Pepperoni, a framework for kickstarting digital product development.
Not all of the below is yet fully implemented
- Always up-to-date React Native scaffolding
- Modular and well-documented structure for application code
- Redux and ImmutableJS for safe and Reasonaboutable™️ state management
- Redux Loop for Elm-style controlled side effects
- Redux-managed Navigators for Stack-based and Tabbed navigation with NavigationExperimental
- Disk-persisted application state caching for offline support and snappy startup performance
- Clean and testable service layer for interacting with RESTful APIs
⚠️ Sample app to show how to wire it all together- ⭐ JSON Web Token authentication
- ⭐ Multi-environment configuration (dev, staging, production) for iOS and Android
- ⭐ Built-in error handling and customizable error screens
- Mocha for unit testing application code
- Enzyme and fully mocked React Native for unit testing UI components
- Istanbul code coverage
- Utilities for end-to-end integration testing Redux state, including side effects and asynchronous actions
- Auth0 for ready-to-use login and signup screens, user authentication and identity management
- Bitrise.io configurations for Continuous Integration and beta app distribution
⚠️ Google Tag Manager analytics- ⭐ Microsoft Code Push for Continuous Deployment and instant app updates
- TODO Crash reporting
- TODO Android and iOS UI Testing with Calaba.sh?
- TODO Feature flags?
To build your own app on top of the Starter Kit, fork or mirror this repository. Because you can't rename a fork, for serious use we recommend mirroring using these instructions. To contribute to Starter Kit development or just playing around, forking is the way to go.
First, give your application a name by running ./support/rename.sh YourAppName
Once you have the code downloaded, follow the Setup guide to get started.
After you have set up the project using above instructions, you can use your favorite IDE or text editor to write code, and run the application from the command line. Turn on React Native hot module reloading in the app developer menu to update your application as you code.
To learn how to structure your application and use the Redux application architecture, read the Architecture guide for more details.
$ react-native run-ios
(If using the stock emulator, the emulator must be running)
$ react-native run-android
$ npm test
$ npm run test:watch
$ npm run coverage
Read the Testing guide for more information about writing tests.
Read the Deployment guide to learn how to deploy the application to test devices, app stores, and how to use Code Push to push updates to your users immediately.
If you find any problems, please open an issue or submit a fix as a pull request.
We welcome new features, but for large changes let's discuss first to make sure the changes can be accepted and integrated smoothly.
This project was initially motivated by Snowflake, a React Native boilerplate by Barton Hammond. It shares some features and design principles for Pepperoni, but it wasn't the right fit for our needs. At this time Snowflake is more mature, so if you like Pepperoni but didn't agree with something we are doing, you should check it out to see if it's a good fit for your app.# RocketChat-ReactNative