Releases: vtx22/SPARQ
Releases · vtx22/SPARQ
SPARQ v0.4.1 Release
Implementation of thread safe serial port access
Detection of device disconnect to automatically close the port
Fixes for application crashes when device is disconnected while the port is open
Fixes for application crashes when device is sending data before port is open
SPARQ v0.4.0 Release
Graphics settings for VSync and antialiasing control
Color settings with plot colormap selector
Code cleanups
Changes to config.ini format for bools
Make all notification window durations fixed to 3s for success and 5s for errors
Made the STM32 sender classes public
SPARQ v0.3.1 Release
Important fixes for mutex locking to ensure GUI loop has opportunity to claim mutex
Important additions of missing mutex locks for data related values
Downsampling Settings
SPARQ v0.3.0 Release
Implemented simple downsampling/decimation if there are more than 50k samples in view
Refactor: All window classes now inherit from a base Window class
Prepare settings window for next release
SPARQ v0.2.0 Release
Implement handling of new message type BULK_SINGLE_ID
Transfer SPARQ format documentation to this repo
Code refactoring of sparq_message_t buffer parsing
Add imgui.ini to repo and to release versions
SPARQ v0.1.0 Release
First basic release
Multithreaded serial read
Line Plot
Message formats: ID/Value, String
Data types: float, int32, uint32, string
Console printing
Measure markers
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