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Microsoft Common Data Model Schema Extraction, in python

Script ( implements a class for schema extraction from Microsoft CDM (json) files. The script extracts pairs of attribute names and types for the input cdm.json file.


Microsoft Common Data Model (CDM) Schema files


The implementation is in python. The repository includes the below source files:  : Common Data Model Schema Extraction class. : Example usage code of the Common Data Model Schema Extraction class.

Execution Examples

The below examples assume that the CDM files (reference [1]) are stored in the ./CDM relevant path.

Example 1: Sales -> Opportunity (version 1.0) Schema Extraction

$python ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/foundationCommon/crmCommon/sales/Opportunity.1.0.cdm.json ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/ ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/

CDM class, path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/foundationCommon/crmCommon/sales/Opportunity.1.0.cdm.json, core_path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/, base_path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/
Document ID: {'entityName': 'Opportunity', 'extendsEntity': 'CdsStandard', 'versionNumber': '1.0'}

Read attributes of the core_entity = CdsStandard
- Core file path: ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/wellKnownCDSAttributeGroups.1.0.cdm.json
- Attributes: ['cdsCreationModificationDatesAndIds', 'cdsOwnershipInfo', 'cdsTimeZoneInfo', 'cdsVersionTracking']
- Parsing members of cdsCreationModificationDatesAndIds
- Parsing members of cdsOwnershipInfo
- Parsing members of cdsTimeZoneInfo
- Parsing members of cdsVersionTracking

Read attributes of the document, parsing members.

Number of attributes in the schema Opportunity, version 1.0: 121
  1. createdOn                       : dateTime
  2. createdby                       : userId
  3. modifiedOn                      : dateTime
  4. modifiedby                      : userId
  5. createdonbehalfby               : userId
  6. modifiedonbehalfby              : userId
  7. overriddenCreatedOn             : dateTime
  8. importSequenceNumber            : integer
  9. ownerid                         : entityId
 10. ownerIdType                     : entityName
 11. owningbusinessunit              : entityId
 12. owninguser                      : userId
 13. owningteam                      : entityId
 14. timeZoneRuleVersionNumber       : integer
 15. UTCConversionTimeZoneCode       : integer
 16. versionNumber                   : cdsVersionNumber
 17. opportunityId                   : entityId
 18. emailAddress                    : email
 19. name                            : name
 20. processId                       : guid
 21. stageId                         : guid
 22. traversedPath                   : string
 23. actualCloseDate                 : dateTime
 24. actualValue                     : currency
 25. transactioncurrencyid           : entityId
 26. exchangeRate                    : decimal
 27. actualValueBase                 : baseCurrency
 28. budgetAmount                    : currency
 29. budgetAmountBase                : baseCurrency
 30. budgetStatus                    : listLookup
 31. budgetStatus_display            : localizedDisplayText
 32. closeProbability                : integer
 33. completeInternalReview          : boolean
 34. confirmInterest                 : boolean
 35. currentSituation                : string
 36. customerid                      : entityId
 37. customerIdType                  : entityName
 38. customerNeed                    : string
 39. customerPainPoints              : string
 40. decisionMaker                   : boolean
 41. description                     : string
 42. developProposal                 : boolean
 43. discountAmount                  : currency
 44. discountAmountBase              : baseCurrency
 45. discountPercentage              : decimal
 46. estimatedCloseDate              : dateTime
 47. estimatedValue                  : currency
 48. estimatedValueBase              : baseCurrency
 49. evaluateFit                     : boolean
 50. resolveFeedback                 : boolean
 51. fileDebrief                     : boolean
 52. completeFinalProposal           : boolean
 53. finalDecisionDate               : dateTime
 54. freightAmount                   : currency
 55. freightAmountBase               : baseCurrency
 56. initialCommunication            : listLookup
 57. initialCommunication_display    : localizedDisplayText
 58. isRevenueSystemCalculated       : boolean
 59. need                            : listLookup
 60. need_display                    : localizedDisplayText
 61. opportunityRatingCode           : listLookup
 62. opportunityRatingCode_display   : localizedDisplayText
 63. parentaccountid                 : entityId
 64. parentcontactid                 : entityId
 65. participatesInWorkflow          : boolean
 66. pricelevelid                    : entityId
 67. pricingErrorCode                : listLookup
 68. pricingErrorCode_display        : localizedDisplayText
 69. priorityCode                    : listLookup
 70. priorityCode_display            : localizedDisplayText
 71. purchaseProcess                 : listLookup
 72. purchaseProcess_display         : localizedDisplayText
 73. purchaseTimeFrame               : listLookup
 74. purchaseTimeFrame_display       : localizedDisplayText
 75. salesStage                      : listLookup
 76. salesStage_display              : localizedDisplayText
 77. salesStageCode                  : listLookup
 78. salesStageCode_display          : localizedDisplayText
 79. presentProposal                 : boolean
 80. captureProposalFeedback         : boolean
 81. proposedSolution                : string
 82. pursuitDecision                 : boolean
 83. qualificationComments           : string
 84. quoteComments                   : string
 85. sendThankYouNote                : boolean
 86. scheduleFollowupProspect        : dateTime
 87. scheduleFollowUpQualify         : dateTime
 88. scheduleProposalMeeting         : dateTime
 89. stateCode                       : listLookup
 90. stateCode_display               : localizedDisplayText
 91. statusCode                      : listLookup
 92. statusCode_display              : localizedDisplayText
 93. stepId                          : guid
 94. stepName                        : name
 95. timeLine                        : listLookup
 96. timeLine_display                : localizedDisplayText
 97. totalAmount                     : currency
 98. totalAmountBase                 : baseCurrency
 99. totalAmountLessFreight          : currency
100. totalAmountLessFreightBase      : baseCurrency
101. totalDiscountAmount             : currency
102. totalDiscountAmountBase         : baseCurrency
103. totalLineItemAmount             : currency
104. totalLineItemAmountBase         : baseCurrency
105. totalLineItemDiscountAmount     : currency
106. totalLineItemDiscountAmountBase : baseCurrency
107. totalTax                        : currency
108. totalTaxBase                    : baseCurrency
109. identifyCustomerContacts        : boolean
110. identifyCompetitors             : boolean
111. identifyPursuitTeam             : boolean
112. presentFinalProposal            : boolean
113. onHoldTime                      : integer
114. lastOnHoldTime                  : dateTime
115. slaid                           : entityId
116. slainvokedid                    : entityId
117. timeSpentByMeOnEmailAndMeetings : email
118. originatingleadid               : entityId
119. accountId                       : entityId
120. contactId                       : entityId
121. campaignid                      : entityId

Example 2: Crm -> Account (version 1.0) Schema Extraction

$python python ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/foundationCommon/crmCommon/Account.1.0.cdm.json ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/ ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/

CDM class, path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/foundationCommon/crmCommon/Account.1.0.cdm.json, core_path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/, base_path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/
Document ID: {'entityName': 'Account', 'extendsEntity': 'base_Account/Account', 'versionNumber': '1.0'}

CDM class, path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/Account.1.0.cdm.json, core_path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/, base_path = None
Document ID: {'entityName': 'Account', 'extendsEntity': 'CdsStandard', 'versionNumber': '1.0'}

Read attributes of the core_entity = CdsStandard
- Core file path: ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/wellKnownCDSAttributeGroups.1.0.cdm.json
- Attributes: ['cdsCreationModificationDatesAndIds', 'cdsOwnershipInfo', 'cdsTimeZoneInfo', 'cdsVersionTracking']
- Parsing members of cdsCreationModificationDatesAndIds
- Parsing members of cdsOwnershipInfo
- Parsing members of cdsTimeZoneInfo
- Parsing members of cdsVersionTracking

Read attributes of the document, parsing members.

Read attributes of the document, parsing members.

Number of attributes in the schema Account, version 1.0: 123
  1. createdOn                            : dateTime
  2. createdby                            : userId
  3. modifiedOn                           : dateTime
  4. modifiedby                           : userId
  5. createdonbehalfby                    : userId
  6. modifiedonbehalfby                   : userId
  7. overriddenCreatedOn                  : dateTime
  8. importSequenceNumber                 : integer
  9. ownerid                              : entityId
 10. ownerIdType                          : entityName
 11. owningbusinessunit                   : entityId
 12. owninguser                           : userId
 13. owningteam                           : entityId
 14. timeZoneRuleVersionNumber            : integer
 15. UTCConversionTimeZoneCode            : integer
 16. versionNumber                        : cdsVersionNumber
 17. accountId                            : entityId
 18. accountCategoryCode                  : listLookup
 19. accountCategoryCode_display          : localizedDisplayText
 20. customerSizeCode                     : listLookup
 21. customerSizeCode_display             : localizedDisplayText
 22. preferredContactMethodCode           : listLookup
 23. preferredContactMethodCode_display   : localizedDisplayText
 24. customerTypeCode                     : listLookup
 25. customerTypeCode_display             : localizedDisplayText
 26. accountRatingCode                    : listLookup
 27. accountRatingCode_display            : localizedDisplayText
 28. industryCode                         : listLookup
 29. industryCode_display                 : localizedDisplayText
 30. territoryCode                        : listLookup
 31. territoryCode_display                : localizedDisplayText
 32. accountClassificationCode            : listLookup
 33. accountClassificationCode_display    : localizedDisplayText
 34. businessTypeCode                     : listLookup
 35. businessTypeCode_display             : localizedDisplayText
 36. traversedPath                        : string
 37. paymentTermsCode                     : listLookup
 38. paymentTermsCode_display             : localizedDisplayText
 39. shippingMethodCode                   : listLookup
 40. shippingMethodCode_display           : localizedDisplayText
 41. primarycontactid                     : entityId
 42. participatesInWorkflow               : boolean
 43. name                                 : name
 44. accountNumber                        : string
 45. revenue                              : currency
 46. numberOfEmployees                    : integer
 47. description                          : string
 48. SIC                                  : string
 49. ownershipCode                        : listLookup
 50. ownershipCode_display                : localizedDisplayText
 51. marketCap                            : currency
 52. sharesOutstanding                    : integer
 53. tickerSymbol                         : tickerSymbol
 54. stockExchange                        : string
 55. webSiteUrl                           : url
 56. ftpSiteUrl                           : url
 57. EMailAddress1                        : email
 58. EMailAddress2                        : email
 59. EMailAddress3                        : email
 60. doNotPhone                           : boolean
 61. doNotFax                             : boolean
 62. telephone1                           : phone
 63. doNotEMail                           : boolean
 64. telephone2                           : phone
 65. fax                                  : string
 66. telephone3                           : phone
 67. doNotPostalMail                      : boolean
 68. doNotBulkEMail                       : boolean
 69. doNotBulkPostalMail                  : boolean
 70. creditLimit                          : currency
 71. creditOnHold                         : boolean
 72. parentaccountid                      : entityId
 73. aging30                              : currency
 74. stateCode                            : listLookup
 75. stateCode_display                    : localizedDisplayText
 76. aging60                              : currency
 77. statusCode                           : listLookup
 78. statusCode_display                   : localizedDisplayText
 79. aging90                              : currency
 80. addressid                            : entityId
 81. preferredAppointmentDayCode          : listLookup
 82. preferredAppointmentDayCode_display  : localizedDisplayText
 83. preferredsystemuserid                : entityId
 84. preferredAppointmentTimeCode         : listLookup
 85. preferredAppointmentTimeCode_display : localizedDisplayText
 86. merged                               : boolean
 87. doNotSendMM                          : boolean
 88. masterid                             : entityId
 89. lastUsedInCampaign                   : dateTime
 90. exchangeRate                         : decimal
 91. transactioncurrencyid                : entityId
 92. creditLimitBase                      : baseCurrency
 93. aging30Base                          : baseCurrency
 94. revenueBase                          : baseCurrency
 95. aging90Base                          : baseCurrency
 96. marketCapBase                        : baseCurrency
 97. aging60Base                          : baseCurrency
 98. yomiName                             : name
 99. stageId                              : guid
100. processId                            : guid
101. entityImageId                        : guid
102. timeSpentByMeOnEmailAndMeetings      : email
103. createdByExternalParty               : entityId
104. modifiedByExternalParty              : entityId
105. primarySatoriId                      : string
106. primaryTwitterId                     : string
107. slaid                                : entityId
108. slainvokedid                         : entityId
109. onHoldTime                           : integer
110. lastOnHoldTime                       : dateTime
111. followEmail                          : boolean
112. marketingOnly                        : boolean
113. originatingleadid                    : entityId
114. preferredequipmentid                 : entityId
115. preferredserviceid                   : entityId
116. territoryid                          : entityId
117. openDeals                            : integer
118. openDealsDate                        : dateTime
119. openDealsState                       : integer
120. openRevenue                          : currency
121. openRevenueBase                      : baseCurrency
122. openRevenueDate                      : dateTime
123. openRevenueState                     : integer

Example 3: Sales -> Discount (version 1.0) Schema Extraction

$python ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/foundationCommon/crmCommon/sales/Discount.1.0.cdm.json ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/ ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/

CDM class, path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/foundationCommon/crmCommon/sales/Discount.1.0.cdm.json, core_path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/, base_path = ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/applicationCommon/
Document ID: {'entityName': 'Discount', 'extendsEntity': 'CdmEntity', 'versionNumber': '1.0'}

Read attributes of the core_entity = CdmEntity
- Core file path: ./CDM/schemaDocuments/core/wellKnownCDSAttributeGroups.1.0.cdm.json
- Attributes: None

Read attributes of the document, parsing members.

Number of attributes in the schema Discount, version 1.0: 25
 1. discountId                : entityId
 2. createdOn                 : dateTime
 3. createdby                 : entityId
 4. modifiedOn                : dateTime
 5. modifiedby                : entityId
 6. createdonbehalfby         : entityId
 7. modifiedonbehalfby        : entityId
 8. versionNumber             : bigInteger
 9. importSequenceNumber      : integer
10. overriddenCreatedOn       : dateTime
11. timeZoneRuleVersionNumber : integer
12. UTCConversionTimeZoneCode : integer
13. name                      : name
14. amount                    : currency
15. transactioncurrencyid     : entityId
16. exchangeRate              : decimal
17. amountBase                : baseCurrency
18. discounttypeid            : entityId
19. highQuantity              : decimal
20. isAmountType              : boolean
21. lowQuantity               : decimal
22. organizationId            : guid
23. percentage                : decimal
24. statusCode                : listLookup
25. statusCode_display        : localizedDisplayText

System Requirements (Dependencies)

The script has been developed and verified in a Python 3.7 environment. Installation details of python, can be found in the following link: Python Installation


  1. Microsoft Common Data Model (CDM) Schema


Schema extraction from Microsoft CDM files, in python.







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